Friday, September 4, 2020
Eulogy for Mother :: Eulogies Eulogy
Commendation for Mother Little girl of Teresa, granddaughter of Josefa, my mom, Natividad was conceived in El Paso, Texas on December 24th, 1921. She generally revealed to us that she was answerable for the remainder of her sisters being conceived in this nation. The family was on its way back to Mã ©xico in light of the fact that PD had shut the mine and was sending laborers back to Mã ©xico. The family never arrived due to my mother’s birth. She was the just one in her family who was not conceived in Morenci and in spite of the fact that she ensured individuals realized she was conceived in Texas, she was pleased to be a â€Å"Morenci girl.†At the point when I requested that relatives depict my mom, they utilized huge numbers of similar terms: a private individual, exceptionally modest, submissive, modest, a parental figure, strict, cherishing, straightforward tastes, obstinate, shrewd, unassuming, cheap, bashful, genuine, humble, consistently put others in front of herself, and the vast majority of everything, she didn't care for being in the spotlight. For their fiftieth wedding commemoration, Mama didn’t need us to make a major party. We at last got her to consent to a basic restoration of their pledges with just the close family present. For her eightieth birthday celebration, we arranged a major gathering with all the more distant family welcomed. Once more, she nixed the thought and we at long last got her to consent to a little festival with just her youngsters, grandkids, and incredible grandkids. The gathering was made arrangements for last Saturday when everybody could emerge out of California, Nevada, and Texas. When I conversed with her on her birthday, she let me know, â€Å"Can we drop the gathering? I feel too weak.†I disclosed to her I would not drop it yet defer it until she felt good. Today we are for the most part here to praise my mother’s 80 years of life. It’s not the gathering we had gotten ready for, and there are a lot a larger number of individuals than my mom would have been OK with, however we’re all here to respect her memory. I know, Mama that you didn’t like to be in the spotlight however today, similar to it or not, the spotlight is on you. My mom was the fifth offspring of Teresa and Wenseslado. That put her in a group of ten kids, nine of which made due to adulthood. Possibly being in such a huge family represented her air however I think it was likewise part of her inclination.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Greatest Happiness Principle Analysis Philosophy Essay
Most noteworthy Happiness Principle Analysis Philosophy Essay A portion of the eighteenth century English moralists, including Butler and Shaftesbury, focused on the instinctive nature of kindheartedness or of looking to benefit others and of its place in the ethical life and Hutcheson really expressed that the goal or material finish of good lead is the best satisfaction for the numbers, the expression that came to be the adage of English Utilitarianism. The incredible pioneers of this school at its prosperous period, the start of the nineteenth century, were Bentham, James Mill, and his child, John Stuart Mill. In the event that these moralists had only contended for an absolutely indulgent hypothesis of morals, keeping up that delight is the sole acceptable, their hypothesis probably won't have met with such broad acknowledgment. Ascribed with the essentials of utilitarianism are Jeremy Bentham and a short time later, John Stuart Mill. They are frequently referenced together; in any case, each had contradicted perspectives on in excess of a couple of parts of the hypothesis. Bentham was increasingly fundamental in his picture of utility, concentrating on the base human impulses of benefiting as much as possible from delight and dodging torment. He advanced a plan called the gluttonous analytics. In this technique, one could arithmetically choose the correct decision by setting the possible positive results and negative outcomes of an activity against another. Bentham was open to likening the joy of a round of pushpin to that of understanding verse; Mill was choosier, articulating progressions of joys relying on their academic worth. Utilitarianism depends on two arrangements of premises, the proverbial certainties of self absorbed debauchery on one side, and the standards of consideration and value on the opposite side. A keeps an eye on devotion to the quest for general satisfaction is the best methods for accomplishing joy for him so compromise between self absorbed debauchery and utilitarianism perhaps conceivable upon acknowledgment that another people bliss is of indistinguishable incentive to ones own. Factory accepted that the most moral activity was what brought the a great many people the best measure of bliss. Bliss, as per Mill, is delight and the nonattendance of agony, and misery is torment, and the privation of joy. The core of Mills moral hypothesis is his Greatest Happiness Principle, as indicated by which activities are directly in extent as they will in general advance bliss, off-base as they will in general produce the converse of joy. Each person attempts to advance their own bliss, and maintain a strategic distance from despondency, which is normal as opposed to moral anyway advancing satisfaction turns into a moral hypothesis when applied to every person, as opposed to simply people. Utility is characterized as expanding joy over torment, According to Mill, human joys are a lot of better than bestial ones: when individuals are made mindful of their higher resources, they will never be glad to leave them uncultivated; in this way bliss is an indication that we are practicing our higher resources. The facts demonstrate that a few joys might be base; in any case, this doesn't imply that every one of them are: somewhat, some are naturally more important than others. When making an ethical judgment on a move, utilitarianism along these lines considers the amount, yet in addition the nature of the joys coming about because of. A delight is of higher caliber if individuals would pick it over an alternate joy regardless of whether it is joined by distress, and in the event that they would not exchange it for a more prominent measure of the other joy. Besides, Mill battles, given equivalent access to a wide range of joys, individuals will lean toward those that intrigue t o their higher resources. The individuals best able to pass judgment on a delights quality are individuals who have encountered both the higher and the lower. Besides, Mill saw that regardless of whether the ownership of a respectable character carried less satisfaction to the individual, society would in any case advantage. Plant additionally contends that people groups accomplishment of objectives and closures, for example, highminded living, ought to be considered piece of their bliss. Since the utilitarians standard for making a decision about a demonstration is the satisfaction surprisingly, not of the specialist alone, along these lines, an individual must not esteem his own joy over the bliss of others; and law and training help to impart this liberality in people. Notwithstanding, this doesn't imply that people groups thought processes should just be to serve the best great; in fact utilitarianism isn't worried about the intentions behind an activity; the ethical quality of an activity relies upon the integrity of its outcome as it were. In addition, in many parts of regular day to day existence, an individual won't be influencing enormous quantities of others, and along these lines need not think about their activities comparable to the benefit of all, however just to the benefit of those included. It is just the individuals who work in the open circle and influence numerous others who must consider open utility all the time. Utilitarianisms sanctions (inner and external),a feeling for mankind, depend on characteristic human assessments, which the best possible arrangement of instruction could sustain. So as to show that joy is the sole model for profound quality, it is important to show that individuals want nothing however bliss. Plant says that individuals do want things like uprightness, which in like manner language is recognized from bliss. Be that as it may, Mill expresses that individuals love righteousness simply because it establishes a piece of joy. Factory contends that bliss isn't a theoretical thought, yet an entire with segment parts. Since prudence is a piece of bliss, and advances the general joy, utilitarianism energizes the improvement of temperance. Act Utilitarianism holds that activities ought to be judged legitimately as per their ramifications for joy while rule utilitarians are agreeable to the rule that activities ought to be decided by rules which, whenever followed, will have results helpful for the more noteworthy joy. Basic appreciation In spite of the impression Benthams and Mills featuring upon joy may give, utilitarianism doesn't suggest or embrace a pompous way to deal with life. Bentham says, Each is to mean one and nobody for mutiple. for example my own delights and torments and those of others are to be determined and looked at precisely on a standard. Utilitarian(s) demand that everyones government assistance ought to be treated as equivalent. This guarantees utilitarianism isn't a self absorbed precept. Nor is utilitarianism selfless, for example it permits us to be worried about our own government assistance, however not to the prohibition of others, a mentality of summed up kindheartedness. The explanation that joy is the main thing that is alluring submits a naturalistic error. Alluring methods what should be wanted can't be characterized regarding what men want and that men really want it is no evidence of a thing being attractive To induce from the explanation that every people joy is a decent to every specific individual, the end that the general joy regards the entire number of people, submits the false notion of piece.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Causes of Lung Cancer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Reasons for Lung Cancer - Essay Example Dr. Oscar Auerbach and his partners directed research (extended more than eight years) to explore the connection between lung malignant growth and smoking. 1500 male and female patients of lung malignancy were contemplated and 100,000 slides of lung tissues were taken from their bodies. The level of malignant growth cells was more in patients who were smokers when contrasted with the individuals who were most certainly not. The research’s discoveries were that the level of cell harm was straightforwardly identified with the quantity of cigarettes smoked every day. Dr. Auerbach’s looked into information added to the Surgeon General’s report which was distributed in 1964 (Adams). After that timespan, it was regular to connect lung malignant growth with smoking. Causes Studies focused at inferring a connection among cigarettes and lung malignant growth began in 1948 at Washington University’s School of Medicine and an understudy named Ernst Wynder had a go at coming to an obvious conclusion. He researched in 1950 that included 649 lung malignancy patients and 600 controls. Wynder found that the pace of lung disease was multiple times higher in smokers than in nonsmokers. Richard Doll was a British researcher who found (around the same time) proof supporting the causal connection among smoking and lung malignant growth. Doll looked into on doctors, both who smoked and didn't smoke and trusted that years will check whether any of them created lung malignancy. Without a doubt the ones who developed lung disease were smokers (Johnson). There were a sum of 158,900 passings in the USA in 1999 due to lung malignant growth and this figure included people both. The loss of life for lung malignant growth patients in 1999 world over was 1 billion. In any case, lung malignant growth was not this regular during the 1800s and it was uncommon. In 1929, a German doctor named Fritz Lickint brought up in his report that lung malignancy patients were sign ificantly smokers and he was so upset by his discoveries that he began an enemy of tobacco development in Germany to demoralize smoking (Witschi). Prior to 1996, concentrates on reasons for lung malignant growth determined a connection between lung disease and smoking however the reasons for lung disease were not limited to the cell level. In 1996, Dr. Moonshong Tang and Dr. Gerd Pfeiffer clarified how smoking influences cells and causes disease. Both the specialists clarified that cigarettes contain a substance called benzopyrene and it harms p53, a protein found in lung cells. This protein is actually equivalent to the protein found in lung malignant growth patients. The capacity of p53 is that it controls the irregular development of cells which can bring about tumors. Benzopyrene harms p53 and the irregular development of cells can't be controlled along these lines (Adams). Pros have taken a shot at inferring a causal connection among smoking and lung disease. Be that as it may, epidemiological research has been done transcendently for inferring this relationship. Under epidemiological research, subjects are given the opportunity of self-detailing their smoking propensities and they don't have great recollections because of which realities are under-or exaggerated. Smoking can cause different sorts of disease also, for example, nasal pit malignancy, liver malignancy, and stomach malignancy. Lung malignant growth can be brought about by all types of smoking, for example, cigarettes, stogies, pipes or bidis (tobacco enveloped by a plant). At the point when we state smoking causes disease individuals for the most part accept that we are alluding to dynamic smoking. This isn't conceivable as lung malignant growth is likewise brought about by latent smoking (Connie Henke Yarbro).
