Wednesday, July 31, 2019
How did Tolstoy have such a fascinating insight to every level of society?
Leo Tolstoy, -a Russian novelist, a social and moral philosopher and one of the greatest writers of all time- lived during the period of realism. Most of his works present the reader to Russian life in the early 19th century and some of them deal with Russia's past history or social system. How did Tolstoy have such a fascinating insight to every level of society? How did history or the people around him influence his writing? In what ways did he, himself influence people through his writing? Why do people, today read his works all over the world? Leo Tolstoy was born on September 9, 1828, at Yasnaya Polyana, his parents' estate close to Moscow. His mother died when he was two years old. His father was a landowning nobleman, and he died when his son turned nine. Orphaned at an early age, Tolstoy was raised by his aunt, a deeply religious woman. The young Tolstoy received his first education from German and French tutors who taught him at home. Having a good education seemed really important in his eyes, so he attended a university where he studied law and languages. After having lost interest and disagreeing with some of the teachers, he left without a degree and went back to his family's old estate to continue the family tradition. (McGraw-Hill, p. 481) There he set out to reform the imperfect Russian society. During his college years Tolstoy came across some famous works of Jean Jacques Rousseau. The words of the French political thinker, who lived during the years of Enlightment, made a huge impact on the young Tolstoy. Rousseau had great trust in the common people, those who were mostly looked down by higher society. He argued in favor of equality and called for the abolition of all titles of rank and nobility. Tolstoy liked these views and agreed with most of them. He, too, had had faith in the lower classes and clearly saw the faults of nobility. â€Å"Man is born free, and everywhere is in chains,†was his favorite quote from Rousseau. (World History, p. 435) But never would he have imagined what kind of a conflict he got himself into by expressing his views on society. Tolstoy saw the dissipation and extravagance of high society, and also the injustices and poverty of serfs. Serfs were the people forced to work on the land in Russia's feudal system. The feudal system in Russia meant that poor families received land, food and housing from a nobleman, and they worked and served him in return. These people were treated very badly, they lived among horrible conditions and they had no hope of ever improving their condition of life because they never received any education. Tolstoy clearly saw the injustices of this situation and he was saddened to see generations of people sentenced to working for someone else with no way out. He was determined to become a model farmer and a â€Å"father†to his serfs. (McGraw-Hill, p. 481) He traveled to France and Germany and visited several dozen elementary schools across Europe. Finally, Tolstoy set up a school for peasant children, giving them a way to escape their destiny. Because of these actions Tolstoy became in conflict with higher society, which was not happy about the increasing awareness of serfs. His family also limited his generosity; his wife was especially annoyed because of her husband's charity towards the poor. Tolstoy married his wife when he was 34 and Sofya Andreyevna Bers was 16 years younger then her husband. She was a very intelligent, strong-willed woman who gave Tolstoy great happiness and 13 children. Tolstoy continued to work with his serfs and convinced his friends and other people around him to try and better the life of the work force. To everyone's astonishment his estate thrived under the new system where serfs were paid and given education and they lived among better conditions. By making these changes in his estate's economic life and managing it successfully, he convinced many other landowners to improve, too. After the birth of his children, Tolstoy had his own family to think about. Although he never had financial problems, he had to provide a living for his quickly growing family. In the next 15 years he raised a large family and as an escape from everyday problems into the past he wrote his two greatest novels: War and Peace and Anna Karenina. War and Peace represents a high point in Tolstoy's life. It is the story of 1812 when Napoleon, a French general attacked Russia. The story contains 559 characters; important military battles and portrays of historically famous people. The main theme, however is the changing lives of four Russian aristocratic families. Its general message is love of life in all circumstances which was inspired by Tolstoy's personal happiness. The shorter novel of Anna Karenina also deals with high Russian society, but it is more of a psychological work than any of his other pieces. This novel gives the reader the idea that Tolstoy greatly disapproves of intellectuality and urban sophistication and is tormented by the mission of humans in this world (http://www. geocities. com/Athens/Acropolis/6681/tolstoyb. tm). War and Peace and Anna Karenina realistically portrays Russian society in the early 19th century and probably that is the reason why every generations of people all over the world enjoy Tolstoy's works. The next 15 years were spent with seeking the ultimate meaning of life. Tolstoy went through a serious, long-lasting spiritual crisis that gave birth to two of his lesser- known works: Confession and Critique of Dogmatic The ology. In these writings he bravely attacked social inequality and the ultimate powers of government and church. His life was more and more dominated by the desire to achieve social justice and an acceptable system of moral principles. At this time he became involved with public matters and participated in many social events. During this period Tolstoy's relationship with his family became estranged. He planned on giving away all his wealth, but his wife would not hear of it. She would not share the thought of her husband that by doing good things to others might help you achieve understanding of the meaning of life. Finally, they reached a compromise and Sofya received the copyright to all his works before 1881. McGraw-Hill, p. 483) Tolstoy's last years were filled with his worldwide celebration, but they bought him great unhappiness. During these years he lived far from the world, and led a quiet life. Rejecting the foundations of Russian society and religion he established his own religion in which he explained that God lives in all people. The Eastern Orthodox Church for his view of God excommunicated Tolstoy. At the age of 82, in 1910, increasingly tormented by his personal beliefs, religious persecution, his personal wealth and by the hopeless quarrels with his wife, he decided to leave his family. He set out on his last pilgrimage in search of justification and truth. Three days later he fell ill and died on November 20, in the home of a station manager. He was later buried at his dear Yasnaya Polyana, where he spent most of his happiest years. Tolstoy benefitted from many things he received in his childhood. When foreign teachers tutored him he learned their languages completely. Therefore he knew Russian, his native language, and he spoke French and German perfectly, too. He later applied this knowledge in his books, writing in all three languages. The concept of God and the purpose and meaning of religion troubled Tolstoy throughout his life. He had always been in search of the concept of right or wrong, but never could achieve an understanding of the matter. Tolstoy' on ideas on religion and on nonresistance to evil influenced Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. Both of these men fought nonviolently for rights and the well being of their people: Gandhi in India against the British and Luther King for equality for blacks. Other famous Russian authors of this period were Fyodor Dostoevsky and Ivan Turgenev. McGraw-Hill, p. 484) Tolstoy's life seems a little bit of struggle at some points, but he really gave a lot to this world. He made a huge difference by getting rid of his convictions and doing what he thought was best for society. He even had the courage to express his views that were not welcomed by most of the people around him. Tolstoy is known for his books, however, that bought him worldwide acclaim in his living, but he is still celebrated today as one of the world's greatest author of all times.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Economics- Bagel Industry
1. Bagel restaurant is likely to be a constant industry because it is in the perfect competition industry. Bagel restaurant is in the perfect competition industry because there are few entry barriers in this industry. Anyone could enter this industry. In the short-run, existing firms might get profit just as the case of George’s bagel chain. However, in the long-run, the profit attracts new competitors into this industry, causing price competition. Because each firm will produce at the point where P=LRMC, the price competition will force each firm to produce at the lowest point of the LRAC curve.Thus, each firm in the bagel industry faces the same cost which equals to the price of the bagel, meaning that bagel restaurant is in a constant cost industry. To maximize profit, firms have to produce at the point where P=LRMC. Supply curve shows the corresponding quantity at any given price. Thus, LRMC is the long-run supply curve for each firm. For firms in the constant cost industr y, they face a constant LRMC, which implies that the slope of the long-run supply curve is zero. By contrast, increasing cost industry face increasing LRMC curve, which implies that the slope of the long-run supply curve is positive. . Firms that can produce at lower price are those who have lower MC. Lower MC usually implies that these firms hold some superior factors that other firms don’t have. It seems that firms with superior factors can make economic profits. However, other firms will compete for these superior factors in order to also produce at lower cost, which increase the opportunity cost of holding these superior factors. Thus, firms with lower MC can’t make economic profit because the producer surplus from lower MC has been used to acquire the superior factors. 3.It is a good idea for George to enter the cranberry industry. The reasons are as following: 1)The cranberry industry shows steady growth rate. 2)George has the opportunity to acquire the superior asset in this industry – sandy peat bogs. 3)Sandy peat soil is not readily available in supply, which cause the entry barrier in this industry. Thus, although future profits might attract new competitors into this market as the case in the bagel restaurant, the limited supply of peat bogs makes it difficult for competitors to immediately enter this industry.Even the price competition happens in the future, George can still produce at the lower price because he owns the superior asset. Finally, as the case in previous example, although George can produce at lower price, he can make only the normal economic profit. This is because profit will cause competitors to compete for the land, which causes the appreciation of the sandy peat bogs. As a result, the opportunity cost of George’s holding the land will increase, which offset the producer surplus of George.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Charles Dickens presentation Essay
Do you feel that Charles Dickens presentation of Joe Gargery makes him seem on balance a foolish person or someone worthy of our respect? In Great Expectations, Joe Gargery comes into the novel many times. Sometimes he is portrayed as a very foolish person but other times he actually is quite clever and worthy of our respect. At the beginning of the novel, he seems foolish in the sense that he is a very simple man and does nothing to hide it. When Pip is reading him a letter, Joe remarks †Why, here’s a J,’ said Joe, ‘ and a O equal to anythink! Here’s a J and a O, Pip, and a J-O, Joe. †Pip carries on by saying ‘ I had never heard Joe read aloud to any great extent than this monosyllable, and I had observed at church last Sunday when I accidentally held our Prayer-Book upside down, that it seemed to suit his convenience quite as well as if it had been all right. ‘ There are many more examples of his foolishness but there is one important point that must be included to understand why Joe puts up with Mrs Joe’s nagging the whole time. He tells Pip about how his father beat his mother and him constantly: ‘ and he hammered at me with such a wigour only to be equalled by the wigour with which he didn’t hammer at his anwil. – You’re a listening and understanding, Pip? ‘ He then reveals that Mrs Joe doesn’t like scholarly people in her house ‘And she ain’t over partial to having scholars on the premises’ Joe continued, ‘ and in partickler would not be over partial to my being a scholar, for fear as I might rise. Like a sort of rebel, don’t you see? ‘ In this there is a clear sign that Joe doesn’t want any disharmony in his house and he doesn’t want to treat his wife like his dad treated his mum. So for this reason he puts up with Mrs Joe ‘knocking his head for a little while against the wall behind him’ when he steps out of line. For this reason, it seems we must respect him as someone who learns not from his mistakes, but other people’s. There are times in the novel, where Joe seems to be acting really stupidly but is in fact being proud. The first time this crops up is when Joe and Pip go to Satis House to talk to Miss Havisham. Joe, to Pip’s embarrassment, refuses to talk to Pip as though Miss Havisham is not there ‘Pip,’ returned Joe, cutting me short as if he was hurt, ‘which I meantersay that were not a question requiring a answer betwixt yourself and me, and which you know the answer to be full well No. You know it to be No, Pip, and wherefore should I say it? ‘ Miss Havisham has just asked Joe a question and it is strange that he addresses Pip instead. Pip after becoming a gentleman, is very snobbish and looks down on Joe. For this reason Joe tries to act very upper class and tries not to embarrass Pip in front of his friends. ‘Since you are so kind as make chice of coffee, I will not run contrairy to your own opinions. ‘ He calls Pip ‘Sir’ many times and at one point Pip says ‘Joe,’ I interrupted, pettishly, ‘how can you call me Sir? ‘ However even after this scene which Joe looks foolish, he actually regains his dignity; ‘Joe looked at me for a single instant with something faintly like reproach. Utterly preposterous as his cravat was, and as his collars were, I was conscious of a sort of dignity in the look. ‘ Here we have two contrasting statements. Pip tells us that Joe looks extremely foolish in his cravat and collar but under the foolishness is someone who is extremely dignified. Not many people are like that especially when their ‘son’, has just rebuked them for addressing them wrongly. The next time Joe’s dignity really shines through is when he leaves Pip on page 222. He knows he looks stupid in the clothes because and says so ‘I’m wrong in these clothes. I’m wrong out of the forge, the kitchen, or off th’ meshes†¦ I’m awfully dull, but I hope I’ve beat out something nigh the rights of this at last’ The terrible thing is, is that Joe knows Pip looks down on him and is ashamed of him. He says ‘ You won’t find half so much fault in me if you think of me in my forge dress, with my hammer in my hand, or even my pipe. You won’t find half as much fault in me if, supposing as you should ever wish to see me, you come and put your head in at the forge winder†¦ ‘ He knows Pip looks down on him and is embarrassed about him, he feels sorry for Pip and blames it on himself. This is a very honourable thing to do and definitely makes us show respect for him. We see other characters from different pieces of literature placed in similar situations and act very differently and with less patience. For example Eddie Carbone in A View for the Bridge. When Pip becomes ill, due to a number of things: severe burning, a run-in with Orlick and Provis becoming captured, Joe comes to visit him and looks after him. Joe doesn’t want to fall into embarrassing Pip again. Due to Pip’s earlier disrespect towards Joe, Joe is less easy with Pip. ‘ But, imperceptibly, though I held them fast, Joe’s hold upon them began to slacken; and whereas, I wondered at this at first, I soon began to understand that the cause of it was in me, and that the fault of it was all mine. ‘ Joe has regained his dignity so instead of getting emotionally close to Pip, he draws himself away from him as soon as he senses he is getting stronger. Joe, earlier on is obviously trying to impress Pip by learning to write and Pip starts crying because he sees the pride with which Joe has written the letter to him. Pip is very lucky to have an uncle like Joe because Joe is an excellent person. On the surface he seems to be foolish but underneath he is a pure and righteous man. He always forgives Pip for whatever injustice Pip does to him. In the balance, the reasons we should respect Joe Gargery far outweigh the reasons why we should treat him like a foolish character and one that is not worthy of our respect.
Information Technology Ethics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Information Technology Ethics - Term Paper Example Cyber crimes are here to stay. As Price stated, â€Å"As the number of computer owners connected to the internet increases, so too does the opportunity for cyber crime†(Price, 2010). Chantler in his review of the book, â€Å"The Reality of the Threat†by Nigel Phair (2007) cited Phair’s description of the different cyber crimes (Chantler, 2007). Phair noted (as cited by Chantler 2007) that cyber crimes can be broadly divided into seven groups namely: 1) unwanted software; 2) identity crime; 3) phishing; 4) critical infrastructure protection; 5) intellectual property; 6) communications; and 7) terrorism (Chantler, 2007). Hacking activities, spyware, adware, cookies, Trojans, spams and viruses fall under unwanted software. Unwanted software may be found either outside or within the organization. The second and third types of cyber crime, identity crime and phishing, deal with proof of identity, authentication of internet users and the tools used to get information . Chantler goes on further to cite Phair’s description of the other divisions of cyber crimes (2007). Critical infrastructure protection crimes are the crimes which involve the destruction of the information structures such as telecommunications and computer networks. On the other hand, crimes on intellectual property are concerned with software piracy. Cyber crime on communications is another form of cyber crime which gets much attention from organizations. These type of crimes include risks and threats on â€Å"wireless devices, VoIP (voice-over-internet protocol) - such as Skype and Google-talk, third generation phone systems, issues with caller ID, clipping, v-bombing, sim boxing, internet dumping, PABX hacking, phoneline scanning, voicemail, cloning, Bluetooth, RFID†and issues on privacy (Chantler, 2007). Like any other group of society, terrorists have also resorted to digital technology in carrying out their activities. They use cyber space to commit crimes suc h as information warfare and distributed denial of service attacks (ddos) (Chantler, 2007). One of the most common crimes which Chantler failed to mention is cyber bullying. Over the years, there has been a proliferation of cyber bullying crimes worldwide. Cyber bullying is â€Å"bullying through email, instant messaging (IMing), chat room exchanges, Web site posts, or digital messages or images send to a cellular phone or personal digital assistant (PDA)†(Hazelden Foundation, n.d.). Cyber bullying involves online harassment which has become more severe through the years sometimes even the cause of some suicides among teenagers. Electronic Monitoring of Employees One of the offshoots of the advancement in information technology is the growth in the extent of workplace monitoring in several companies. Software such as Websense, SurfControl, SmartFilter and Xora have sprung up as corporations saw the need to monitor employees in the workplace. These software make it easy for m anagement to monitor the computer, internet or email use of the employees. A software like Xora can even go as far as monitoring an employee’s whereabouts through GPS technology on their company’s mobile phones (Dell & Cullen, 2006). According to sellers of Web and email monitoring software, employee productivity, corporate liability and bandwidth limitations are the major reasons why workplace monitoring is implemented by corporations (Lemos, 2001). In a study by the American Management Association and the ePolicy Institute, it was revealed that 76% of employers
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Stateless nation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Stateless nation - Essay Example 28). For this study, we will look into Taiwan. â€Å"The state should culturally be aware of itself as a discrete body and with a discrete civic structure†(Storm, Carsten, and Harrison, p. 8). For centuries, the people of Taiwan have lived with no freedom that is they live by the ordeal of a colonial people (Richard, p. 17). They were not given the opportunity to govern themselves. Taiwan population consisted of refugees, pirates, colonizers and colonizers who migrated to the island from different origins. Due to this, every individual or group that moved into the area have they are own believes, goals and visions. Therefore, the people who lived there had no identity that prevented them from fighting for their rights (Yasutomo, p.34). Taiwan contains many influences that are non-china. The republican government controls them. Taiwan is referred to as a ‘rebelling province’ by the government of rival People’s Republic of china. They are considered to be rebelling against the rightful government of united china. Due to the non-china influences received from the region, Taiwanese can refer as a rebelling province (Minahan, p.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Financial Management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Financial Management - Case Study Example Every foreign exchange market is in a position to mitigate the risk of uncertainty occurred due to the variations in the exchange rates on cash flows of both payables and receivables. â€Å"Under the hypothesis of efficient foreign exchange markets, the validity of the Purchasing Power Parity theorem may take care of the company’s uncertainty with respect to the mean value of its foreign currency portfolio. The remaining uncertainty, i.e. the variance of the value of the foreign currency portfolio around its mean, can be reduced by hedging†(Soenon 2006). Under this kind of marketing, generally, there should be equilibrium between the estimated cost of hedging and the actual cost. In addition, the chances of risks and uncertainty will be higher in case of exchange rates and its variations. It is necessary to consider the uncertainty caused by fluctuating exchange rates on cash flows both payable and receivable. This is due to the fact that one of the important tools with the finance manager to determine the changes in cash in hand and at bank is the cash flow statement. The statement of cash flows, both inflows and outflows can be analyzed to reveal significant relationships. Cash generating efficiency is the ability of an organization or a company to generate cash from its current or continuing operations. To evaluate this, fundamentally, certain ratios are used. Similarly, free cash flow is significant in this regard. It is the amount of cash that remains after deducting funds a company must commit to continue operating as its planned level. Such commitments must cover current continuing operations, interest, income tax, dividend, and net capital expenditures. When the free cash flow is positive, it means that the company has met all its planned commitments and has cash available to reduce debt or expand. A negative free cash flow would mean that the company needs to sell investments, borrow money or issue stock, in a short term, to carry on its finance at the planned levels. Besides measuring the cash efficiency and free cash flow with the help of cash flow statement, the financial analyst also calculates various ratios on cash figures rather than the earnings of the company. Such major ratios are- 1. Price per share/free cash flow per share 2. Operating cash flow/Operating profit 3. Self financing investment ratio, which is the internal funding/ Investment activities (net). It helps to indicates how much of the funds generated by the business are reinvested in assets. It is evident that the concepts of investment and risk are related to each other. Every business entity aims to maximize its returns. The business that deals with the investment in different securities by the investors is beneficial to a great extend but at the same time is quiet risky. More
Friday, July 26, 2019
The Public Health Infrastructure, and the Status of World Essay
The Public Health Infrastructure, and the Status of World - Essay Example Discussed below is an agenda that Afghanistan can apply to improve the health situation. The various applicable programs in Afghanistan are; Meeting basic health care wants, mainly in rural regions, putting up primary health infrastructures, planning and monitoring, endorsing research and methodology progress, control of contagious diseases, national free health systems, protecting defenseless groups, meeting the town health problem, decreasing health risks from ecological effluence and hazards, and meeting basic health care wants, mainly in rural regions The Afghanistan government should aim towards food security, with priority sited on the eradication of food contagion; inclusive and sustainable water plans to ensure secure drinking water and cleanliness to prevent both chemical and microbial pollution, and endorsement of health teaching, vaccination and provision of vital medicine (Wright, 2009). Education and proper services concerning responsible setting up of family size, with value for religious, cultural, and social ways, in keeping with liberty, self-esteem and personal principles, and taking into consideration cultural and ethical considerations, also add to these activities. The Afghanistan Government and the local system, with the endorsement of pertinent non-governmental organizations, as well as worldwide organizations, in the luminosity of countries precise conditions and wants, should reinforce their health area programs, with particular attention to achieving the following. (i) Establish and strengthen basic health care systems that are realistic, community-based, logically sound, socially suitable and appropriate to their wants and that meet vital health needs for safe food, clean water, and sanitation (ii) Endorse the application and strengthening of methods that develop harmonization between health and related segments at all suitable
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Parents or Prisons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Parents or Prisons - Essay Example This paper would be dealing with. Morse’s arguments in three points. First, the article stated some news reporting the dumping of a dismembered body by two boys. Such news is common even before because the crime appeals to sensationalism that makes the reading public buy newspapers. Grisly accounts of murders, whether or not involving parents is common since ancient times. Then, the news article was linked by Ms. Morse to the budget cuts imposed by city Mayors except for the Department of Corrections. Apparently, the article missed to establish the main reasons why budget spending for prisons were not part of said budget cuts. The Department of Corrections spending needs to be increased simply because the increasing rate of population also produces a higher incidence of criminality. This doesn’t mean that majority of the crimes can be attributed to juvenile delinquency as caused by children from single-parent homes. There are many factors why the Bureau of Corrections h as to increase spending which the author failed to explain. Instead, the news reports were directly correlated to incidence of juvenile delinquency which lacked substantial evidence. Second, the article cited some studies that link mental illness and single parents.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Sainsbury's Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Sainsbury's Case Study - Essay Example From the auspicious events in the 1970’s to the menacing 21st century, the company stakeholders had to remain on their toes being susceptible to the fluctuating financial position of the company. Impact of the problems and the solution strategy on the Investors: It was all going favourable for the company investors till the start of 2002 when the situation began to worsen. The profit position of the company deteriorated in 2004 which initiated the warning signals for the investors. The fact that half of the Board of Directors and some of the executives had resigned created a bleaker picture for the financers of the company and hence shook the investor confidence. This must have created immense problems and communication gaps between the two parties involved. This situation demanded a huge drive towards relationship management in the company. The company management and executive board needed to minimize the communication gap and that could have been done by calling company meet ings and putting up issues in the annual general meeting of the company (Kehoe 2011). To boost the investor confidence the company would have to work on promotion efforts in the public sector. On the other side, the management had started to form negative connotations of the Sainsbury family’s efforts. ... There were also discrepancies in the financial matrices of the company that created a lot of misconceptions for the investors. The strategies that were later used by the company also impacted the investors. For example, the management spent ?3bn on IT systems which certainly alarmed the investors in such troublesome times. In these times the company management badly needed to find policies that could create motivation in the investors and revise cordial relationships between the company stakeholders. All measures that had to be implemented impacted the investor directly or indirectly. Even the policy of finding a target market had implications for the investors (Shah 2012). The executives of the company had to use this concept as a yardstick in the process of decision making and strategic planning. From the case study we can easily identify that the investors wanted rapid profits at this time which obviously was not feasible. Impact of the problems and the solution strategy on the Bo ard of Directors: The entire scenario under discussion posed serious questions on the viability of the company that should have been very worrisome for the company directors. The strategic decision making in these tough times was very difficult and each decision could have created a do or die situation for them. Hence prudence in each implementation step was needed to a lot of extent. The problems such as that of weakening financial position of the company must have led to people pointing fingers at the directors. The directors would have faced pressures not only from the investors but also from the employees. The point of losing market share must have popped up concerns
Gender and sexualities. Qustions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Gender and sexualities. Qustions - Essay Example From the very ancient age these rules and regulations are present which differentiate men and women in the society. Cultures of the people differ on the basis of their ethnicity, race, religion, class, age, nation etc. People of various cultures follow different rules and regulations. For this reason believes, values and actions of people of diverse cultures vary from each other. In this essay various theories, philosophies, social norms regarding sexualities and gender will be discussed. In the present scenario the idea and concepts of the people regarding gender are influenced by their professional world and social environment. Various issues of gender and sexualities are discussed in history by sociopolitical and historical theory. Racism and gender discrimination are major problems which are present in many countries of the world. For these issues the lives and activities of the people are influenced a lot. Many movements took place against gender discrimination and racism which helped to change the perception of the people regarding these issues. Question 1 According to me culture plays an important role in shaping up the perception of people regarding gender and sexualities. The lives of men and women are strongly affected by cultural rules and regulations.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Legalize cocaine to art students Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Legalize cocaine to art students - Essay Example Users of cocaine have claimed that cocaine helps them feel more confident, excited, energetic, alert, and creative among others. Even though there are many negative consequences of cocaine especially on users, there are many benefits of cocaine use. Some of the benefits of using cocaine like creativity, self-confidence and being alert help art students to successfully paint very unique and outstanding pictures. Universities should allow art students to use cocaine so as to develop a strange mood to help them paint unique pictures. Primarily, cocaine provides the feeling of being high and relaxed and this is very important when it comes to artwork. Cocaine helps individuals to motivate to be productive. If given cocaine, these students will be able to feel highly relaxed to help them be creative and come up with unique and attractive pictures. Secondly, the use of cocaine enhances individuals’ self-confidence. Everyone needs to be confident in order to be effective and successful in whatever they are doing; therefore, developing self-confidence is very important to enable students create unique pictures. Based on the research findings particularly on the perception of cocaine users, this substance enables individuals to be self-confident, a necessary quality needed in this discipline. For instance, students can only be able to come up with unique and attractive pictures when they are confident in themselves and what they are doing. Thirdly, cocaine plays a significant role in enhancing individuals’ creativity. It makes individuals be open minded, to concentrate more when performing tasks and more creative. Agreeably, artwork is all about creativity. Being creative and coming up with more unique and outstanding pictures is the major concern of artists and this is what make the discipline of art more effective and interesting. In addition, cocaine also helps individuals to