Censorship and Rebellion Essay
The square in China was a demonstration of defiance in light of the fact that the residents faced Cherman Mao. Tone has to do with sound-related (what you hear). Tone recorded as a hard copy speaks to things you get notification from the author’s composing. In Fahrenheit Four Hundred Fifty One Bradbury utilizes tone to show insubordination. Disobedience can be depicted as rebellion of anything authority, control, or convention. For this situation Montag plans to defy control. Bradbury utilizes tone to describe Faber and Montag’s defiance as pointless on the grounds that Faber wouldn't like to help Montag with his arrangement. Beam Bradbury utilizes tone to clarify how Montag’s plan becomes futile in light of the fact that Faber doesn't have confidence in his arrangement. Montag went to Faber’s house to inform him regarding how they should oppose consuming books â€Å"Mr. Montag, you are taking a gander at a weakling. I saw the state of affairs going, quite a while back. I didn't utter a word. I’m one of the blameless people who could have shouted out and out when nobody would tune in to the ‘guilty,’ yet I didn't talk and in this way became blameworthy myself. What's more, when at long last they set the structure to consume the books, utilizing the fire fighters, I snorted a couple of times and died down, for by them. Presently it’s too late†, the tone seems as though Faber doesn't accept that Montag’s plan becomes pointless in light of the fact that the residents in their reality are familiarize to not having books and not supporting what is correct. Bradbury utilizes tone to show how Montag’s insubordination becomes futile on the grounds that he has nobody who will revolt with him. This tone happens when Montag attempts to reveal to Faber his arrangement. â€Å"Not in the event that you begin talking the kind of talk that may get me consumed for my difficulty. The main way I might hear you out would be is by one way or another the fire fighter structure itself could be scorched. Presently in the event that you recommend that we print additional books and organize to have them covered up in firemen’s houses everywhere throughout the nation, with the goal that seeds of doubt would be planted among these illegal conflagrationists, bravo I’d state! †(pg. 81) When Bradbury composes â€Å"Burnt for my trouble†, the tone seems like Faber was not ready to hazard his life for the insubordination to books being demolished. Beam Bradbury utilizes tone to call attention to how Montag’s defiance will be useless in light of the fact that who he came to for help (Faber) wouldn't like to support him; he just brings up the negative things of revolting. This tone happens when Montag was telling Faber, the individuals that may have the option to help. †Can’t trust individuals, that’s the grimy part you and I and who else will set the flames? †(pg. 83) When Bradbury composes â€Å"Can’t trust people†, the tone seems like Faber accepts residents not having the option to be confided in revels that the resistance will be ineffective and ought not be finished. Beam Bradbury utilizes tone to show how Faber accepts the resistance will have a fruitless completion. In his composing he exhibits how Faber states things that make Montag’s resistance exceptionally pointless. He likewise shows how Faber demonstrates reluctance to hazard his life just to spare books and the thought in books. Additionally how Faber feels it is past the point where it is possible to attempt to change the consuming of the books. Bradbury expounds on defiance since he doesn't trust in prohibiting books and accepts that individuals ought to know about all parts of life. Which means he delights through his character’s advancement that the world he lives in needs change.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Motor Training Essays - Educational Psychology, Learning Disability
Engine Training Engine preparing to create status, inspiration and methods for articulation, as a reason for learning programs Engine movement is quick turning into an important guide in the educating of scholarly subjects to primary younger students. The acknowledgment of the spot engine action has in the study hall doesn't suggest that physical action is an essential to adapting but instead a technique through which a kid can learn all the more effectively and see all the more completely. Preparing in physical coordination isn't just useful in giving a youngster a mode for communicating what has been realized, yet it has become a factor in ingraining in the kid an ability and preparation to learn and has likewise presented itself as a base for a learning program. One author, Maritain (1966), has portrayed the capacity of training as basically a wellspring of freedom. On account of the kid whose taking in issues come from a learning handicap, this freedom would comprise of permitting the youngster to move about, to investigate, and to get impressions, to react and to communicate. This call for development as a premise of learning is additionally validated by Getman's hypothesis that the ability of engine control and coordination is an essential to each intelligent action. Cratty (1970) further expresses that development is getting the hang of; learning requires development. A few scholars appear to credit all intelligent accomplishment to engine advancement as opposed to survey engine action as a guide to learning. One hypothesis infers that specific engine exercises when appropriately applied would get ready youngsters in the scholarly zones of spelling, perusing, and comparative scholarly errands during the kid's first year in school. Cratty 1970). This hypothesis may remain constant if the engine exercises are by one way or another identified with the scholarly procedures included. Remember that ordinary kids have other
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Pay for College or Medical School Without Much Debt
Pay for College or Medical School Without Much Debt Student Resources Print How Pay for College or Medical School Without Loans By Andrea Clement Santiago facebook twitter linkedin Andrea Clement Santiago is a medical staffing expert and communications executive. Shes a writer with a background in healthcare recruiting. Learn about our editorial policy Andrea Clement Santiago Updated on February 02, 2020 Henrik Sorensen / Digital Vision / Getty Images More in Student Resources APA Style and Writing Study Guides and Tips Careers While some medical careers are available with high school or undergraduate education, becoming a doctor or advanced practice nurse requires many years of post-secondary education. You may be wondering what options there are other than student loans, which may take many years to pay back. Loan-Free Ways to Finance College or Medical School Here are some additional resources for financing your undergraduate or medical schooling that won’t bury you in debt: Scholarships: You don’t have to make top grades to get a scholarship, although there are more options for those who do. Scholarships are offered for a variety of factors in addition to academic performance, such as minority status, your field of study, or even overcoming adversity. Academic institutions are not the only organizations that offer scholarships. Check with local corporations, your bank, your local utility companies, your parents employers, even your church, to see what scholarships are offered, and how to apply. Sometimes its as simple as filling out a form and writing an essay or meeting other circumstantial requirements.Grants and Awards: Check with your university or medical school to see what awards are offered. Alumni will often set up awards for students who meet certain criteria including anything from grades, athletics, volunteer work, to whatever the grantor wished to recognize with the award. Additionally, if you come from a low-income family, you may quali fy for federal grants to help pay for your education.Military: The military will pay for your health career and help you get the required training if you’re willing to serve the country for a few years in return. The amount of education you receive will determine the number of years you have to “pay back†in service, meaning active military duty.U.S. Health Service Corps: This is a great way to fund your medical education if you’re seeking to be a physician or nurse. The National Health Service Corps is a government program that will pay most or all of your tuition in exchange for 2 to 4 years of service in a medically underserved area of the country. If youre willing to relocate to a more rural area to work for a few years, this could be an excellent option.Employer Reimbursement: Hospitals that employ nurses or doctors will often offer student loan forgiveness as part of their financial package. Therefore, if student loans were your only option on the front end, and you ended up graduating with a load of debt, your new employer may be able to help alleviate some of that financial burden. Other Ways to Minimize Tuition Costs If for some reason the above aids do not apply to you, or if you need to minimize your tuition costs even further, there are additional ways to save thousands of dollars on your college costs, if you plan ahead and make smart educational decisions while in high school and college, including: Consider putting college off for a year or two and working full-time to save money for your tuition.Work either full- or part-time and go to school full- or part-time while paying for classes as you go. Many schools will give you a bit of a discount for paying cash.Start with a two-year degree at your local community college, which is typically much cheaper, and then transfer to a four-year university.Consider going to college overseas. In some countries, Americans can attend college for free.