Monday, July 22, 2019
Danshui Plant No.2 Essay Example for Free
Danshui Plant No.2 Essay Danshui assembling computer hard drives on a contract that was fulfilled at the end of May 2010, although the assembly hard drives was different with assembly of Iphone, Danshui was confident that its workers would adapt to the new assembly tasks and that it could hire and train the additional workers as needed. But in fact, Danshui didn’t manage employee property. The workers showed low efficiency in assembly Iphone with produced lower quantity than budgeted which is 180,000 units instead of 200,000 units. Other than that, Danshui couldn’t hire enough qualified labor to get production up to 200,000 units even though they raised wages by 30% because of Foxconn starting pay by 35% to the labors. In addition, Danshui operation department keep having flash memories damage problem, there were around 1,000 flash memories damage in August. It’s shown that Danshui’s labors are not enough skill to assembly Iphone. We suggest that Wentao Chen could organize more training program for labors to solve the problem of damage of flash memories because of labors might lack of skill in assembly Iphone since they are more familiar in assembly computer hard drive before on contract with Apple. In order to improve the skill of labor in assembly Iphone so that will be decrease the number of damage of flash memories, and the decreasing of number of damage will be decrease the cost of assembly and increase the revenue. In addition, for the problem of couldn’t hire enough qualified labors to get the production of 200,000 units per month even though Danshui had raised the wages up to 30%. In order to solve this problem, we would like to suggest Wentao Chen to apply the intrinsic need of labor. For example, Danshui can set up a Childcare centre for take care the children of labors or provide free meal for those having over time workers and their children who in Childcare Centre. For example, Maybank has undergone various business transformations in the last four years to enhance their service offerings to their customers, improve operational efficiency and to focus efforts on their most valuable asset – their people. Currently, Maybank has put in place a plan to build a childcare centre to be used by employees during emergency situations. Parents who are faced with challenges in securing childcare services are able to utilize the centre for a temporary period of time whilst they source for alternative childcare services and facilities. The centre will provide parents with a safe environment, high-quality care as well as provide fun activities for their children when their regular care provider is unavailable or during emergency situations. The childcare centre is cur rently under construction and targets to open its doors to employees by the last quarter of 2013. We believe it’s can fulfill the satisfaction of employees and increase the retention of employees, in the other hand Danshui also can attract labor to work in Danshui without raising wages. Other than that, Danshui can improve the productivity of labors to get the production of 200,000 units with their high satisfaction to Danshui. Wentao Chen could help Danshui to get the production of 200,000 units without improve skill of labor or improve the productivity by satisfied the labors, he could using â€Å"outsourcing†to get 200,000 units production to reach the deal with Apple. Danshui can outsource to other similar assembly manufacturer for 20,000 units to fulfill the Apple contract.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Understanding The Issues Of Information Overload
Understanding The Issues Of Information Overload In this paper we discussed about Understanding information overload and the common causes of information overload, the disadvantages of information overload for an organization, managing information flow in order to minimize the effect of information overload for the organization, the role of information professional to overcome the information overload extract the useful information. Hope the readers will benefited. Information Overload is an increasing problem both in the workplace and in life in general. It is a state in which the amount of available information is so overwhelming a person is unable to effectively process and utilize it. Information overload is intuitively noticeable in our daily lives. Walking any street, we can hardly measure the amount of information we are exposed to. Information hits us from all directions, newspapers, television, voice mail, cellular phones, email, electronic memos, and the World Wide Web, to name a few. This increase in information, combined with the factor of change in many aspects of our lives, can lead to an unhealthy effect. Information Overload is when you are trying to deal with more information than you are able to process to make sensible decisions. The result is either that you either delay making decisions, or that you make the wrong decisions. . Understanding Information overload The first recorded use of the phrase information overload was used by the futurologist Alvin Toffler in 1970, when he predicted that the rapidly increasing amounts of information being produced would eventually cause people problems. Heylighen (1999) noted, People exposed to the rapid changes of modern life may develop a state of helplessness and inadequacy. Nelson (2001) defines information overload as the incapability to obtain a form of knowledge from a massive amount of information for one reason or another. Information overload can take place for one of these reasons: 1. Not understanding the existing information 2. Feeling inundated by the need to absorb huge amounts of information 3. Not knowing if the needed information exists or not 4. Not knowing where to obtain the information 5. Knowing where the information is but have no access privilege Causes of Information overload Information overload was experienced long before the appearance of information technology and electronic gadgets. Complaints about too many books echo across the centuries, from when books were papyrus rolls, parchment manuscripts, or hand printed. After Printing innovation books were produced and accumulated in unprecedented numbers, and, given their drop in cost, many more readers than before had access to more books than they could read. In the Internet era where millions of smart phones and gadgets are sold every day, zillions of tons of data are being produced. Thus making people spoilt for choices. With a touch, one can easily get almost any data from any corner of the world. The rate of production of different kinds of data such as news, text, multimedia and graphs is breathtaking. For example: YouTube where 24 hours of video is being uploaded in every minute and the rate is increasing everyday. There are millions of sites are there and even the IP address is going to be exhausted. One could imagine the amount of electronic data that is available to digest. Organizations accumulate a huge amount of information about its internal operations and resources. Fifteen years ago only phone, fax and post mails were used for communication. There is a general increase in business communication by voice mail, e-mail, internet and online conferencing in addition to the above mentioned traditional methods which results information overload. Disadvantages of information overload for an organization Too little or too much information is not good for an individual and an organization. Too much reduces their ability to concentrate effectively on the most important messages. People facing information overload sometimes try to cope by ignoring some of the messages, by delaying responses to messages they deem unimportant, by answering only parts of some messages, by responding inaccurately to certain messages, by taking less time with each message, or by reacting only superficially to all messages. Persons exposed to excessive amounts of information are less productive, prone to make poor decisions, and risk suffering serious stress-related diseases. He becomes highly selective and ignore a large amount of information or give up and dont go beyond the first results in many cases, need more time to reach a decision, make mistakes, have difficulties in identifying the relationship between the details and the overall perspective and waste time. Information overload affects-and afflicts-both individual knowledge workers, struggling to perform their jobs while drowning in data, and entire office organizations, whose productivity and customer care suffer as a consequence. The abundance of information we enjoy today comes at a price. Less apparent is the tremendous hidden cost it imposes on the organization as a whole. In one study, for example, people took an average of nearly 25 minutes to return to a work task after an email interruption. Another study found that time lost to handling unnecessary e-mail and recovering from information interruptions cost Intel nearly $1 billion a year. An article in the October issue of HBR, found that forcing knowledge workers to take weekly breaks from email and other work distractions improved performance. Information Overload on an organization is to understand all the lost opportunities it causes and inefficiencies produced. The amount of information has increased for a number of reasons: there is a general increase in business communication, in-company and with customers and suppliers; trends such as globalisation and deregulation increase competition; companies are downsizing and fewer secretaries are employed to protect people from information; more outsourcing means a wider range of other companies with which it is necessary to communicate. There are also more ways to communicate: by fax, voice mail, e-mail, internet and online conferencing, in addition to the more traditional methods, telephone, meetings, post and telex. The cost to business Time is wasted. People spend too much time looking for information. 38% of managers surveyed waste substantial amounts of time just looking for information. Factors such as the holding of files in different software formats and the speed of the internet at critical times of day contribute to this. Decisions are often delayed: 43% of respondents though that decisions were delayed and otherwise adversely affected by analysis paralysis or the existence of too much information. 47% of respondents said that information collection distracts them from their main responsibilities. They find it difficult to develop strategies for dealing with the information they retrieve. It is interesting to imagine the potential increase in productivity if all distractions were removed. The human costs The study identified for the first time that information overload contributes to stress. Two out of three respondents associated information overload with tension with colleagues and loss of job satisfaction. 42% attributed ill-health to this stress. 61% said that they have to cancel social activities as a result of information overload and 60% that they are frequently too tired for leisure activities. National differences In general these were not considered to be of great significance. Managers in the USA and the United Kingdom get the most unsolicited information. Asian managers appear to need less information to make decisions: only 9% claimed to need enormous amounts of information compared with 31% in the United States. Their major decisions may be made through intuition to a greater extent. More United States managers (39%) agree that they suffer stress than those in the UK and Hong Kong. People can no longer develop effective personal strategies for managing information. Faced with an onslaught of information and information channels, they have become unable to develop simple routines for managing information. Technologies for managing information are often the problem, not the solution. They can create the M25 effect: more lanes just means more traffic. People create and distribute because they can, not because its useful. Intranets can become like the internet full of home-made home pages and dead links. Intelligent agents frequently do not live up to their name. Current research suggests that the surging volume of available information-and its interruption of peoples work-can adversely affect not only personal well-being but also decision making, innovation, and productivity. In one study, for example, people took an average of nearly 25 minutes to return to a work task after an e-mail interruption. Thats bad news for both individuals and their organizations. Theres hope, though. Innovative tools and techniques promise relief for those of us struggling with information inundation. Some are technological solutions-software that automatically sorts and prioritizes incoming e-mail, for instance-designed to regulate or divert the deluge. Others prevent people from drowning by getting them to change the way they behave and think. Who knows: Maybe someday even I will enjoy swimming in the powerful currents of information that now threaten to pull me under. Before we can take action / set the procedure to minimize the negative effect of information overload, we should do the analysis of information flows both individual and organisation. Not only for electronic information source such email, but also for spoken words, reading books and talking to friends and family. The analysis is started with identification what information we need based on our key information areas, when we need the information, to whom we should exchange the information with (information sharing), and why we need the information and how we turn the information into results. After understand the information flow, we will be able to set/construct the procedure of information handling which consists of filtering, information pruning, time management, to-do list and optimization the use of current technology as information organizing and distributing tool. There are two types of filtering information i.e. technical filter and daily communication filter. The technical filter is easier to manage as once we set our preference it will work accordingly. An example of technical filter is filter function that is available in e-mails. Filtering daily communication is more difficult because it depends much on the situation and current conversation at that time. Every reaction to another person is an indication of what you want to hear or not hear during the rest of the conversation. We often think that the information is important/useful for the recipient which actually not from recipient point of view. Filter prime our thinking and test whether the new information is important. However, the filter should not be too rigid, as it may exclude coincidences. We will no longer accidentally stumble across information, as is often part of searches on the internet. As regards of second information flow, we can decide more quickly to simply stop receiving it if the information is just nice to know instead of need to know. We will not miss anything as we dont use this information for making decision. Besides that, this less important information will leave us less time for really important information. There is a tool for technical pruning such as setting up the expiry date and which action should we take e.g. file, cancel, delete, etc. Time management is important as time is always in exceedingly short supply. We never enough with the time that we have. Therefore, attention and concentration are important aspect in time management. With full attention and concentration the time spent for managing information is more efficient. Because we need to remember increasingly more, we need an aid i.e. to do list of actions so that we can keep tracking what things we still need to do/settle. This practice alone will give us a lot of added value. Besides the to-do list, it is also good if we also make not-to-list so that when the time come, we are ready. Nowadays with high technology we can optimize the IT to help us to organize and distribute the information.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Recommendations for Healthcare Worker Health and Safety