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Admission Essay Help for the Stanford University
Admission Essay Help for the Stanford University Essay prompts Admission Essay requirements Common Application Essay Candidates choose one topic and respond. (250-word minimum, 650-word maximum.) Some students have a background, identity, interest or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. The lessons we take from failure can be fundamental to later success. Recount an incident or time when you have experienced failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience? Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again? Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma-anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal, that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. Stanford Short Essays Candidates respond to all three essay topics. (250 word limit for each essay.) Stanford students possess an intellectual vitality. Reflect on an idea or experience that has been important to your intellectual development. Virtually all of Stanfords undergraduates live on campus. Write a note to your future roommate that reveals something about you or that will help your roommateâ€â€and usâ€â€know you better. What matters to you, and why? Admission essay/personal statement essay prompts The essay should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program at Stanford, your preparation for this field of study, study and research interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your background and interests which may aid the admissions committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study. Essays help us learn about who you are rather than solely what you have done. Other parts of the application give insight to your academic and professional accomplishments; the essays reveal the person behind those achievements. Begin work on these essays early, and feel free to ask your friends and mentors to provide constructive feedback. Ask if the essays tone sounds like your voice. If those closest to you do not think your essay captures who you are, we will not be able to recognize what is distinctive about you. While asking for feedback is suggested, do not enlist hired assistance in the writing of your essays. Office of Admissions Contacts Office of the University Registrar 482 Galvez Mall, Suite 120 Stanford, CA 94305-6032 Phone: +1-866-432-747 Fax: 650-723-8371 [email protected]  LinkedIn University Ranking for Software Developers at StartupsUndergraduate #1 for Software Developers at StartupsGraduate #1 for DesignersUndergraduate #6 for DesignersGraduate #7 for MarketersUndergraduate #7 for Media ProfessionalsGraduate #8 for Software DevelopersGraduate #8 for Software DevelopersUndergraduate #9 Alumni statistics Where they live San Francisco Bay Area 60,271 Greater New York City Area 8,483 Greater Los Angeles Area 8,241 Washington D.C. Metro Area 4,594 Greater Seattle Area 4,413 Where they work Google 2,333 Apple 1,249 Cisco 779 Oracle 762 Microsoft 646 What they do Engineering 18,884 Education 16,766 Research 15,239 Entrepreneurship 14,866 Information Technology 9,565 Consulting 9,489 Media and Communication 7,884 Operations 7,652 What they studied Computer Science 15,031 Economics 12,663 Electrical and Electronics Engineering 12,609 Mechanical Engineering 8,254 Business Administration and Management, General 6,715 Political Science and Government 6,076 Psychology 5,722 Mathematics 5,658 What they’re skilled at Management 28,392 Research 25,905 Leadership 25,228 Strategy 25,059 Project Management 24,055 Strategic Planning 21,399 Public Speaking 20,107 Start-ups 18,798 Cory Booker U.S. Senator from New Jersey at United States Senate Central Ward Council Member at City of Newark Mayor at City of Newark United States Senator at United States Senate B.A., Political Science 1988 – 1991 Tim Westergren Founder, Pandora Film Composer at Film Score Composer Pianist at Yellowwood Junction Nanny at Nanny 1984 – 1988 Chip Conley Head of Global Hospitality Strategy at Airbnb Head of Global Hospitality Strategy at Airbnb Founder, Editor-in-chief at Fest300 Founder at Joie de Vivre Hospitality BA, Economics 1979 – 1982 Reid Hoffman Entrepreneur. Product Strategist. Investor. Member, Board of Directors at Grassroots Chair, Westcoast Advisory Board at Questbridge Partner at Greylock B.S., Symbolic Systems 1985 – 1990
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Great Family of Araceae - 1224 Words
One living organism that has a very important function for the environment and all the living creatures on Earth is the plant. This is because other living organisms such as animals and human beings greatly depend on them for food and oxygen. Furthermore, they are also able to provide living creatures the shelter that they need. As well as medicines that can be taken from medicinal plants. There are approximately 250,000 different species of plants and they are all part of the kingdom Plantae which has many different types. (Plants in Peril - Plants and People, n.d., p. xx)One of them is the Angiosperms which can be further classified into Magnoliids, Eudicots, and Monocots. Under the Monocots are further classifications and one of them is the family of Araceae. (Araceae, n.d., p. xx) One interesting family that belongs to the division of flowering plants or Angiosperms is the Araceae. The term Araceae came from the word Arum, a plant genus, and it also came from Aron, a common name for plants in the said genus. The suffix –aceae is added to the name since it is the suffix used in constructing the name of the families of plants. (Araceae, n.d., p. xx) This is where the name Araceae came from. The family Araceae has its own classification. It belongs to the big group of kingdom Plantae, then is further classified to the subkingdom Tracheobionta (Vascular plants), then is lowered down to the super division of Spermatophyta (Seed plants), then further classified to theShow MoreRelatedThe Effect of Duckweed on Natural Pollution1158 Words  | 5 Pagesfor duckweed is Lemnaceae. Lemnaceae is from the order Alismatales, and the family Araceae. The largest thalloids can get up to  ¼ of an inch, while the smallest ones can get less than 2 millimeters long. The type of duckweed I used for my experiment, the â€Å"Wolffia Brasiliensis†has small, teardrop shaped thalloids. Reproduction for duckweed is not a problem. As investigated by Landolt and Kandeler in their book â€Å"The Family of Lemnaceae - A Monographic Study,†â€Å"a thumb-sized planting can cover 1.2Read MorePlant Cells : Occasion Homework1660 Words  | 7 Pageschloroplast DNA, including the protein-coding RBCL quality, is frequently utilized at the family level to demonstrate the connections amongst genera and species inside plant families. Intron locales from chloroplast DNA are additionally used to develop family trees. Introns are areas of delegate RNA that are evacuated preceding interpretation at the ribosome. Similar DNA between various genera and types of a plant family can be appeared with PC produced developmental trees called cladograms. †¢ Grana:
Monday, May 18, 2020
Never Let Me Go, By Kazuo Ishiguro - 1714 Words
We ask a question of who we are as both individuals and as humans are brought up in studies of addressing the crisis surrounding this subject area of science in regards to clones. In the novel â€Å"Never Let Me Go,†by Kazuo Ishiguro he addresses the issue about clones and how they grow up in an institution meant to get the students ready to conquer in a human environment. Ishiguro’s novel â€Å"Never Let Me Go†serves an approach to the â€Å"Cloning argument. In the novel a character named Kathy H was one of the primary ones who was cloned along with a few others. This helps us to answer the question of how clones should be treated in relation to human verses non-human concept, as Ishiguro attempts to define humanity through the eyes of Kathy H., a clone with experiences much like that of any ordinary human out there. Through the analysis of Ishiguro novel and the article â€Å"Science fiction and legal reality,†discussing the link between human an d clones and how in relationship to Ishiguro’s approach to the matter of cloning plays a part in Human like life form. I will seek to interpret and answer to the often yet odd question: what does it intend to be like a man in the tangible world of manipulation of clones? â€Å"I don’t agree upon this article of Cloning and the research and how it pertains to the novel â€Å"Never Let Me Go†, as I fully don’t believe in the cloning procedure for humans to have to work through this process in life, like the characters in the novel had to suffice.Show MoreRelatedNever Let Me Go, By Kazuo Ishiguro1068 Words  | 5 Pagesbeen increasingly getting better at cloning and thus attempting more complicated cloning. In the 2005 novel, Never Let Me Go, human clones are created to be organ donors for humans that need an organ transplant in order to survive. Clones look like humans, have feelings like humans but are not necessarily looked at as â€Å"human beingsâ € in the novel. Throughout the novel Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro’s expresses his belief that science has no limits and poses the questions ethically, where do humansRead MoreNever Let Me Go By Kazuo Ishiguro1512 Words  | 7 PagesBeginning to end, Kazuo Ishiguro’s speculative novel Never Let Me Go leaves readers wanting moreâ€â€more closure, more answers, more facts. Throughout the entire novel, readers are left in the dark with few explicit details of the society or its origins. The shadowy, obscure Madame Marie-Claude is a paradigm for the motif of mystery and uncertainty throughout Never Let Me Go. Two to four times a year, preparations begin for Madame’s arrival at Hailsham without warning to the students. She visits, takesRead MoreNever Let Me Go, By Kazuo Ishiguro Essay2335 Words  | 10 Pagesknowledge. In Never Let Me Go, by Kazuo Ishiguro, the institution of Hailsham helps shelter the clones, yet inhibits them. In Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Creature learns languages from his neighbors. The lack of an academic system causes a form of self-teaching. While self-learning is a form of self-realization as mentioned in Walter Kirn’s article â€Å"Lost In Meritocracy†Kirn learns from his experiences, Ellison from Invisible Man learns â€Å"street smarts†similar to the clones in Never Let Me Go in whichRead MoreNever Let Me Go By Kazuo Ishiguro1542 Words  | 7 PagesMary Shelley, Ray Bradbury, Michael Crichton, and Kazuo Ishiguro, to name a few, have all written books displaying these dangers. While reading these books, the dangerous, immoral actions and abuse of power seem evident, yet locating them in society is not quite as simplistic. The authors attempt to grant their audience a better way of finding these warning signs, while also providing an entertaining story. In his novel Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro utilizes first-person narration, symbolism, andRead MoreNever Let Me Go By Kazu o Ishiguro Essay1928 Words  | 8 Pagesto have a great future, fall in love, get married, have a family, but most importantly have a wonderful life. What if your life had been planned out for you and the sole purpose of your existence was to donate your vital organs? Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel, Never Let Me Go is a tragic love story between two human clones that fall in love before they know what love truly is. The clones are raised until adulthood in Hailsham, a boarding school for clones, to later become organ donors. They are trainedRead MoreNever Let Me Go By Kazuo Ishiguro2000 Words  | 8 PagesIn the novel Never Let Me Go, Kazuo Ishiguro presents the story of Kathy H., and her friends Tommy and Ruth, who are growing up at Hailsham. Hailsham resembles an English contemporary boarding school, but one discovers that this school is specifically for clone children that have been created to donate their organs for the betterment of society. The author uses a descripti ve narrative by Kathy to present the story of the short lives of clones, and the human lives they lead with all the difficultiesRead MoreNever Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro930 Words  | 4 Pages How do you classify rather someone is human or not? A tricky question has many different possible answers, but only a few that could be justified as being human. Kazuo Ishiguro has addressed this topic in his book Never Let Me Go. A reoccurring question throughout the novel is rather or not these clones are considered a human being or just another science project. Suspicious individuals of the surrounding communities in the novel, believed that the students were not human, because they couldRead MoreNever Let Me Go By Kazuo Ishiguro2932 Words  | 12 PagesIn Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel Never Let me Go, the proclaimed blasphemy of the process called cloning is not explained through scientific means, but is instead treated as an ordinary part of everyday life. Is this just a device used to convey a degree of empathy to Ishiguro’s text? Or has cloning become ‘humanised’ and is indistinguishable from what we would consider to be ordinary and mundane? There are firmly established archetypes in the Science Fiction genre of literature. The dystopian motif isRead MoreNever Let Me Go By Kazuo Ishiguro1386 Words  | 6 PagesAnother work that describes the life of minorities within society is Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel, Never Let Me Go. The main characters, Kathy, Ruth, and Tommy are students, but more importantly they are clones. They were produced for science and the harvesting of their organs, just as animals are harvested for their meat. The novel described them as being the same as the majority human population, with the only difference being that they were created by science rather than physically born. These studentsRead More The novel Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro740 Words  | 3 PagesSeveral years ago a novel was written that threw the science fiction genre on its head because of the way that it tells the story and twists the ideas of typical book genres. The novel Never Let Me Go, a story by acclaimed author Ka zuo Ishiguro is about a young lady and her friends, figuring out who they are from adolescence to adulthood. While at first this may seem a typical coming of age story, the novel starts to turn into a science fiction story and goes back again and forces readers to change
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Littlefield - 1738 Words
Strategy description Revenue maximization:Our strategy main for round one was to focus on maximizing revenue. We did not want the revenue to ever drop from $1000, so we took action based on the utilization rates of the machines. We needed to have sufficient capacity to maintain lead times of less than a day and at most, 1 day and 9 hours. Based on the linear decrease in revenue after a lead time of one day, it takes 9 hours for the revenue to drop to $600 and our profits to be $0. In terms of when to purchase machines, we decided that buying machines as early as possible would be ideal as there was no operating costs after the initial investment in the machine. Having more machines seemed like a win-win situation since it does not†¦show more content†¦In particular, station 1 had a dangerously high utilization rate, maxing at 0.91 at day 17 and averaging 0.6 for the rest of the first 50 days. Therefore, we immediately purchased a machine 1 when the game started. After monitoring for a day, we sa w that the utilization of machines 2 and 3 were quite high at around 80%. We knew that we were at the start of the game and would have increasing demand, so we decided to purchase a machine 3 and change the priority of machine 2 to station 2. Because utilization of station 1 was still high on Day 53 and we anticipated an increasing arrival of a high number of jobs, we made the purchase of an extra machine at Station 1 to accommodate any other spikes in job arrivals, leaving us with 3 machine 1s. On Day 64, there was yet another spike in the number of job arrivals which we were able to anticipate by purchasing the extra machines prior. We considered purchasing a machine 2, but put it off as we thought we should collect more data. On Day 67, we decided that since demand would still increase, we might as well purchase another machine 2. Although these purchases took huge cuts into our initial cash balance thus limiting the amount of interest we received, our early poor rankings saw dra matic improvements as the demand of products began to increase and other teams began losing revenue. By making the initial investments and watching the data, we were able to maintain low lead times and maintain $1000Show MoreRelatedLittlefield923 Words  | 4 PagesStanford University Graduate School of Business rev. September 2002 Managing Customer Responsiveness at Littlefield Technologies Background Littlefield Technologies (LT) has developed another DSS product. The new product is manufactured using the same process as the product in the assignment â€Å"Capacity Management at Littlefield Technologies† neither the process sequence nor the process time distributions at each tool have changed. 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Lowenthal, M 2006, ‘Open-source intelligence: New myths, new realties’, in R George R Kline (eds), Intelligence and the national security strategist, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc, Oxford, pp. 273-278. Steele, R 1995, ‘The importance of open source intelligence to the military’, International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, vol. winter, no. 1, pp. 457-470.Read MoreLittlefield Simulation Report Essay1541 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Executive Summary Our team operated and managed the Littlefield Technologies facility over the span of 1268 simulated days. Our team finished the simulation in 3rd place, posting $2,234,639 in cash at the end of the game. We did intuitive analysis initially and came up the strategy at the beginning of the game. And then we applied the knowledge we learned in the class, did process analysis and modified our strategies according to the performance results dynamically. 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The second Littlefield simulation game focused on lead time and inventory management in an environment with a changing demand (â€Å"but the long-run average demand will not change overRead MoreThe Impact of Slavery in America1364 Words  | 5 Pagesencounter harsh and dehumanize treatment by their master, the master’s wife, and overseer. In the article written by Ph.D. Marci Bound Littlefield states the ways that black female slaves were categorized as, for example: â€Å"Motherhood, however, represented a unique position for black women, as these women also laborers, breeders and concubines.†(Page 53 Littlefield) Black female slaves represent a hard working individual that after a long day’s works they will still have the obligation to care forRead MoreThe Wizard of Oz- Parable on Populism1293 Words  | 6 PagesDorothy’s par of silver shoes, which represented the silver issue, the yellow brick road, which represented the gold standards. An other interesting this is that â€Å"Oz†in the title of this novel is actually an abbreviation of an ounce. Henry M. Littlefield was an American educator, author and historian who was most notable for his claim that The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was a political satire, linked the early life of L. Frank Baum to how the play was written. L. Frank Baum had moved to Aberdeen in
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Would Have Approved of Young...