Recommendations for Healthcare Worker Health and Safety Liz Rushe Comprehensive plan and aims Outline the aims of the assignment and background details of the setting My name is Elizabeth Rushe, I am currently doing a healthcare QQI awards course, as part of my course work and assignments, and I have to do some work experience, in a nursing home setting, for sixty hours. I applied in Riada House in Tullamore Before I started my work experience, I had to apply in writing, for the work experience and sent in my cv along with my guards clearance and my insurance letter, two references, when I had all the paper work in order I had to set up a meeting with the manger, to meet with them and see, when I could start doing my work experience. I met with the manager her name was Geraldine, she was very nice and made me feel very welcome, and she asked me all about the course and asked did I like it. Geraldine said that they do have a lot of students doing work experience in the setting, we talked about when I would start and what I needed to wear, which was a black trouser and polo shirt. I asked her about the setting, she told me that there were 35 bedded units, consisting of 6 respite care and 29 long term care beds. The care team at Riada House aim to provide high quality, person centred care within a supportive, homely and welcoming environment. The care team aim to promote independence and residents choices. The rights and dignity of each resident will be respected at all times. I thanked Geraldine for her taking the time for meeting me and that I look forward, to starting my work experience there and that I would see her on the date that I was starting on, as I walked up the hall to the main door, any staff members that I met, they all smile and said hello, as I met them, which tell me that this is a nice place. Liz Rushe Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace Noise and sound HAZARDS As a healthcare assistant, working with noise and loud can cause stress for both patients and the healthcare assistant, especially on a long shift. Patients are not able to get a full night sleep, as they may have waked up shortly are falling asleep and too tried to get up the next day. As someone has the radio or television up a bit too high, or a staff member letting something fall in the middle of the night that might have made a loud noise. RISK Loud and distracting sounds and noises can interfere with the healthcare assistant duties, as this can distract them and not concentrate on the patient that they are attending, which puts the patient at risk. CONTROL MEASURES Make sure that all televisions and radio are turn off or turn down low after 8pm in the evening and that all the ward doors are closed to help aid a good night sleep. That all staff are wearing low and comfortable footwear, (cushions souls). Liz Rushe Stress HAZARDS If the healthcare assistant is under or feeling stress in the workplace, this can cause physical and mental health problems and up set to them, this can cause them to be distracted in their work and not having their minds fully on their job, this could result in putting the patient, other members of staff and them selves at risk. This may lead to the healthcare assistant been absence for work, this can lead to more problems for the healthcare assistant, as they are out of work, they are not getting their full wages. RISKS The healthcare assistant can start to have problems, such as high blood pressure, skin problems (eczema, rash), the healthcare assistant can have disturbed sleep, which will affect them carry out their daily duties and this can affect their confidence in their work. The healthcare assistant can take to drugs, alcohol, or even develop an ulcer from worrying, which can also lead to hair loss or going grey. If the healthcare assistant is on any medical, or coming into work after taking drugs or alcohol, this could affect them in their work environment CONTROL MEASURES Taking up daily exercise, as getting out in the fresh air can help your mood; also as you are walking, they might find it can tell them to talk to another person about what is going on in their lives. Going to their manger and having a talk with them, might the only thing that they have to do to fit the problem, that they are having and if not it might be the first steps that they take to putting it right. Liz Rushe Diet, exercise and lifestyle HAZARDS Having a good lifestyle, might not always be a good thing, if we do not take any exercise at all, this could affect the healthcare assistant, in their daily work. Taking daily exercise is one of the key in fighting and preventing heart disease, depression and anxiety. Going for a walk can help change your mood, after a bad day at work or just help clear your head, if anything was worry you, if they are getting it hard to focus on their job, which can lead to bad judgment. A well balance diet can help too, this can start feeling good on the inside, and this diet must contain, protein, carbohydrate, vitamins, mineral, salts and fibre, plus some fat. RISKS If something is wrong at work, this can affect the healthcare worker, judgement and choices that they made about each patient. If they are not concentrating on what they are doing, they can easily mix up mediation. By not taking exercise can be the cause of back pain, other injury, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, or type two diabetes, depression. CONTROL MEASURES Regular physical exercise is great; taking 20 30 minutes, three times a week will help improve our physical and mental health. Reducing the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. having a well balance diet, can help us feel good, this also helps our bladder and bowl keep in working order, penalty of roughage dose help. A few drink free nights together and giving up smoking will improve the healthcare worker chance of living long and fitter as well. Liz Rushe Dangerous chemicals, fumes and dust HAZARDS The healthcare assistant should always read the labels on all chemicals, before use, and never mix any chemicals together. All chemicals are dangerous and need to be treated with care, as the can catch fire or cause some long term health problems for the healthcare worker. If chemicals get on the skin, this may cause skin irritation, chest problems, as the fumes can be dangerous. RISKS The healthcare assistant could be out of work for a long time, due to inhaling fumes that have cause chest problems, or skin irritation. If not stored properly, some chemicals can catch fire, which could lead to someone getting buried. CONTROL MEASURES All chemicals must be labelled clearing, that everyone knows what the are and how to use them, store away in a locked and safe area or cupboard. Good housekeeping is always top of the list, as damp dusting, will help keep down dust that can lead to health problems. All ways wear PPE, gloves, mask, and apron when dealing with any chemicals. Never put any chemicals into minerals bottles at ant time. Liz Rushe Occupational related illness HAZARDS People and patients coughing or sneezing on you, passing their germs to you. It is important that healthcare assistants always follow policy and procedures, by wearing PPE, gloves, aprons etc. The healthcare worker should report anything that they see, that could cause a hazard, such as wet floor, this could cause someone to fall or slip, which could result in the person been injury. RISKS Bad house keeping can cause a risk, such as air borne bugs (dust), spills that occur, if not clean up straight away, can result in slipping or falling, which lead to that person been out of work (back injury). Steps could be highlighted for safety if in a dark area, also keep all hall ways clear of any equipment or boxes. CONTROL MEASURES If the healthcare assistant is not trained in the right control measures, they should look to be trained, and it is important that the healthcare worker, maintain a good standard of house keeping, spraying door handles, hand rails, good hand washing, and report any defects that they see, on equipment, or in the wards. Liz Rushe Manual handing HAZARDS If the healthcare assistant is not trained probably in moving, or lifting patients in a hoist, this could result, in the healthcare assistant or patient getting hurt. Always use the slip sheet, instead of pulling the patient up the bed by hand. Not wearing the right footwear, can be a hazard, wearing non slip soles and comfortable can help been on your feet all day and reduce back injury. RISKS If the task needs two people, the healthcare assistant must not attempt, to do this by themselves, as this could result in the patient or the healthcare assistant getting hurt. Never lift by them as this could lead to the healthcare assistant been out of work, due to back injury, always using a hoist. CONTROL MEASURES The healthcare assistant must make sure before using any equipment, that it is in good working order and report it if needs attention and always be in the correct standing position before moving anyone. Make sure that before moving or changing the patient, that you have everything that is needed; it is too late half way through. The healthcare assistant must give themselves penalty of room in moving a patient and not wearing clothes that could restrict their movement. Liz Rushe Select one occupational related illness and give a detailed description of CAUSES Back injury is the most common injury in the healthcare sector, along with contacts with germs, falls, trips, and slips on wet floors. As the healthcare assistant goes about their daily duties, it is important for them to follow policy and procedures, to reduce the risk of injury to themselves or patients. By not using a hoist when lifting a patient into or out of a bed, chair or if need be into the toilet, there will be a pulling on the back. The healthcare assistant who does not take care, when picking up, putting down any such items as boxes, etc. Not using the slip sheet, when moving a patient up in the bed and pulling them up using their own arms. When making or changing a bed, the healthcare assistant must always raise the bed up to hip level, before starting this task, as this can reduce the risk of back injury. When showering a patient do not lift them, with another assistant, use a hoist to lift them into the shower bed or onto a chair to wheel them into the bathroom. When feeding a patient sit down beside them at their level and do not stand, bend down over them. When changing a patient in the bed, bending over the patient, can lead to back discomfort and after doing this for a length of time, will cause back injury. Liz Rushe Symptoms As the healthcare assistant goes about their daily duties, they may find that not using their manual handing properly and lifting patients, with their arms and pulling them up in the beds and chairs that now they are suffering with back pain and discomfort. They may feel tried and not able to do much around the house. This may start to affect the ability to do their normal work duties and affect their home life as well and if this is not look after, might lead to been out of work, for a long time. The healthcare assistant must watch out for things left out in hall ways, as they can fall over them and hurt their backs and walking into rooms, after been cleaned, as the floors might be still wet and they can slip and fall. As the healthcare assistant finds that the simple thing of rolling a patient over in the bed, can hurt them, as this could be the result of wear and tear over a period of time. This can also lead to the healthcare assistant to start getting pains in their, legs, arms and neck as the injury gets worst. The healthcare assistant may have to, leave work and go to the doctor, which could lead to been out of work for long periods of time. Liz Rushe Impact on the worker The impact on the healthcare assistant was out of work, due to wear and tear, or a fall, can have big effect on their lives. If they are out of work, they might not be able to do anything at home, such as hover, wash a floor or other basic things and this could start them feeling down in them selves. As they sit at home the healthcare assistant, could start to eat to much as that all they can do or turn away from food, as they get more and more depressed. Their sleep might be affect, which could lead to been up during the night and asleep all day, which could lead to the person been moody. Along with this, their wages might be affect, which will bring other problems with it, such as doctor bills, any medication that they might have to get, plus if they have to see a physiotherapy, this can start to add up and not been on full wages , can become expensive. This may cause the healthcare assistant to become stress and depress, as financial problems may start to arise. As the healthcare assistant is at home, they might not see anyone until their family comes home, which this can be lonely on the person. They should try and get out for a walk every day even if they can not go very far, as they will meet someone along the way to talk to them. Liz Rushe Preventative measures It is the healthcare assistant responsibility to be trained fully in manual handing and if not go to the staff nurse or manger to request that this is done. The healthcare assistant must always follow what they have been shown, through manual handing, as this dose prevent a lot of injury. The healthcare assistant must report any faults in the setting or any equipment that needs to be repaired. Suitable footwear can help, as been on your feet all day can affect your back. Put manual handing into use, by bending your knees when bending and lifting any boxes and always use correct stand, when moving a patient, use your legs to take some of the pressure. Regular exercise can help prevent, some back injury and getting patients who are able to move, to get them to do most of the moving themselves, where possible. Always use the hoist, when lifting or moving a patient to a chair, toilet, shower or bed and never lift anyone by yourself, always have someone with you to assess. When moving a patient up in the bed, always use a slip sheet and never pull a patient up with your arms. Bring the bed up to hip high, when changing the bed or a patient, as the healthcare assistant will not have to bend over, and there for reduce the pull to the assistant back area. When feeding a patient, sit down beside them at their level, so you do not have to bend over them or reach to them. Liz Rushe Recommendations One of my recommendations would be that all healthcare staff, trained in manual handing, before the start the job, and any up date training to be done, for all staff in the setting. As lifting without a hoist can be dangerous, also that all staff that have anything to do with changing, feeding or looking after the patients. Follow policy and procedures correctly, as this can stop injury to the patient and healthcare assistant. I also recommendations that all staff and students shown how to steer, and walk slowly with a wheelchair, especially around corners. I recommend that all staff wear appropriate foot wear (cushion souls), as I think that this dose helps with back problems. All healthcare staff should their PPE personal protective equipment, gloves, aprons, masks, when dealing with any patients that soiled or any body fluids. For all staff to use the hand gel, as many times as they can during the day, as this is better than hand washing, in killing more germs. All nurses, healthcare assistants, cleaning staff to report anything that they find in the wards, hallways or other parts of the setting that is in need of repair, as this can cause an accident or maybe become a risk for someone. As good communication between staff and manger, is especially to keep everything running smoothly. Liz Rushe Assignment evaluation As part of my assignment, I had to go work experience, in a nursing home setting, as I started this course and doing my work experience, I have learned so much about policies and procedures, health and safety, that following them is very important. I have learned how much care and attention the patients need on a daily basic and this is given to them, by all the staff with kindness and respect. Staff must follow the health and safety policy and procedures, to ensure that everyone is working in safe environment. I have learned that all staff must do everything they can to prevent the spread of infection and that staff that are dealing with patient of high risk are taking appropriate measures, such as hand washing, hand gel and wearing PPE at all times. When changing a bed, to have the laundry trolley beside the bed and not to bring the dirty sheets to the trolley, in another room.
Analysis of The Bull Moose :: Bull Moose Essays
Analysis of The Bull Moose "The Bull Moose" by Alden Nowlan is a finely crafted poem which reminds us of how far man has strayed from Nature. Through a carefully constructed series of contrasted images, Nowlan laments, in true Romantic fashion, man's separation from Nature. The strength of the old moose is impressive. On his death march, he nonetheless comes "lurching" and "stumbling" in ponderous and powerful strides to "the pole-fenced pasture''- the edge of civilization. A crowd quickly gathers, a crowd of men and women, old and young - all notable for their insensitivity and lack of respect. They confuse the moose with one of their own domesticated animals, like the cattle or collie or gelded moose or ox, failing to see the nobility and ancient wisdom of this moose from "the purple mist of trees." The scene becomes obscene as men "pry open his jaws with bottles" and "pour beer down his throat." The symbolic crown of thistles hammers home the innocent suffering perpetrated by these giggling and snickering buffoons. But this moose is no "shaggy and cuddlesome" doll. Living in freedom beyond the fences of civilization, this king of the spruce, cedar, and tamarack meets his degraded executioners with overwhelming power. The deep roar of this magnificently horned ancient "blood god" contrasts sharply with the puny and cowardly whine of the automobile horns. Nowlan's sympathy for the moose and his disgust for mankind is forcefully expressed in a natural free verse. This poem calls us to rethink the arrogant self-righteousness we hold toward Nature. By fencing ourselves in, perhaps we shut ourselves away from those qualities necessary to make us truly human. Teachers Comments: This essays strives to be concise, i.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Free Great Gatsby Essays: Philosophic and Political Contexts :: Great Gatsby Essays
The Great Gatsby: Philosophic and Political Contexts Attempting both a sustained close reading of the novel, and the relocation of that reading within wider philosophic and political contexts, one must therefore consider the impact of a broad mystical strain of Western thought upon Fitzgerald's political analysis. For while it is a commonplace that Fitzgerald was fascinated, throughout his life, with what is variously conceived as the "ideal," "the Dream," "inspiration," the "visionary," or "Desire," a tradition with which the book opens, the political uses of the ideal have largely escaped notice. It seems hard to believe in our period, when a three-decade lurch to the political Right has anathematized the word, but F. Scott Fitzgerald once, rather fashionably, believed himself to be a socialist. Some years before, he had also, less fashionably, tried hard to think himself a Catholic. While one hardly associates the characteristic setting of Fitzgerald's novels, his chosen kingdom of the sybaritic fabulous, with either proletarian solidarity or priestly devotions, it is clear that a tension between Left and religiose perspectives structures the very heart of the vision of The Great Gatsby. For while Gatsby offers a detailed social picture of the stresses of an advanced capitalist culture in the early 1920s, it simultaneously encodes its American experience, at key structural moments, within the mitigating precepts of a mystic Western dualism. Attempting both a sustained close reading of the novel, and the relocation of that reading within wider philosophic and political contexts, one must therefore consider the impact of a broad mystical strain of Western thought upon Fitzgerald's political analysis. For while it is a commonplace that Fitzgerald was fascinated, throughout his life, with what is variously conceived as the "ideal," "the Dream," "inspiration," the "visionary," or "Desire," a tradition with which the book opens, the political uses of the ideal have largely escaped notice. Fitzgerald's excitably visionary sensibility, nourished in high school years by Catholic mysticism, fashioned him into a superbly perceptive critic of the appropriation of human need of the ideal by developments in American capitalism in the 1920s. In response to economic crisis in the early years of this decade, the national advertising media developed and promoted a new cult of glamour, seeking through its allure to create a mass consumer market and revivify the foundering work ethic. Fitzgerald's entrancement by the suggestive power of beauty sensitized him both
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Remember the Titans Film Essay
In the film remember The Titans directed by Boaz Yakin, an important character in the film is Coach Herman Boone. He uses his determination and skill to make the titans successful. This is shown through the use of visual and verbal features such as camera angles, costume, use of dialogue and music. Boone’s acceptance and tolerance teaches the team to learn to work together to achieve their goals and success. Herman Boone is an important character as he had to accept coach Yoast. They learned to tolerate each other. At the beginning of the film they didn’t get along but in order to make the team a success Boone learned to. This is because when Boone arrives in Alexandria to take over from the old Coach, Bill Yoast neither of them were welcoming or friendly towards each other once. Once they got over each other’s differences, they began to develop a good football team to win the state championships. Herman Boone is a respected character in the film. He had to accept the new team and the old coach, Yoast which was now the assistant coach. Both coaches had to learn to work together. They finally accepted each other and the titans went on to win the state championships. Yoast started to accept Boone when he heard Boone talk about the fight at Gettysburg where black and whites had been fighting against each other. Through dialogue, Boone revealed to the players â€Å"If we don’t come together at this point â€Å" about how the futility of battle, how it had torn families apart, dividing friends, creating rifts. Yoast then realized why Boone was so harsh on the team. He realized that Boone wanted to overcome the continual racism. This was shown by the use of camera angles extreme close up and close up to show the emotion from Boones speech. It showed how he was tormented by the continual fighting, sad that the players were continuing the same fight years ago. Yoast realized that Boone was only trying to bring the individual players together as one team, even if they had to tolerate each other. It was through the use of camera angles that Yakin showed the sadness Boone was feeling, realizing that prejudice was stopping the players from coming together as one team. Herman Boone had to learn to tolerate Bill Yoast and his football coaching ways just Yoast also had to tolerate Boone so they could make a successful team. At the training camp they both saw how each others coaching was benefitting the team. They all were starting to work together as a great successful team because of learning to work together .This was shown at their first game where they won, continuing throughout the season as they did not lose one game the whole season. This was through Boone’s determination to make the team successful. This was reinforced by use of upbeat music to show Boone’s and his team successes. Wide angle shots were used to show the whole team getting along and succeeding. I learnt from Boone’s tolerance that individuals and groups can succeed together no matter what race they are if they all make minor sacrifices. In the film Remember The Titans one of the main characters Herman Boone is determined for the titans to succeed. He is tough on them by, he does this by accepting his fellow coaches and the members of his team. And how he realizes he has to makes sacrifices in order for the team to come out on top. These messages and values are shown by camera angles such as close up extreme close up and music.
A Remedy For Rootlessness Of Modern Suburban Life
According to Karl Zinsmeister of The American Enterprise, he give tongue to that suburbia is real a fairly mathematical group kindly experimentthe disappearance of family time, the weakening of generational skillsthe anonymity of community life, the rise of radical feminism, the decline of civic action, the tyrannical dictum of TV and pop culture oer leisure time (Silverman and Rader 225).I think this description about the suburban life way is a harsh description of the life in the suburban ara. Also, the author made specious generalizations that were based on his own opinions and observations which are considered forms of discrimination, exaggeration and stereotype. These illustrations about the suburb and its residents were credibly derived from a few peoples point of view.Kenneth Frampton, an architecture professor at Columbia University, said that Whats upsetting is that the imagery of urbanism is so pull in ones horns ( Silverman and Rader 227).In this statement by Fr ampton, I break by what he said that the style of urbanism is simply a revival of last(prenominal) architectural designs. In addition, the new air of urbanism is merely a reintroduction of an old style with only a few modifications.More so, it contradicts the tenderness of urbanism which is supposed to denote freshness or innovation and not renewal or rebirth of a previous architectural style.Meanwhile,Alex Krieger, professor of urban design at Harvard University, have said commented on urban development and said that, Its a nonfunctional gate but it evokes the same associations as the real gate. Its a subtle for of notice Out ( Silverman and Rader 228).Urbanism is intended to be availed by commonalty residents of a suburban area. However, due to few developments by private organizations, urban towns or neighborhoods have become exclusive areas which ironically only caters to the preferences of only the privileged.Works CitedSilverman, Jonathan and Rader, Dean. The World is a Text The Writing, Reading, and Thinking About purification and Its Contexts (2nd Edition). New Jersey Prentice Hall, 2005.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Hcl Project
CHAPTER 1 k noledgeableness question METHODOLOGY & intention 1. 1 inquiry STATEMENT & OBJECTIVE The de sanctify of my project is to cogitation the hard-hittingness of cultivate of en swaying & cream as it tendings to combat the Attrition which is the main problem of each(prenominal) teleph 1r now a age. The BPO patience having wiz of the virtu tot entirelyyy high-pitched excoriation mint amongst totally the industries. at that placefore the top BPO companies including the International BPO firms grimace a stiff t take up in hiring unseas angiotensin-converting enzymed spate. For this aspire the serve of the consultants argon protrudesourced.In the light of this situation it would be rattling meaningful to learn and translate the placement and behavior of the capriole seekers towards the telecalling de eruptment of the consultants who attain alone for their global BPO lymph nodes. Objectives ?To on a lower floorstand the military cap aptitude and behavior of the line of creditseekers towards telecalling. ?To d declare the stairsstand the serve provided by the consultancy- style Solutions to their invitees in HR mental make ?To understand the benchmarking run for en hearing in transnational BPO and understanding how HCL ( a thickening of fashion Solutions) fol show clips the benchmarking . 2 HYPOTHESES 1)For the first objective, the hypothesis is as fol small-scales Ho none seekers physical body a dogmatic place towards telecalling consultations. H1 playseekers do non progress to a compulsory lieu towards telecalling oppugns. 2)For spot objective, the hypothesis is as fol deplorables H0 the ope step provided by the consultancy- zeal Solutions to their guests in HR shape is satis operatory. H1 the function provided by the consultancy- flair Solutions to their clients is satis party. 3)For ordinal objective, the hypothesis is as followsH0 The HC -BPO follows the benchmarking enlisting subrou tine as set for an world-wide BPO. H1 The HCL-BPO does non fllow the benchmarking enlisting as set for an international BPO. The drive of this project is to speculate the enlisting & excerpt practices at HCL-BPO. This piece of work was divided further into a)Judging state by means of telephonic interview. b) Conducting Group Discussions to check the competencies of quarterdidates. c) Creating a bridge of teaching amid the pukedidates & respective HR managers. 1. 3 SCOPE OF STUDY The scope of this study is to observe the enlisting and filling techniques choose by the comp both.Apart from amazeting an opinion of the techniques and method actings in the recruitment military operations, a close front pull up stakes be interpreted at the insight of corpo treasure finish general in the brass instrument. This would not wholly alleviate to be familiar with the corporate environs yet it would withal alter to take a close look at the various levels authoriti es responsibility blood lasting in the government activity. The scope of project includes 1. champaign of importance of recruitment and selection paratrooperde of BPO effort in India 2. Study of recruitment and selection practices at HCL Technologies. 1. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Re chase is defined as world activity establish on intellect industriousness in the investigation of matter. The primary feather part for applied research is discovering interpreting, and development of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge on a capacious alteration of scientific matters of our world and the universe. SAMPLE SIZE AND DESIGN The sample size is 75 and the technique utilise for sampling was conveinient Mode of research exercised in this project is primary as soundly as secondary research and the research is exploratory and descriptive in temperament.DATA COLLECTION info were store from the pursuit sources - Secondary data Primary data -Websites -Newscom ma ils -Various forms of HCLcomp each(prenominal) -Research articles/projects - affair line flier form of Naukri. com -books DATA TECHNIQUES USED Bar Graphs, run Graphs and Pie charts argon utilize as analysis techniques. 1. 5 LITERATURE REVIEW enlisting and selection ferment Process of attracting the better(p) certifiable single(a)s to give way for a habituated subcontract. Recruitment is the process of searching the panoramas for avocation and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the geological formation.Recruitment is the activity that links the employers and the job seekers. It is a process of finding and attracting sufficient appliers for profession. The process begins when new recruits ar sought and ends when their applications be submitted. The precede is a pool of applications from which new employees atomic number 18 selected. In short, process of attracting the better qualified individuals to apply for a minded(p) job. It is the process to discover sources of men to meet the essentials of staffing, schedule and to employ effective. Recruitment is the shoesmortem examination major steps in the selection process in the organization.It is an activity directed to obtain inhibit human choices whose qualifications and skills duplicate function of the relevant posts in the organization. Its importance merchantmannot be over-emphasized and in resembling manner be scoop out described as the heart of the organization. The process of recruitment does not stop when it commences, it is a dynamic activity. The purpose of it is to provide an organization with a pool of qualified fecesdidates. Its ad hoc purposes ar as follows 1. To assist augmentation of the triumph rate of selection process by diminution the snatchs of obviously under-qualified and over-qualified applicators. . To subjoin organizational and individual effectiveness in the short and long bourne plans Recruitment is essential for effective human resource m anagement. It is the heart of whole HR system in the organization. The effectiveness of m both separate human haunt activities, such as selection, wagon training depends largely on the lineament of new employees attracted through the recruitment process. Policies should forever and a day be reviewed as in that location argon modify by the changing purlieu. Management should get unique(predicate) training on the process of recruitment to amplify their aw atomic number 18ness on the dangers of wrong placements.Recruitment methods atomic number 18 wide and varied, it is important that the job is described net income finishly and that whatever whatsoeveroneal conditions atomic number 18 stated. concern recruitment method can be through job centers, employment agencies/consultants, and /national newspapers. It is important that the correct media is chosen to batten an abstract response to advertise post. Three master(prenominal) Stages in Recruitment 1. Identif y and defines the indispensabilitys, job description, job specification. 