â€Å"You can get up now, Watson. The war is over.†(Columbus) Many readers may be familiar with the Scottish physician and author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who wrote short stories about a famous detective named Sherlock Holmes and his assistant, Dr. John H. Watson (Wilson). The 1985 film, Young Sherlock Holmes is an imaginative creation of how Holmes and Watson met during their younger years. In the beginning of the film, the viewers are introduced to the young detective Sherlock Holmes and later introduced to Holmes’ close friend, Dr. John H. Watson. The viewers are also introduced to Holmes’ nemesis Professor James Moriarty. The film displays a background for the creation of Sherlock Holmes and how Holmes and Watson â€Å"supposedly†met during†¦show more content†¦Rathe is a bright young man who runs the school that Holmes and Watson go to in London (Ebert). Rathe takes Holmes under his wing and looks out for Holmes, pretending to befriend Holmes as he investigates two murders of prominent men that have occurred in London (Shaffer). As Holmes investigates the two murders, he begins to realize that there is a cult connected to the murders. The victims were shot with a hallucinogen that caused the victims to have bizarre hallucinations that resulted in death (Martel). The film Young Sherlock Holmes has gotten many praises for the quality of the film. According to Christopher Null, the film portrays how Moriarty and Watson meet Holmes as well as give an explanation to where the pipe, hat and â€Å"Elementary!†motto came from. Christopher Null also mentions that the outline for Harry Potter came from Levinson’s Young Sherlock Holmes (Null). Michael Noble, another movie critic, agrees that Young Sherlock Holmes was possibly the beginning of Harry Potter because both plots had two boys and one girl. Michael Noble further states that Holmes and Potter had a similar starry destiny and that Holmes’ smart-alec k nowledge contributed to the character Hermione in Harry Potter (Noble). Though many critics have different views of the film Young Sherlock Holmes, the film introduces the viewers to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s work and his famous characters that continue to exist even after the 19th century. Young Sherlock Holmes is
Post Sigmoid Coletomy Care Free Essays
string(227) " The recovery nurse would also inform me which medications he has had, information regarding IV fluids, how long they should run for and whether more are needed when it finishes and check they are written up on the drug chart\." This paper will critically examine the care needs and management of Mr Braun. An appropriate framework will be used, namely the ABCDE. Alternative treatment will be analysed using the 5 WHs critical decision making too (Jasper, 2006)l. We will write a custom essay sample on Post Sigmoid Coletomy Care or any similar topic only for you Order Now His care will be based upon the nursing process ensuring that patient outcomes are agreed, implemented and evaluated. The assessment framework to be used is this assessment is the ABCDE assessment framework. The ABCDE framework looks at Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, and Exposure/Elimination. The reason for choosing this framework is that it uses a systematic method of assessing, it aids with elimination of post op complications. In addition, it is a commonly accepted framework which is widely used and can be used in critical care situations, pre post-operative care and emergency situations. Furthermore, it allows the nurse to use her skills in accessing the patient’s needs. The disadvantages of the framework are that it is a medical model in the sense that it looks specifically at the biological aspects of care and lumps emotional/psychological/cultural/social care under the exposure/elimination catergory. Therefore it does not promote exploring these issues in great detail (Younker, 2008 Hargan 2012) Cancer Physiology Bowel cancer normally starts in the rectum or sigmoid colon. It starts as adematous polyps and then progresses to adematous carcinomas. It spreads by direct extension via the bowel circumference, submucousa and outer bowel wall layers. It can also spread to other areas by direct extension, for example, to the liver, pancreas and spleen. Metastasis is normally by way of the surround lymphnodes. Primary cancerous cells can also travel into the lymphatic and circulatory system causing secondary cancer in other organs such as liver and pancreas (LeMone Burke, 2003). Mr Braun is undergoing an operation for his sigmoid colon cancer. One route to take would be the traditional method. This consists of open bowel surgery. This entails making a large opening. A bowel prep is given prior to surgery, there is a longer starvation process, which can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Furthermore, it causes stress on the body, insulin resistance in the body is longer and the recovery period is longer. In addition it causes longer paralytic ileus (Siddiqui et al. , 2012). The alternative treatment to the traditional method would be the laparoscopic method. Mr Braun would have a smaller incision, therefore making a quicker recovery. He would be in less pain and would be able to mobilise quicker. He would have a quicker return of GI function and a lesser period of paralytic ileus. He would be able to deep breath better as he would not be experiencing a lot of pain, therefore he would be at less risk of contracting a chest infection. This would all work towards him having an earlier discharge, for example, 3-5 days post op compared to anywhere between 8-12 days on the traditional method. Research has also shown that community rehabilitation is much quicker, 2-3 weeks rather than 6-8 weeks on the traditional method (Jenson 2011). Further research shows that patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery have fewer complications post discharge (Hargan 2012). It appears then the laparoscopic route has better outcomes for the patient and in addition, the NHS. Being able to discharge a patient between 3-5 days who experience fewer complications post operatively not only frees up beds but costs less to treat the patient. Therefore, after weighing up the pros and the cons of both the traditional and the laparscopic it would seem that Mr Braun would be better off having the laparoscopic route. It appears from research that the lapascopic route is the route which is used in almost 90% of colorectal surgery. However, the route that is taken ultimately depends on the surgeon’s choice. Prior to collecting the patient from the recovery room Before collecting Mr Braun from the recovery room I will need to check the bed area. This includes checking that the oxygen is working. I will need to ensure that there is a nasal tube and a venturi mask. I will also need to check the suction is working and ensure that a new tube is present by the bedside. I will also need to make there is a yonker. I will put a dynamap beside the bed which will allow me to take Mr Braun’s clinical observations on return to the ward. I will also ensure that a drip stand is next to the bed as he may be on fluids or have a PCA on his return to the ward (Nicol et al. 2012). Collecting the patient from the recovery room On collecting the patient from recovery, I will take with me a kidney bowel in case the patient needs to be sick on his return journey, a pair of gloves, a oropharyngeal (geudel) airway in case his airway becomes compromised in anyway and a pocket mask for mouth to mouth. My first priority is to ensure that Mr Braun is safe to return to the ward. I will check his level of consciousness using the AVPU tool. This tool looks at whether he is Alert, whether he responds to Voice or whether he only responds to Pain and whether he is Unconscious. I will then take a handover from the recovery nurse. This should include informing me of the procedure Mr Braun has had, how well he has responded to the surgery and his current responsiveness/consciousness level. I would need to check with the recovery nurse whether his vital signs are within the normal range. This is for patient safety which is paramount and is at the centre of nursing care. This would need to be checked against the Early Warning Score (EWS) system which includes level of consciousness, the physiological parameters, for example, temperature, blood pressure, Oxygen saturation (SATS), respiratory rate, pulse and urine output. The EWS gives an overall score which informs me whether or not it is safe to take Mr Braun back to the ward. The recovery nurse would also inform me which medications he has had, information regarding IV fluids, how long they should run for and whether more are needed when it finishes and check they are written up on the drug chart. You read "Post Sigmoid Coletomy Care" in category "Essay examples" In addition, I would need to see the wound bed. This would help with later assessment on the ward where I would be able to compare whether there has been any further bleeding or leakage. I would need to see the stoma site. The recovery nurse would inform me whether Mr Braun had a urinary catheter and whether there had been any urine output. After handover I would say hello to the patient and manually take his pulse so that I can get an indication of his heart rate (Nicol et al. 2012). On the ward On returning to the ward I will orientate the patient. I will inform him of every procedure that I do so that I can gain informed consent (NMC 2012). I will immediately carry out a set of clinical observations. This is so I can make a comparison with his perioperative baseline. Although doing the clinical observations with the dynamap, I will manually take his pulse as it is vital that I know whether it is regular/irregular, strong or weak. ABCDE Assessment Airway The best way to check the airway is to speak to ask the patient and get him to respond to you. If he is able to talk in normally, this will be indicative of his airway being patent. I would need to listen to whether there are any sounds, like barking or gurgling as this could indicate that there is partial obstruction. I would also need to check whether Mr Braun is experiencing any nausea or vomiting. If Mr Braun is experiencing this I would need to immediately administer an anti-emetic as per drug chart instruction. This would help prevent the risk of pulmonary aspiration. I would also need to check whether Mr Braun has any allergies. I would ensure that he is wearing two red wrist bands with the allergies clearly written on them so that other staff members are aware. His allergies would be documented in his nursing notes and on his drug chart with information on what sort of reaction he experiences. Assessing whether Mr Braun has any allergies is extremely important as allergic reactions can cause swelling of the tongue and in the throat which would compromise his airway and leave him with difficulties breathing (Resuscitation Council UK, 2012). Breathing I would now assess breathing by checking Mr Braun’s respiratory rate (RR). The normal range is between 12-20 breaths per minute. In PAC, his RR was slightly raised. This could have been due to anxiety but was more than likely due to his anaemia (this will be looked at further under circulation). I will be able to gain a comparison and start looking for a trend. It is important that the RR is counted for a full minute. His breathing may be irregular and therefore not counting the full minute would give an inaccurate measurement. I would also check Mr Braun’s SATS. The normal range should be 95%. Checking his SATS will inform me whether he is getting enough oxygen and whether his tissues are being perfused adequately. Lack of oxygen can cause hypoxia which if not managed will lead to multiple organ dysfunction and ultimately death. I will also therefor check for cyanosis as this will also inform me whether he is lacking oxygen. It is important to look at how Mr Braun is breathing. For example, is he struggling to breath, is he breathing deeply or is it shallow. Does he have to use his accessory muscles to help him breath. I would check whether his chest is rising equally on both sides. I would also speak as him a question to ascertain whether he is able to speak in full sentences because someone who is struggling to breathe is unable to speak in full sentences. I would look at whether he is breathing fast or slow. Furthermore, I would look at how he is sitting, for example, is he leaning to one side. Also when you are assessing breathing it is important to listen for any wheeze or stridor. RR is one of the first things to alter when a patient is deteriorating. It is vital that if Mr Braun is experiencing any of the above, the nurse responds quickly. The first thing would be to check whether he is written up for any more oxygen and if so to increase it. The nurse would then have to check in RR and SATS again after 15 minutes to ascertain whether there was any improvement or further deterioration even. If the patient was deteriorating further the nurse would need to involve the doctor who would be able to review Mr Braun immediately and give further instructions on his care (Queen Mary University City University, 2006). Circulation An assessment of Mr Braun’s pulse needs to be undertaken. This will allow the nurse to ascertain his heart rate. In addition, it would allow me to feel whether his pulse is strong or weak and whether it is regular or irregular. The normal resting pulse should be between 60-80 beats per minute (bpm). In the PAC, Mr Braun was slightly tachycardic, which could be due to anxiety of his diagnosis, hearing about the treatment he would receive or his prognosis. By taking his pulse it will allow for a baseline, pre-operative and peri-operative comparison. His blood pressure (BP) would also be assessed. The normal ranges are 90/60-140/90. Mr Braun’s BP in PAC was 135/80. Although this is still within the normal range, it is slightly high. However, this would be an appropriate BP given his age. It is vital that clinical observations are carried out every 15 minutes for the first two hours post-op as there is a higher risk of complications occurring and clinical signs are the physiological parameters which tell you whether a patient is deteriorating or improving. For example, if a patient is tachycardic and hypotensive