2. Attract dominance employees. 3. Select and employ the appropriate wad from the job applicants. Factors affecting recruitment process . The size of the organization. 2. The employment conditions in the community where the organization is dictated. 3. The effects of the past recruiting efforts that shows the organizations ability to locate and aliveness right-hand(a) performing flock. 4. operative condition and wage and benefits packages move outered by the organization which whitethorn bow disturbance and necessities emerging recruiting. a)The rate of step-up of the organization b)The level of seasonality of operation and future enlargement and issue programmes. c)Cultures, economic and legal factors. RECRUITMENT PROCESSRecruitment home build The organization has no formal method of asking for inert or new positions. An lax indicate can be vague and mis reaching and whitethorn not sup ply the HR manager with the job description and person specification require to seduce the selection criteria. This is be grammatical case of a reliance on the effective communication skills of both(prenominal) the persons giving the verbal bespeak and the HR manager receiving the request. Both parties occupy to be effective in passing on and receiving correct study. The request must set out the make requirements of the new or vacant position. Job or person pecifications should spell out the requirements an individual necessarily to success blanket(a)y perform the job as per the job description (Hite & Johnston 1998). The job description should highlight specific duties and responsibilities. The implication of not receiving clear direction on what is required for the position is that the selection criteria forget not be legitimate. Consequently, the recruitment process can outrage down, as the absence of valid selection criteria can affect the decision- making at a late r(prenominal) point (Compton & Nankervis 1998). This message that a simple miscommunication can precede in the incorrect matching of an applicant to a job.The attitude and personal characteristics of the individual may not fit the specifications required. This can solution in low motivation of the individual and can, therefore, lead to unaccep confuse murder (Mitchell, Dowling, Kabanoff & Larson 1988), therefrom requiring the individual to be replaced and causing un un annulable cost. Ensuring that the job description and person specification are correctly portrayed and, therefore, giving valid selection criteria, can avoid un requisite costs. 2. 2 Employment Agencies concord to the HR manager, the organization has a relatively high disturbance in low dexterous employees.The commercialize demand for low skilled employees in the construction industry can increase and decrease rapidly callable to the external environment (Smith, P. J. 2001, pers. comm. 13 March). thither are several basiss for this volatility. As the economic climate wricks more unstable, consumer trustingness decreases which causes a tightening of the belt for expenditure. This decrease in spending affects the construction industry. Futhermore, inclement weather causes the flow of drop dead to be unpredictable and, therefore, in sacrosanct. Both of these factors can carry to the high dis secern of employees.Satisfaction has a negative birth with upset (Robbins, Millett, Cacioppe & Waters-Marsh 1998). As employees begin to feel insecure, levels of job atonement can decrease and levels of absenteeism can increase. fatness may overly be affected because continually having new employees scraping travel can part the flow and decrease out post. The implications of a high turnover of employees is that it can be a truly expensive process, as each era a vacant position is required to be filled, the organization has to go through the whole recruitment and selection process again.As discussed in Compton and Nankervis (1998), the costs of the extra salaries of the persons involved in the recruitment process, along with the costs associated with freeing of intersection and absenteeism can be compared to the cost of an employment means. The use of an employment agency can be hale-provided for the organization. The position can be filled at short post horse using temporary employees with scant(p) effort from the organization (Dessler 1991). The use of temporary employees for low skilled positions allows flexibility to go with the ups and downs of the industry, with minimal fray to the spirtflow.Vacancy procession The organization uses the topical anaesthetic suburban paper as a means for promoting the vacant positions for high skilled employees. As the purpose of recruitment and selection is to match the straighten out out applicants with the right jobs, the system necessitate to escort that the line up target market is overhauled. That is, that the ad reaches superior and managerial applicants. The implication of using the local paper for denote vacancies is that you may not reach the desired target market of professional applicants.This means that the transcription may not attract an equal chassis of suitable and qualified applicants for the position, which deoxidises the chances of matching the right applicant to the right job (Stone 1998). If the organization cannot match suitable applicants to jobs, hence the whole recruitment process is affected. Employing the wrong person for the job creates profital cost, low job satisfaction, decreased productiveness, and increased turnover (Robbins et al. 1998).As discussed in Stone (1998), the more or less popular method used to attract managerial and professional employees is to advertise in state or metropolitan daily newspapers. Recruitment & Selection Clarke SELECTION PROCESS cozy vs. immaterial Recruitment The composition does not construct a written indemnity on internal recruitment. There is no procedure in place to make haste the filling of positions through internal sources. One of the implications of not advert internally within the organisation is that morale may be damaged which may run to an increase in absenteeism and a decrease in job satisfaction (Robbins et al. 998). An new(prenominal) implication is that the nigh suitable applicant for the job may al adjust be industrious with the organisation, scarce because the position is not advertised internally that employee will not have the opportunity to plant their case forward. national advertising can help observe people with endowment fund who early(a)wise would not be known personally to management (Compton & Nankervis 1998, p. 71). Internal advertising and job greenback can help still the promotion of employees who are aptly qualified. Without the advertising of positions internally, it is tough to develop episode planning (Walker 1992). . Interview St ructure The organisation uses unorganized and semi- organised interviews. A disadvantage of using unstructured interviews is that the equivalent questions may not be asked across each of the candidates be interviewed. This affects the validity of the interview, since decisions may be do base on disagreeent sets of criteria (Dessler 1991). Stone (1998, p. 626), states that the just around valid interviews use a consistent structure. Interaction surrounded by the candidate and the interviewer may differ from one interview to the next, therefore inadequacying conformity and reliability (Stone 1998).Also, the skills of the interviewer may affect the responses of the applicant. Structured interviews for professional or high skilled applicants can help ensure that decisions are made found on the answers to the comparable set of questions, thus comparing the same set of criteria (Stone 1998). Structured interviews are a fomite used to establish a frame knead for decision-makin g. According to Dessler (1991), by using preset or predetermine questions, the interviewer can cut the tendency to show predetermine to unfavourable in setion and, therefore, remain objective. 2. Interview EnvironmentThe dwell used to interview applicants is important as it contributes to the cypher of the organisation (Stone 1998). The interview room for this organisation is the boardroom. It is located immediately beside the main superpower and is set up as a traditional boardroom with a long table and chairs. The use of the boardroom table for interviewing may cause the applicant to become self-conscious, as the seating arrangements may not facilitate a relaxed environment. According to Compton and Nankervis (1998, p. 184), the use of a desk between an interviewer and candidate can act as a mental barrier.This environment may cause the applicant to become nervous and the quality of responses m otherwised may be affected. Consequently, responses that create a false idea or supposition of the applicant may be considered as correct by the interviewer. This might cause the incorrect applicant to be selected, despite the in coiffeion being false, which results in an unsuitable applicant being matched with a job. It may also result in an applicant missing out on a position because they understated their abilities due to feeling uncomfortable and nervous in the interview.By arranging the seating at equal levels, a positive environment is created both physically and emotionally (Braun 1995). The applicant must be disposed every opportunity to perform well in an interview environment. ATTRITION Attrition A reduction in the number of employees through retirement, endurance or death Attrition rate the rate of shrinkage in size or number Attrition rate is the rate at which the number of people working in a corporation reduces. Higher is the rubbing rate in a companionship, greater is the loss to the productivity of the guild.So in severalize to avo id this loss, a caller has to fight the attrition rate. Attrition has now a day become a problem for al close every confederation. This is because of the globalization that people have now moved towards charge free jobs that is no bonds and no contracts but quieten great opportunity to work in the warring era. But this system has encouraged the attrition rate to a greater extent. People have started pathetic from one job to another for various reasons 1) demote Opportunity 2) Increment in requital 3) To work in the Domain of his/her Interest 4) Brand find 5) To work in a different cultureIn the best of worlds, employees would love their jobs, like their coworkers, work hard for their employers, get paid well for their work, have ample chances for advancement, and limber schedules so they could attend to personal or family needfully when obligatory and never sacrifice. But then theres the authentic world. And in the real world, employees, do leave, either because they essential more money, hate the working conditions, hate their coworkers, hope a change, or because their spouse gets a dreaming job in another state. So, what does that entire turnover cost? And what employees are likely to have the highest turnover?Who is likely to go forward the longest? To fight the attrition, HCL BPO outsources the work force & staffing. HCL has mevery vendors and through them it outsources its manpower and staffing. This is one way of cost cutting also as the employees who are outsourced from such consultancies are kept on off role i. e. the company dont pay them, such employees are paid through the third party (consultancy). The second step that HCL-BPO takes in order to combat the attrition rate is that it unceasingly keep extra shortlisted candidates with it so that whenever there is an immediate requirement for the candidates, the company do not governance any problem.BENEFITS OF ATTRITION Attrition is not inquisitive of all beat if it happens in a controlled manner. Some attrition is al shipway desirable and necessary for organizational growth and development. The only concern is how organizations differentiate near(a) attrition from bad attrition. The term healthy attrition or good attrition signifies the importance of less productive employees voluntarily leaving the organization. This means if the ones who have left wing fall in the category of low performers, the attrition is considered being healthy.Attrition rates are considered to be near in almost ship canal If all employees stay in the same organization for a very long time, most of them will be at the top of their pay scale which will result in excessive manpower costs. When certain employees leave, whose prolongation of service would have negatively impacted productivity and profitability of the company, the company is benefited. New employees bring new ideas, approaches, abilities & attitudes which can keep the organization from becoming stagnant. There are a lso some people in the organization who have negative and demoralizing influence on the work culture and team up spirit. This, in the long-term, is detrimental to organizational health. Desirable attrition also includes termination of employees with whom the organization does not want to go a relationship. It benefits the organization in the sideline ways It removes bottleneck in the progress of the company It creates office for the entry of new talents It assists in evolving high performance teams There are people who are not able to balance their performance as per expectations, lack potential for future or need disciplinary action.Furthermore, as the rewards are limited, business pressures do not allow the management to over-reward the performers, but when undesirable employees leave the company, the good employees can be given the partake that they deserve. Some companies believe attrition in any form is bad for an organization for it means that a wrong choice was made at the graduation bandage recruiting. Even good attrition indicates loss as recruitment is a time overwhelming and costly affair. The only positive point is that the realization has initiated action that will lead to cutting loss.The organisation does not have a written policy on internal recruitment. There is no procedure in place to facilitate the filling of positions through internal sources. One of the implications of not advertising internally within the organisation is that morale may be damaged which may contribute to an increase in absenteeism and a decrease in job satisfaction (Robbins et al. 1998). Another implication is that the most suitable applicant for the job may already be employed with the organisation, but because the position is not advertised internally that employee will not have the opportunity to put their case forward.Internal advertising can help detect people with talent who otherwise would not be known personally to management (Compton & Nankervis 1998, p. 71). Internal advertising and job bank bill can help facilitate the promotion of employees who are aptly qualified. Without the advertising of positions internally, it is difficult to develop succession planning (Walker 1992). 1. 6 LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEARCH 1. Small sample size 2. Confidentiality management of the company acted as hindrance in the data collection. 3.Survey conducted only on employees of HCL and candidates from Delhi NCR region. Chapter 2 Overview of the confederation 2. 1 entrance of HCL Enterprise HCL Type Private IndustryIT Services FoundedAugust 11, 1976 Founder(s)Shiv Nadar Headquarters noda, India celestial sphere servedWorldwide Key peopleShiv Nadar (Chairman & CSO) R stock-stillue US$ 5. 