this could be indicative of hypovolaemic shock which would need to be managed immediately as this can lead to potential death. It is vital when taking clinical observations that the nurse is aware that she should not only rely on the measurements. This is because a patient can be in hypovolaemic shock and still have a normal BP. This is because in hypovolaemic shock, the compensatory mechanisms take over and the body will do everything it can to keep the BP at normal level. Therefore, it is vital that the nurse also observes what the patient looks like, for example, does he look palor, he is sweaty or clammy. These are all important factors when carry out clinical observations. When a patient undergoes surgery he has enforced reduced mobility. Mr Braun will be in bed for a while and due to these factors is therefore at risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), which is one of the highest cause of PE leading to hospital deaths. The nurse should check whether he still has his TED stockings on and check that they are not rolled down or creased as this may prevent them from achieving good prophylaxis. Furthermore it could compromise his skin integrity. Mr Braun will probably also be prescribed oral or subcutaneous anticoagulants as a further prevention of DVT. Mr Braun’s Hb levels should be checked to ensure that his anaemia is improving. If Mr Braun was assessed in PAC as having met the criteria, which is expected to make a good recovery, for the ERP, his anaemia would have been dealt with prior to him being admitted. He would have been assessed for any co-morbidities and his GP would have been involved to treat his anaemia. If his anaemia had not been treated, prior to his admission, it is likely that Mr Braun would have undergone a blood transfusion during surgery. This would mean that he would have a cannula in situ which would need to be assessed to check for phlebitis. This would need to be documented on the VIP chart (Hargan 2012). The cannula needs to be checked to ascertain whether it is patent. The date of insertion should also be noted on the VIP chart as it is not allowed to stay in for longer than 72 hours. Mr Braun will also have a catheter in situ. Therefore it is important to check for urine output. Mr Braun should have a urine output of 0. 5ml/kg/hr, in other words half his body weight per hour. Therefore if Mr Braun weighs 80kg, he should have a urine output of 40mls per hour. If going through the traditional method, Mr Braun would have to have a low residue diet approx. 2 days prior to the operation. He would only be allowed clear fluids approximately 12-18 hours before surgery and would then be starved from the midnight before the day of surgery to prevent aspiration. Research has shown that prolonged starvation causes dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. It causes the body to experience insulin resistance for longer and cause the body more stress (Burch Slater 2012). In contrast, he would have been given carbohydrate loading prior to surgery in the form of iso-osmolarity which 90% passes through the stomach within 90 minutes therefore he would have been able to have it one and a half hours prior to surgery. This would cause less insulin resistance and put his body through less stress. He would be able to come off any IV fluids as he would be encourage to eat and drink at will post operatively. How to cite Post Sigmoid Coletomy Care, Essay examples
Security Management Best Practice Based
Question: Discuss about the Security Management Best Practice Based. Answer: Introduction Mobile devices are extensively used in the present day by the individual and business users. These devices comprise of a lot of information and it is this information that is the key asset for all the users and organizations and it becomes a prime topic of concern for them to effectively manage the information and data sets that are associated with them. There are various categories of information such as sensitive information, internal information, information only for office use, public information, private information and a lot more. The information sets that the organizations deal with on a routine basis are huge in terms of volume. Also, the information that is present in these sets varies in terms of the contents, type and many other factors. It is essential to develop policies and strategies for the management of information of all classes and types and the document highlights some of the mobile device security vulnerabilities, countermeasures and mitigation strategies that ma y be followed. The following research questions have been answered with the aid of the research that has been carried on the vulnerabilities and risks associated with the mobile devices. What are the common vulnerabilities and risks that are associated with the mobile devices? What is the impact of the risks and vulnerabilities on the device and on the users? What steps have the companies taken to prevent and detect the mobile device risks? What are the security features and mechanisms that have been implemented? What is the security strategy that shall be adapted to avoid the risks associated with the mobile devices? There are several methods and approaches that have been designed which can be adopted to carry out a particular research. The methodology that has been adopted in this case is exploratory research methodology in which the data that is available is analyzed and the results are then concluded on the basis of the analysis and study that is carried out. The data associated with this particular topic was collected from a number of different sources such as online journals, organizational data, customer reviews, academic papers and many more. The data that was collected was gathered together and conclusions were made on the research topic. Mobile Device and Security Risks, Threats, Vulnerabilities their Impacts Security vulnerability that is associated with the information contained in the mobile devices refers to the weaknesses that may be related to it and may result in the occurrence of a variety of security threats and attacks. Threats refer to the security occurrences that may result in a negative impact on the data and the information that may be present within a particular system. The information sets and the variety of information that a user or an organization analyzes and goes through on a per day basis along with its usage in the number of business services and operations is huge. The existence of a variety of data sources along with varied formats of the same is also a prime reason of the presence of so many security threats and vulnerabilities. Some of these security occurrences in the form of risks, threats and vulnerabilities in association with Mobile devices have been listed and explained below. There are a number of threats that are associated with the device itself that may result in the emergence of security vulnerability or threat. These threats include the following: Users often connect to the public Wi-Fi networks which are not secured and the same leads to the execution of security threats and attacks by the attackers. The information is captured by the attackers which are then misused. There are a number of Bluetooth attacks that take place in association with the mobile devices. BlueJacking and BlueSnarfing are some of the Bluetooth attacks in which anonymous messages are sent from the mobile devices of the users and the attackers gain access to the device without the knowledge of the user. Owing to limited storage potential on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, users tend to save that data on the web. Although the data stored on the cloud is protected, the cached data left behind is not protected however. These data is available to be exploited until the phone if factory reset or deleted by user activity. Confidential and sensitive information tend to be saved in secret keys, sensitive business logic and access tokens within the application code and all it takes for an attacker is to reverse engineer it to get them. Once the device is stolen or the like, it becomes fairly easy to reverse engineer and use the sensitive information for malicious intents. There are many a ties complete lack of encryption in terms of the transmitted data that is observed in mobile applications. Even with encryption in place, there are many times developers chose to ignore certification validation errors and fall back to plain text communication which can then be easily sniffed by man-in-the middle type attacks. New form of mobile based client side injections Apart from the typical HTML and SQL based injections that are possible on the mobile web, even mobile applications are now beginning to notice different types of attacks like abusing of phone dialer, SMS as well as in application payments. Availability attacks that are executed on the information impact the availability of the information and make it inaccessible to the users. There are many services and applications that parallel run on the organizations internal and external networks which are made available by the execution of the Denial and Distributed Denial of Service attacks on the same. These are the attacks in which the malevolent entities introduce unnecessary and garbage traffic on the network of a particular service or application to deteriorate its quality which often leads to the scenario of a breakdown. It is through this process that the services and applications become inaccessible and unavailable for the end users (Ipa, 2009). These are the attacks that take place on the information that is associated with the organization by sending false emails and messages to the users to trick them in order to retrieve important information from them. Time to time there are news of new applications being introduced in the application stores that are already compromised intentionally or unintentionally. Hence a wide range of mobile application based threats have emerged, these includes: Malware attacks on the information are a common practice that has been observed in association with the users and organization along with other systems and organizations as well. A number of different types of malware have been created such as viruses, Trojan horses, Logic Bombs, worms, ransomware, adware, spyware and many more and all of these affect mobile devices as well resulting in financial fraud or theft. Malware Attacks on Mobile Devices Application markets are bound by the guidelines and principles that are required to be followed in order to upload an app on the same. However, there is malicious software also introduced on these markets that get downloaded on the mobile device and hampers the security of the device. Manipulation of the Bootloader is done to download and install the apps outside of the app markets as well that often result in rootkits and similar malware attacks. The applications that are developed and implemented by the business and users comprise of several Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). These APIs become one of the major threat agents and lead to the successful execution of a security attack by the hackers and attackers. Attackers often make use of these APIs to give to the security attacks. Newer Forms of Mobile Device Security Attacks Apart from the security risks and attacks associated with the mobile devices that have been summarized above, there are a lot many security attacks and risks that have now been created with the enhancement in technology and increase in the use of mobile devices. Already infected mobile devices are being used by the attackers and malevolent entities to cause damage to other devices. These infected devices seek for the presence of other mobile devices on a particular network or range and the malware or infected codes are then passed on to the other devices to cause damage to them. Ransomware attacks were earlier restricted to only computer systems and applications. However, with the increase in the use of mobile devices, these attacks have now spread to the mobile devices and applications as well. Attackers capture the credentials and information of the users and lock the device or the application which can only be accessed after paying for the same. Users make use of the mobile devices for personal as well as professional activities. There are also a number of financial tasks that are carried out with the aid of mobile devices. Crypto-currency mining attacks are executed by the attackers on the mobile devices and the information that is store d in the same. Attackers make use of malware in this cause in order to infiltrate the mobile devices in search for the digital currencies. Wireless sniffers and signal jammers are also causing a lot of trouble to the users of the mobile devices. The mobile devices that lack the adequate security measures are often impacted by these entities as the information that is present in the device is exposed to the attackers. Comparison between Android and iOS Mobile Security The above diagram shows the shipment volume of Android and iOS devices from 2013 to 2016. Two of the most widely used mobile operating systems in the present times are Android and Apples iOS. There are several providers of the Android OS in the market such as Samsungs, Lenovo, Motorola and many more. The security features and mechanisms that are offered in Android and iOS vary from each other. Both of the mobile operating systems offer the traditional forms of access control installed in their mobile devices such as use of PINs and passwords for unlocking the mobile devices, ability to the users to set up patterns for unlocking the device and setting up application locks in the device. Permission based access control can be applied in Android as well as iOS devices to allow the users to enter the password or PIN to permit the entry to an application. Applications that are installed in the mobile devices that run on either Android or iOS do not have a direct access to the hardware. There are many intermediary software layers that are present in between the application and the device that is the hardware which act as a barrier between the two entities. There are many web based attacks that are common in the world of mobile devices and both of the mobile operating systems have the in-built mechanisms to deal with such forms of security