9 jillion (2011) Employees80,000 (2011) Subsidiaries HCL Technologies HCL Infosystems WebsiteHCL. in HCLHindustan computer limited is a global Electronics, calculate and IT company base in Noida, India. The company comprises devil publicly listed ompanies,HCL te chnologies and HCL Info systems. HCL was focused on addressing the IT hardware market in India for the first two decades of its population with some activity in the global market. On termination of the joint bet on with HP in 1996, HCL became an enterprise which comprises HCL Technologies (to address the global IT service market) and HCL Infosystems . HCL has since then operated as a holding company. 2. 2 archives of HCL In 1976, Shiv Nadar, Arjun Malhotra, Subhash Arora, Badam Kishore Kumar, T. V Bharadwaj,& Arun Kumar H started Microcomp Limited.The focus of the company was design and manufacturing of scientific calculators. The venture provided its showers money to start a company that focused on manufacturing computers. The company name HCL used to stand for Hindustan Computers Limited but now HCL is the only one name that the company goes by. HCL received support from the Uttar Pradesh government to setup manufacturing in Noida In 1981, NIIT was started to cater to the inc reasing demand in computer education. By early 2000s, Nadar divested his stake in this venture.HCL rail line Services, a division of HCL Technologies Limited started its venture early in 2001 and is now a controlling player in the BPO field perpetrateing revenue of USD 214 million with over 11,500 professionals operating out 21 delivery centres across India, UK and USA. Transformation and innovation is centre of attention to HCL Business Services, and the company has evolved from a traditional BPO to the adjoining genesis BPO. The following(a) are the benchmarks to be followed in the current recruitment and selection practices as stated in A National Survey of serving 1000 Firms . Order of major Recruitment and roll SelectionTechniques Benchmark to be followed for recruitment and selection process HCL followed Resume? Application blank spaces? Reference checks? Newspaper/Magazines ads? Company websites? Online job board? achievements examen? Biodata? Personality testi ng? Background checks? Online pre-employment tests? Jobs fairs? Referral from current employees? Jobs service centers? Medical testing? 2. 3 FUNCTIONING OF THE CONSULTANCY- PANACHE SOLUTIONS At Panache Solutions, they not only provide recruitment consultancy services to their clients but also give the applicants a pure(a) platform to get their dream jobs.They can help their clients to get the suitable candidates, cultivate them and retain them. Their omnibus(prenominal) recruitment and staffing solutions as HR consultant ensure the delivery of profitable propositions for workforce requirements. .They have adopted the international practices and procedures that are designed to attract and take on the best talent available in the market thereby offering the best employee recruitment. They provide their client companies with not only a set of candidates, but also discussion on best-fit market availability, proportional benchmarking and a comfort knowing.Our online recruitment solut ions are the best in the market today. The Recruitment Process can be categorized into three phases, namely mean Structure, Focus, Identity, Prepare Implementation Contact, Motivate, Evaluate Closure Select, Offer, medical prognosis joining recruitment agencies Aim Plus At Panache Solutions a cautiousnessfully structured recruitment and selection process is followed, which starts right from understanding the clients take and functions all the way to follow-ups with both clients and candidates post recruitment.A draft description of the different stages involved in the recruitment process is given beneath Planning In the planning stage, it evaluates the needs and requirements of our clients to determine the required set of skills, understand organisational behaviour and relationships. This forms an integral part of our customer-focused recruitment services. Working as a cohesive team with our client, we identify the required cognize and other characteristics, which are n ecessary for the undefeated candidate. It selects those candidates, who fit in well with the companys plan.In order to ensure the best suitable candidate, it gives anchor consideration to the companys brisk business activities, business plans, work-culture, structures, systems and future plans. We concentrate on the job description, its key result areas, opportunities, bearinger implications, stead, net and benefits. The initial planning enable us in identifying the needs of both the company as well as the candidates, which further leads us to deciding on a search system to target on specific skills, education, personality and survive.It is because of this plenary and strategic planning, we are today one of the most sought later recruitment agencies in the market. social occasion Exercise Being an streamlined recruitment agency, during the map exercise, it performs industry specific desk and field research on companies and relevant people so as to identify the key compe tencies. It includes job title, principal billhookabilities, key result areas (KRAs), authority to be infested, external/internal contacts, coverage procedures and supervisory relationships, working conditions / environment, job specifications, compensation package, location and other necessary details.Amongst several recruitment consultancies, Panache Solutions is one of the most trusted staffing provider. Long joust Generation The Field research is one of the primary aspects of effective recruitment services. It provides a long list of qualified candidates, who are worth pursuing. subsequentlyward this process, it starts the search to identify the suitable candidates either from job portals or by advertising for the position. Implementation The implementation stage consists of several phases including, preliminary interviews, short-listing of candidates, informal computer address checks, client interviews and formal reference checks.Preliminary Interviews For preliminary int erviews, it selects the potential candidates on the basis of earlier work experience, qualifications, strength and weaknesses and the ability of candidate to fit into the work-culture and ethics of the client organization. The potential candidates are contacted and interviewed, to find out their engagement and suitability. It deploys the necessary expert assessment subsequently the screening of candidates by drawing up competency profiles through the most innovative proprietary platform. Short List Generation The preliminary interviews result out in short-listing of originally qualified candidates.Confidential reports are generally prepared and submitted in writing to our clients on four or five individuals, who fulfill the specify position closely. Informal reference Checks It conducts informal reference check to verify the listed achievements and in conclusion few work experiences of the short-listed candidates. After this phase, a list is handed to the client with our rec ommendations and assessments. Client Interviews After the informal reference checks, it schedules a meeting between the short-listed candidates and the clients HR managers.Formal Reference Checks After client interviews, it conducts a formal reference check of the selected candidates. It contacts individuals / companies that are capable of providing details of the candidates qualifications, work ethics and other relevant feed back. The comments made by these references are then reviewed with the client. Closure The closure stage consists of talks & offer, Follow-up / progress and handholding. Negotiation & Offer It actively participates in the negotiation process including compensation.Both the client and the candidates draw on our in-depth knowledge of market compensation and benefits in order to discuss and plan a hawkish and equitable package. Follow Up / Progress cause the importance of follow up / progress phase, it keeps in touch with the candidate until the time he / she j oins the company. Handholding After the successful candidate joining for a specified job, it keeps an ongoing dialogue with both the candidate and the client. This handholding process ensures a smooth integration into the organisation and science of targets and performance goals. CHAPTER 3DATA abstract, INTERPRETATION & RESULT I was depute the work of hiring for the International inbound voice process for the Customer . Care Profile and the Trouble gibe Profile which included 3 processes. 1. BT-PROCESS (customer care profile)U. S. ground Its a simple customer care service of British Telecom. 2. PHOENIX PROCESS(trouble shooting profile) U. K. base This process in which the candidate will have to receive calls from UK people and will have to sort out their technical queries related to ISP 3. MACY PROCESS(customer care profile)-U. S. base It is underlyingally a collection process and comes under the customer care profile.The hiring included two ways ?TELE beseechING For telecal ling , the employees including me used to get 2-3 data sheets which contained the details of the candidates like name, contact number etc. The data were collected from the job portals such as Naukri. Com. One agile was given to each individual and we had to perform telecalling process. depression of all the companys brief was given to the candidates contacted and then about the profile for which the hiring was make. And after that the candidates were told about the eject process of selection and were called for face to face interview.The number of candidates that came the next day into the consultancy for their face to face interview were between 20-30 WALK-Ins at PANACHE SOLUTIONS. For Walk-Ins I was assigned with tasks like shortlisting the resumes from the job portal-Naukri. com, sending mails and messages to the shortlisted resumes regarding the interview. When the candidates came for their interview, I made sure that they marked their entry, and also channelise them for t he interview. The selection process for both types of Hiring was the same & was consummate in two rounds HR Round In the interview, first of all the HR manager gave a wordlist to read it.It consisted of the following pacific pleasure organisation measure dramatization treasure mission brake shoe section vision apologize leopard she says jeopardy laser she shell leisure also they used to ask Questions like 1. Introduce yourself? 2. In which year did you complete your 10th Board Exams? 3. Tell me something about your schooling daily routine? 4. How did you celebrate your last natal day? 5.What is your mothers daily routine? 6. aver that one day morning you woke up in the morning and build yourself on an island, continue what happened after that? 7. Suppose one day you received a call from the Sony Channel and you were invited to meet your favorite celebrity, what happened after that? These questions were asked to judge their Communication scientific disciplines(grammer, pronunci ation & fluency) Listening Skill Assertiveness Out of box thinking/ creativeness Operation Round The Technical Interview is taken by the technical heads of different segments .In the technical interview technical questions are asked. In the second part of my project I was given the work which comes under HR operations. HR operations include all those work which operates under HR Department. Some of the activities are ? Preparing the Hiring Sheets. ?Keeping the rule book of time sheets. ?Keeping the record of candidates who joined the company. For the data collection, I recorded the responses of the telecalling in a note book. The second set of data was evaluation of the candidates who turned up for the interview based on given parameters.Another set of data came from the cognizance of the HR managers who visited the consultancy for conducting the interviews. Details of the data is given below. data analysis regarding detection of BPOs among candidates. Number of candidateRe sponses 50Not interested in BPO 75Interested 20Lengthy working hours 56Graveyard shifts 29 commencement salary 20 moo welfare amenities selective information analysis of parameters for recruitment Almost 250 candidates were contacted in the cessation of two calendar months for the job opening in HCL BPO regarding the international inbound voice process for the designation of higher-ranking Executive Officer/Technical Support Officer.The following parameters were used to evaluate the competencies of the candidates place .. scienceSRANKING 1. Communication skill12345 offspringive Tongue Command over grammer Voice quality Fluency Pronunciation 2. Personality 3. Knowledge 4. spot 5. Creativity/out of box thinking 6. agency They were ranked from 1 to 5. 1. Poor 2. Average 3. heartfelt 4. actually good 5. Excellent DATA ANALYSIS Personality No. of candidates Poor15 Average37 Good11 very good4 Excellent8 Majority of the candidates were embed to have average personality (i. e. 37 out of 75) plot of ground only 4 were marked as very good and 8 as beautiful.Knowledge No. of candidate Poor10 Average10 Good29 rattling good6 Excellent20 29 candidates were judged to have good knowledge spot only 6 had very good knowledge in the technical field. viewNo of candidates Poor9 Average33 Good25 Very good12 Excellent6 Most of the candidates (i. e. 33 out of 75) had average attitude arrest only 6 had excellent attitude towards the job. CreativityNo of candidates Poor7 Average19 Good22 Very good15 excellent12 22 candidates were given the remark of having good creativity and only 7 had poor creativity. ConfidenceNo. of candidates Poor29 Average20 Good12 Very good6 excellent8 resolely 8 candidates were ranked as having excellent confidence darn majority lacked confidence in themselves. CommunicationNo. of candidates Poor30 Average26 Good8 Very good5 excellent6 The communication skills of 30 candidates were found poor and most of them belonged to correspondence course and only 6 were found excellent communication skills. DATA ANALYSIS regarding perception of BPOs among candidates. Number of candidateResponses 50Not interested in BPO 75Interested 20Lengthy working hours 56Graveyard shifts 29Low salary 20Low welfare amenities Q1. What is the process of Recruitment at BPO? In-house recruitment21 threesome Party Outsourcing9 psychoanalysis Recruitment at consists of two main processes 1)In-House recruitment 2)Outsourcing The Percentage of Oustsourcing is 70% while the In-House Recruitment comprises of 30%. The other methods of recruitment includes Internal job posting for a specified post and the use of references. Q2. What are the various parameters that are considered while people are recruited? (Rate the following pickaxs 4-highest,1-lowest) Personality4 Communication14 Attitude4 Knowledge8 Analysis 45% people ranked communication at 4, 27% people ranked knowledge at 3, 14% people ranked Attitude & Personality at 2.People at HCL gives first prio rity to Communication skills & second priority to Knowledge. They think that Personality of a person can be developed in the culture of the organisation. Q3. What is the basis of recruitment? (Rate the following options 6-highest, 1-lowest) complaisant Networking4 Walk-ins6 Internal references4 Outsourcing7 Campus hiring9 Analysis Maximum hiring is done through Outsourcing process. negligible hiring is done through internal job posting. Q4. When do the company plans for recruitment? Beginning of financial Year3 As per the requirement21 Quarterly brushup5 Weekly Review1 Analysis 0% recruitment planning is done as per the requirement in each department while 5% of recruitment planning is done as per quaterly review. Q5. What are the factors on which recruitment depends? Projection2 Attrition25 Business Expansion3 Analysis Most of the recruitment planning(i. e. 84%) depends on the attrition rate at HCL -BPO. Q6. How much time does it take to complete one selection process? 