attacks. Strengths and Weaknesses of Android Mobile OS and iOS Apart from the list of common security features that have been listed above, there are a lot many security mechanisms that are exclusively present in the Android operating systems. In case of the mobile applications that are installed in the Android devices, there is a static list of permissions that are present in order to enable permission based access control on the applications. Also, it is not possible to automatically install the applications on the Android devices which prevent a lot many web-based and security attacks on the information stored in the device. The figure above shows that Android is the most vulnerable platform of all Operating Systems in the world including Desktop operating systems. Android has more than 3 times the number of vulnerabilities in 2016 at 523 when compared to iOS at 161. There are also certain weaknesses that are associated with the Android devices. There are many Android phones that are being provided by the manufacturers and some of them can no longer be updated to the latest version of the OS. Such devices are exposed to a higher number of security risks and attacks. Also, the manufacturers have the ability to modify the UI of the device as and when they like which also lead to the emergence of many security attacks. Application marketplace that is Google Play Store also has a limited security implementation and there are numerous security risks and threats that get executed along with the downloading of a mobile application on a mobile device (Smedinghoff, 2016). There is an enhanced permission based access control that is installed in the iOS devices that prompt the users frequently to make choices in terms of going ahead with the usage of the application or prevention of the same. Location based services that come along with iOS devices are outclass and there are geo-tagging and geo-location capabilities that are installed that allow the users to track the device even when it is lost or stolen. iOS also allows the users to automatically delete the desired data sets and information present in the device in case of its loss. There is a lot of information that the users store in the mobile devices which may be private and sensitive in nature. Such information can be erased by the users with just a click of a button (Cengage, 2016). There are some weaknesses that are associated with the mobile devices that run on iOS as their operating system. If the user chooses to jailbreak the device then there are multiple malware attacks that the device gets exposed to. These attacks can cause a lot of damage to the device and the information that is contained within the device. Also, there is a limited upgrade of the device possible on the previous version of the operating system that also leads to the emergence of a lot many security risks and attacks to the device (Saint-Germain, 2005). The above table highlights the security features available to end users that was available to a typical iOS vs Android user in 2013. Mobile Device Security Set of Goals The business processes, business operations and business activities must comply completely to the security policies, security laws and set of regulations that guard the same. The security mechanisms that are developed must ensure that the properties such as confidentiality, privacy, availability and integrity are safeguarded. There shall never be occurrences in which there is a complete breakdown in terms of business continuity (Anderson, 2016). The time required to recover the services and applications to their regular functioning shall be kept very low. Application of security mechanisms in third party dealings shall fulfill the norms of all the parties that are associated. There shall be regular up-gradation and maintenance of the security frameworks (Hostalnd, 2010) Mobile Device Security - Strategy The approach and strategy shall be developed according to the nature and type of information that may be impacted or may be put at risk. Confidentiality: The property of the information shall be maintained in all the business processes to make sure there are no violations and unauthorized entries involved. Integrity: The modifications, changes, deletions, updates and additions shall be performed in authorized manner only. Availability: Accessibility to the information shall be provided to the users at all times and from all the locations (Arcs, 2016). There is a lot of work that is being done in order to make sure that the mobile device risks and attacks are prevented and avoided. There is a rise of Internet of Things (IoT) applications along with the artificially intelligent applications that are being developed and mobile devices play a major role in both. Security of the mobile devices in association with IoT and cloud computing is required to be done to make sure that the level of security that is offered is increased and there are no risks executed. Also, in terms of the mobile operating systems, it would be essential to enhance the in-built security features such as basic and advanced security with the installation of logical and technical security controls. Such measures would make sure that the frequency of the mobile device security risks and attacks are minimized (Whitman, 2016). Users also need to be educated and made aware in terms of the mobile security risks and attacks and there shall be trainings and awareness sessions that must be executed and initiated for the purpose. Conclusion Information is the key asset for all the organizations and it becomes a prime topic of concern for the organizations to effectively manage the information and data sets that are associated with them. There are various categories of information such as sensitive information, internal information, information only for office use, public information, private information and a lot more. The information that the mobile devices that are used by the users and the organizations deal with on a daily basis includes the information associated with the applications, personal details of the users, information around the files and data that is stored in the device and a lot more. There are numerous security risks and attacks that are associated with the mobile devices in terms of security risks, threats and vulnerabilities. These can be prevented and controlled with the aid of applicable countermeasures and policies. References Alnatheer, M. (2014). A Conceptual Model to Understand Information Security Culture. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Anderson, R. (2016). Why Information Security is Hard. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Arcs, (2016). Information Security Policies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Cengage, (2016). Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Information Security. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Hostland, K. (2010). Information Security Policy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Ipa, (2009). 10 Major Security Threats. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Ishandbook, (2016). Types of Controls. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Keung, Y. (2016). Information Security Controls. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Ngoma, S. (2012). Vulnerability of IT Infrastructures: Internal and External Threats. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. O'Neil, L. (2015). How to Implement Security Controls for an Information Security Program at CBRN Facilities. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Saint-Germain, R. (2005). Information Security Management Best Practice Based on ISO/IEC 17799. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Smedinghoff, T. (2016). The State of Information Security Law. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016]. Whitman, M. (2016). Readings Cases in Information Security: Law Ethics. [online] Google Books. Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2016].
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Should Homosexuals Be Able to Marry Outline free essay sample
I. Introduction A. Thesis Statement Due to the several controversial issues that may arise I do not support gay marriage, I do believe that domestic partnership should remain allowable, giving a person the right to date and share their lives with whomever they so choose, but the sanctity of marriage should remain exclusively between one man and one woman. II. Body paragraph #1 – Topic Sentence #1 Before the passing of Prop 8, California was only the second state to allow same-sex marriage. In fact up until 2004 same-sex couples couldn’t wed anywhere in the country. Many gay couples that wed before the passing of prop 8, their marriages would remain valid. A. Supporting Evidence Proposition 8 added a new section to the state constitution, that â€Å"Only marriage between a Man and a Woman is valid and recognized in California. †(Article 1, Sec 7. 5. ) B. Explanation Many can argue, especially those in favor of gay rights, that a gay relationship and or marriage is misunderstood and they believe that gay men and women should have the same rights in jobs, public accommodations, and government benefits. C. So What? There are a lot of reasons being offered to oppose homosexual relationships and/or marriage, however this country is founded based on the right to express oneself as they choose and I believe that choosing a person to spend the rest of your life with, would be included in that right. However, I foresee several ethical issues that may arise. III. Body paragraph #2 – Topic Sentence #2 The most apparent opposition is discrimination, singling out gay men and women as ineligible to marriage, welcomes public discrimination against them. A. Supporting Evidence A person can be accused of discrimination if they continue to practice their religious or personal beliefs against gay marriage and they are unwilling to accept the lifestyle that a homosexual couples chooses to live. B. Explanation People may become uncomfortable at work, if they are forced to work in a disagreeable setting like witnessing public display of affection between gay couples. Or forced to work side by side with a gay individual although they have a hard time excepting that coworker’s lifestyle, and it may be against their own personal beliefs. C. So What? It is important that we do not put our own personal beliefs in front of others personal and or religious beliefs. Whether we agree with homosexual relationships or not, it is not our place to make anyone uncomfortable because of their choices. IV. Body paragraph #3 – Topic Sentence #3 Another argument in regards to gay marriage would be based on privacy and personal freedom. A. Supporting Evidence Conservatives believe that legalizing gay marriage would more widely recognize basic American principles and reinforce our nation’s commitment to equal rights. Olson, 2010) B. Explanation This perspective could potentially be a solution to the many oppositions of gay marriage if we accepted being gay would not do any harm to anyone, and an individual should have the right to participate in a same-sex relationship and live freely. C. So What? Realistically people have the right to do whatever they please with whomever they please, as long as the person doesn’t i mpose on the rights of others. V. Body paragraph #4 – Topic Sentence #4 I was raised in a Christian home, and have been taught that homosexuality is sin; I do not personally discriminate against any race, preference, or relationship, and respect a homosexual relationship as such. A. Supporting Evidence I keep my thoughts and comments to myself and respect the choice of an individual. In fact I have a few people that I associate with and they choose to live homosexual lifestyle that does not make me like them any less. B. Explanation A lot of Christian homes teach their children that marriage is a union that is meant to be shared between a man and a woman, especially if you follow the teachings of the bible. That doesn’t mean that you can’t befriend a gay person, just because you disagree with their sexual preference. These same homes should also teach that each person should be treated as an individual and not judged for their lifestyles. C. So What? Although I do not condone legalizing gay marriage, does that make me a bad person? Absolutely not, I just believe in the original definition of marriage. I believe there was a purpose for man and woman, and now that homosexuality is so prevalent in our society I can see how this change is greatly affecting communities throughout the U. S. VI. Body paragraph #5 – Topic Sentence #5 It may be years before the attempts to give gay couples true legal equality. A. Supporting Evidence In fact the battle over gay marriage and also gay adoptions will most definitely be fought out in court for years to come. (Newsweek, 2003) President Obama and his constituents are searching for some common ground on this issue, recommending that states adopt marriage alternatives, but there has been no sight of change in federal marriage laws. B. Explanation It seems that gay couples have gained a high acceptance to the domestic partnership laws in other states. In fact the state of Vermont permits â€Å"civil unions†that gives same-sex couples many of the same rights and responsibilities as marriage, they just give the ceremony a different name for political reasons (Newsweek, 2003) C. So What? As with traditional marriages, same sex marriages and domestic partnerships have not lasted until death do us part, and for that reason states are also dealing with higher divorce rates and child custody cases. I think that gay couples should be content with living under the domestic partner law, which grants same sex couples almost all state level rights and obligations of marriage at the state level VII. Conclusion A. Thesis Statement rephrased There are several controversial issues that will continue to arise when it comes to this subject. Many political leaders believe that the growing number of same sex couples will create severe social pressure toward the equalization of marriage laws at the state level. I do not support homosexual marriages, but respect a person’s right to choose whom they wish to spend the rest of their lives with, and they should continue to do so in domestic partnership.
Friday, April 10, 2020
Human Geography Essay Topics
Human Geography Essay TopicsYou will need to find out about the human geography essay topics that are often best suited for you. In this article, I am going to tell you what kind of topics are good for an essay about geography and some of the key things you should consider before selecting your topic.First of all, let's define what human geography is. Human geography is a branch of geography that deals with the social structure of the individual as a person. It deals with the location of individuals within society, the most common places of residence and many other things that go into defining the group.There are several different types of geographic societies which vary in scale and may deal with people who live on a certain area of land, on the seas or on the land. In general, however, this is only a small part of the human geography essay topics. There are many other aspects that you will need to take into account.The first thing you need to know is that human geography can have q uite a broad range. For example, someone living on the ocean would be different from someone who lives on land. It may be important for the essay topic if the author is writing about a specific location. There are many aspects that you will need to think about and the human geography essay topics which best suit your interests will be the ones that you end up choosing.There are many different types of human geography topics which can be good for your essay. One of the most popular for example is learning about the people who live on a particular geographical area. In general, this is a good idea because it will cover all the local personalities and the local life of a region. This can be particularly helpful when researching different historical topics about the area.Another good idea is to use an essay topic to teach about the history of the area, the education based curriculum or how the region has changed over time. In this way, you can learn more about the region through the pro cess of an essay topic rather than reading about the history. This can really help you to gain knowledge about the region and to understand more about it.Finally, if you are studying geography, you will likely want to write about the geographical area you are studying. Human geography essay topics can have a few different characteristics. Your key thing to remember is that they are not only good to use to find out about individuals who live in a certain geographical area, but also to help you learn about the geography of the area.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Friday, March 6, 2020
10 Fascinating Facts About Spiders
10 Fascinating Facts About Spiders Spiders: some people love them, some people hate them. Regardless of if youre an arachnophile or an arachnophobe, youll find these 10 facts about spiders fascinating. 1. Spider Bodies Have Two Parts: A Cephalothorax and an Abdomen All spiders, from tarantulas to jumping spiders, share this common trait. The simple eyes, fangs, palps, and legs are all found on the anterior body region, called the cephalothorax. The spinnerets reside on the posterior region, called the abdomen. The unsegmented abdomen attaches to the cephalothorax by means of a narrow pedicel, giving the spider the appearance of having a waist. 2. With the Exception of One Family, All Spiders Are Venomous Spiders use venom to subdue their prey. The venom glands reside near the chelicerae, or fangs, and are connected to the fangs by ducts. When a spider bites its prey, muscles around the venom glands contract, pushing venom through the fangs and into the animal. Most spider venom paralyzes the prey. The spider family Uloboridae is the only known exception to this rule. Its members do not possess venom glands. 3. All Spiders Are Predators Spiders hunt and capture prey. The majority feed on other insects and other invertebrates, but some of the largest spiders may prey on vertebrates such as birds. The true spiders of the order Araneae comprise the largest group of carnivorous animals on Earth. 4. Spiders Can't Digest Solid Foods Before a spider can eat its prey, it must turn the meal into a liquid form. The spider exudes digestive enzymes from its sucking stomach onto the victims body. Once the enzymes break down the tissues of the prey, it sucks up the liquefied remains, along with the digestive enzymes. The meal then passes to the spiders midgut, where nutrient absorption occurs. 5. All Spiders Produce Silk Not only can all spiders make silk, but they can do so throughout their life cycles. Spiders use silk for many purposes: to capture prey, to protect their offspring, to assist them as they move, for shelter, and to reproduce (more on that in a moment). Not all spiders use silk the same way. 6. Not All Spiders Spin Webs Most people associate spiders with webs, but some spiders dont construct webs at all. Wolf spiders, for example, stalk and overtake their prey, without the aid of a web. Jumping spiders, which have remarkably good eyesight and move quickly, have no need for webs, either. They simply pounce on their prey! 7. Male Spiders Use Modified Appendages Called Pedipalps to Mate Spiders reproduce sexually, but males use an unusual method to transfer their sperm to a mate. The male first prepares a silk bed or web, onto which he deposits sperm. He then draws the sperm into his pedipalps, a pair of appendages near his mouth, and stores the semen in a sperm duct. Once he finds a mate, he inserts his pedipalp into her genital opening and releases his sperm. 8. Males Risk Being Eaten by Their Female Mates Females are typically larger than their male counterparts. A hungry female may consume any invertebrate that comes along, including her suitors. Male spiders sometimes use courtship rituals to identify themselves as mates and not meals. Jumping spiders, for example, perform elaborate dances from a safe distance and wait for the females approval before approaching. Male orb weavers (and other web-building species) position themselves on the outer edge of the females web, and gently pluck a thread to transmit a vibration. They wait for a sign that the female is receptive before venturing closer. 9. Spiders Use Silk to Protect Their Eggs Female spiders deposit their eggs on a bed of silk, which they prepare just after mating. Once a female produces the eggs, she covers them with more silk. Egg sacs vary greatly, depending on the type of spider. Cobweb spiders make thick, watertight egg sacs, while cellar spiders use a minimum of silk to encase their eggs. Some spiders produce silk that mimics the texture and color of the substrate on which the eggs are laid, effectively camouflaging the offspring. 10. Spiders Don't Move by Muscle Alone Spiders rely on a combination of muscle and hemolymph (blood) pressure to move their legs. Some joints in spider legs lack extensor muscles entirely. By contracting muscles in the cephalothorax, a spider can increase the hemolymph pressure in the legs, and effectively extend their legs at these joints. Jumping spiders jump using a sudden increase in hemolymph pressure that snaps the legs out and launches them into the air.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Youth decision for military careers Dissertation
Youth decision for military careers - Dissertation Example This work highlights the importance of the military as an option for America's youth in relation to improved education, financial stability, and as a method of personal goal-attainment. Statistically, there are alarming groups of adolescents who are exposed to gang-related activities and drug abuse that have no significant medium in which to escape negative environments. For these demographic groups, the military is not only a substantial option, but might even by their ONLY method to achieve a better style of living. Today's military is geared toward relationship-building, career accomplishment, and helps to instill methods of teamwork that benefit the teenager in the short-term, but also teaches life enhancement techniques that carry well into adulthood. With the rising cost of university education, some parents and children might be willing to explore a military enlistment as a recognizable outlet for an alternative to providing quality career education.The branches of the United States military are actively working to increase recruitment among young adults at the high school level, however, there is a concerning disconnect. With the current world events and social attitude towards the military and war against terrorism, the somewhat negative perceptions carry over towards recruitment. Much the same as other historical wars, the war on terrorism will eventually end, but the need for high quality recruits will not.
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