1-2 old a ge18 3-4 days9 5-6 days3 Analysis Generally it requires 1-2 days to complete one selection process , while sometimes it may take 3-4 days as well and rarely it takes 4-5days for the completion of the recruitment and selection process. Q7.Do you think that Outsourcing is a better option for recruitment now a days? Yes22 No8 Analysis Outsourcing is considered to be a better option of recruitment now-a-days. Q8. What is the factor that leads to Outsourcing? High Attrition Rate8 Cost Cutting12 Increased turnover of the company7 To get cost-effective employees in less time3 Analysis Q9. What are the positive progenys of Outsourcing the recruitment process? getting the desired employees in lesser time17 slight Cost10 Less headache3 Analysis The most probable positive outcome of outsourcing the recruitment process is to get the desired employees in lesser time and then comes the less cost.Q10. What are the negative outcomes of Outsourcing the recruitment process? Im becoming coordinati on14 Delays9 Low morale7 Analysis The main problem in outsourcing is that there are delays in fulfilling the requirement because of im suitable coordination between the organization and the outsourcing firm. Moreover the people who are outsourced are kept on off role requital have low morale as they do not enjoy the benefits that are enjoyed by people who are on the payroll of the company. CHAPTER-4 Findings, Conclusion and passport 4. 1 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY Without focusing the formula of management, organization philosophy highlights on achieving a certainly where all citizens (employees) can lead a richer and congested life. Every organization, therefore, strikes for greater productivity, elimination of wastes, lower costs and higher wages, so the industry needs a stable and energetic labors force that can pageant of production by increased productivity. To achieve these objectives a good recruitment process is essential. By which industry strikes right number of persons and right kind of persons at the right time and at right places through and the planning period without hampering productivity . 2 FINDINGS 1. )As the company outsource some of its work in the recruitment process so there is a need of proper coordination between the HR people in the organization and the people of outsourcing firm. And this can be done by conducting well timed(p) meetings in the organization between HR people and the outsourcing firm. This will also reduce the grommet holes that hamper the process of recruitment. 2. )There is lack of proper coordination between the HR people and the Line Managers that leads to miscommunication and thus imperfection in the work. 3. Pressure of work in HR Department should be reduced by extending the workforce in the Department as this department is engaged in various works. This will not only reduce the extra pressure of work but it would also lead to a proper working system in the organization. 4. ) Attrition rate in the company is hi gh due to the extreme work pressure, lengthened working hour hour & job satisfaction. 5. ) Most of the candidates have bad impression of BPOs as during telecalling they cut the call immediately when they receive calls and come to know that the job opening is into a BPO.It is due the graveyard working shifts, no stubborn days off, low motivational factors and monotonous nature of work. 6. ) The low standard image of BPOs is also organize amongst the candidates because very less importance is given to the educational achievements of the candidates . Even a 12th passed student can occupy the same designation as a fresh B. Tech Graduate/MBA/PGDM can, provided he/she has excellent communication skills. There is only divergence of some rupees in monetary harm and even this difference is removed if the 12th passed candidate holds more than 5months of experience into an international BPO. . )I found that the main thing is that HCL is a brand name ,that is why freshers are volition to work in the organization even at a low salary. Also the company takes care of career management of their employees as they can pusue their executive MBA course from prestigious institute IIM-Kolkata and they can even switch off to different parts of HCL like HCL COMNET/TECHNOLOGIES availing the Inter Job Posting facility. 8. )According to the data analysis, it was found that the attitude and behavior of jobseekers are not favourable.Therefore the visionary hypothesis based on first objective is certain while the substitute(a) hypothesis is rejected. 9. )Also from the higher up analysis it was found that the services provided by the consultancy Panache Solutions is satisfactory. Hence the null hypothesis based on second objective is accepted while the alternate one was rejected. 10. ) From the preceding(prenominal) discussions as HCL-BPO follows the current benchmarking recruitment and selection practices, thus the null hypothesis based on third objective is accepted while the alternate is rejected. s 4. 3 CONCLUSIONThe study resulted into following conclusions 1. )HCl BPO must have social culture to work in as it leads a proper environment to work in. This will also also reduce the attrition in the company. 2. )The company should increase the salary & recruit the efficient people for the growth of the organization & should minimize the recruitment of inefficient candidates who are ready to work at a low salary. 3. )Line Managers & HR Department should work in a loop so that information circulates in a regular way in the organization and it does not lead to mental stress due to miscommunication. 4. Other Departments should co-operate the HR department so that a smooth working system can take place. 5. )A proper interaction with the Outsourcing firm should be maintained so as to reduce the number of grievances that arises in the organization due to improper coordination of the outsourcing firm and the organization. 4. 4 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. )Proper flow of information should be maintained so as to avoid miscommunication. 2. )Different department should cooperate with each other so as to reduce the loop holes in the system. 3. )An gain on the salary should be done timely so as to retain the efficient people in the organization. . )HR Department should focus on the quality and not the quantity so as to get efficient employees in the company. 5. )No. of people working in HR Department should be increased for the efficient working of the HR Department. 6. )Some social gathering of people should be conducted so as to maintain a social culture in the organization and this would also help in retaining the people in the organization. 7. )The lengthy working hours should be shortened or some intervals should be given for the refreshment of the employees to reduce the burden of work. . )If possible, the employees should be given fixed days off . Also the employees who come from far places and avail the cab facility should be provided AC cab s due to heat up heat. ANNEXURE QUESTIONNAIRE Q1. What is the process of Recruitment at HCL- BPO? In-house recruitment Third Party Outsourcing Q2. What are the various parameters that are considered while people are recruited? Personality Communication AttitudeKnowledge Q3. What is the basis of recruitment? (Rate the following options 6-highest, 1-lowest) Social NetworkingWalk-insInternal referencesCampus Hiring Outsourcing Q4. When do the company plans for recruitment? Beginning of fiscal Year As per the requirement Quarterly ReviewWeekly Review Q5. What are the factors on which recruitment depends? Projections Attrition Business Expansion Q6. How much time does it take to complete one selection process? 1-2days 3-4 days 5-6 days Q7. Do you think that Outsourcing is a better option for recruitment now a days? YesNo Q8. What is the factor that leads to Outsourcing? High Attrition RateCost CuttingIncreased turnover of the CompanyTo get efficient employees in less time Q9. What are t he positive outcomes of Outsourcing the recruitment process? Getting the desired employees in lesser time. Less Cost Less concern Q10. What are the negative outcomes of Outsourcing the recruitment process? out-of-the-way Coordination in the system Delays in fulfilling the requirement Low Morale excogitate ANALYSIS get up OF HCL INFOSYSTEMSLTD. Job Title. get a line Code No spot .. Department Analyst.Reason for the job Supervised.. Wage or salary range Relation to other jobs Promotion from.. Promotion to.. Job summary Work performed Major duties . Other tasks Equipment/Machines used. Working Condition Skill Requirements Education (Grade or Year) Training Job experience (a)Type of experience.. (b)Length of experience Supervision (a) Positions supervised. (b) tip of supervision..Job knowledge (a) General (b) Technical (c)Special debt instrument a)For product and material . b)For equipment and machinery c)For work of others. d)For safety of others tangible Demands Ph ysical efforts Surroundings Hazards Resourcefulness SPECIFICATIONS FORM OF HCL Job Title Drill OperatorDepartment Job Code sequence.. REQUIREMENTS 1. EDUCATION Ability to read and understand production orders and to make simple calculations. Preferably High develop Certificate. 2.TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE No special training required . Requires one month experience to learn job duties and to attain acceptable degree of proficiency. 3. PHYCIAL EFFORT No special physical effort is required. 4. MENTAL SKILL Requires reasoning to interpret instructions and drawings and productions orders. Must be able to concentrate when operating. 5. SUPERVISION Routine checking and no close supervision required. Specific but no precise instructions. 6. Responsible for own work only. Only routine responsibility for safety of others. PROCEDURE OF RECRUITMENTFollowing process of Recruitment has been followed in HCL . REQUISITION 1) For new requirement or for replacement a manpower the given requisiti on format is to be filled up by Head of the Division/Department and forwarded to HRD after obtaining MDs approval. INTERVIEW SCHEDULE realize Venue Position NAME OF THE CANDI employmentTIMEREMARKS INTERVIEW CALL LETTER Date - full Sir, ___________________________________________________ This has reference to your application for the above mentioned position in our organisation. We are blessed to invite you for a meeting with the ndersignedon. ata. m. /p. m. amuse confirm this booking. We have enclosed a blank personal Data Form. Please fill this in and bring with you along with your educational and experience certificates / testimonials in original for the meeting. No TA/DA shall be admissible for attending this interview. You will be reimbursed to and for train fare by 1st / 2nd discriminate for attending this interview. We take this opportunity to thank for the interest you have shown in joining our organisation. Yours sincerely, For HCL InfosystemsLtd. Authorized signatoryP reliminary interview of the candidates is conducted by HRD based on Personal Data Format given below filled up by the candidate with the help of technical person along with the Dept. Head. HCL Infosystems Ltd. deal PERSONAL DATA FORM POSITION APPLIED FOR SOURCE Name_____________________________________________________________ SurnameFirst NameMiddle Name give up Address ________________________________________________________________ Phone_______________________________ permanent Address _____________________________________________________________ __________________________Phone______________________________Date of Birth righteousnessNationality Marital StatusSexDate of nuptials Languages Known Speak Read Write _________________ __________________ set outs Name & Occupation Spouse Name OccupationNo. of children Educational / Professional Qualification Start With latest Degree/ Diploma Degree/ DiplomaInstitution/ University/BoardYears From ToMain SubjectDivision & % of marks subject & Membership Special Interest/Hobbies Employment lay (Starting from present to first one)Period From ToName of EmployerDesignationNature of Duties PerformedGross Salary Detail of set out Salary underlying HRAConveyanceBonusLTAMedicalSuperannuationP. F. Others Salary Expected association Time Required Are you ready work anywhere in India Relatives & Acquaintances in HCL NameDesignationDepartmentRelation Any other information which you think should be taken into account while considering your candidature Referencesplease give name and address of two persons who knows you professionally or under whom you have worked. Name _____________________________________ Nature ofAcquaintance ______________________________ Position __________________________________ Address __________________________________ Tel . Off. ____________ Res. ___________ Off. _ __________ Res. ___________ Declaration I hereby authorised arrest of all statements in the record and shall agree to recruit a ny documentary evidence in trial impression of above statements as desired by NPL. I certify that all the above statements are true and understand that misrepresentation or mission of facts called for in this from will cause separation from the companys services without any notice or compensation.Date________________Signature___________ FOR world power USE ONLY Test Performance initial INTERVIEW NOTES 1. PERSONALITY 2. MATURITY 3. COMMUNICATION 4. SELFCONFIDENCE 5. JOB KNOWLEDGE 6. OTHERS FINAL INTERVIEW RESULTS SALARY regress SHEET DESIGNATIONCATEGORYLOCATION ITEMPRESENT ACTUAL P. M. OFFERED ACTUAL P. M. OTHERS joining DateProbation Period DATEHODHRDDEPTT. Final approval for Asst. Manager and above is after final interview by the MD. go Expenses to outstation candidates are reimbursed as per the ravelling rules existing in the company, in format given below. ACCOUNTS subdivision OUTSTATION CANDIDATE TRAVEL EXPENSES REIMBURSEMENT NAME - head- INTERVIEW DATE POSITION - DATEPL ACE(FROM-TO)FARE(AMOUNT RS. ) TOTAL DATE SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATEHRD DEPARTMENT After final selection Letter of Intent is issued in the following format LETTER OF INTENTWith reference to your application and the subsequent interviews you had with us, we are pleased to offer you the position of ______________ in our organisation at mutually agreed terms and conditions based at _______________. However you are liable to be transferred to any of our sites / sister concerns / associates companies at the sole ingenuity of the management. You will report for work on _____________at______________, impuissance which this offer will stand automatically withdrawn. The expound earn of appointment will be issued to you on your joining. Please submit the following documents at the time of joining - . 3 passport size photographs. 2. model of last appointment letter, relieving letter & salary certificate. 3. Photocopies of educational and experience certificates. Please sign you to our org anisation and desire you a successful career with us. Yours sincerely, For HCL InfosystemsLtd. Authorized Signatory V) JOINING FORMALITIES On the joining detailed appointment letters are issued as per below mentioned levels- 1) appointee LETTER Language for below Asst. Manager level is given in the following format . BELOW ASSTT. MANAGER LEVEL ___________________Dated ___________________ __________________ ___________________ LETTER OF APPOINTMENT Dear Mr. __________________________ With reference to the offer letter no. ______________________dated __________ we are pleased to appoint you as ____________________ on the following terms and conditions 1)Ordinarily your period of probation will be Six months which could be further extended for a period not exceeding three months and during probationary period/extended probationary period your services are liable to be over(p) without any notice or without assigning any reason or compensation in lieu thereof. )EMOLUMENTS A)you will be paid following emoluments Basic Salary Rs. __________ p. m. House engross AllowanceRs. __________ p. m. Local traveling ExpensesRs. __________ p. m. You shall also be entitled to benefits like Bonus, boon, PF, ESI & L. T. C as per rules of the company. B)Further increment will be based on efficient, satisfactory and loyal discharge of duties and may be withheld in case the standard of work and conduct is found subnormal of may be accelerated in case the same is adjudged to be commercial at the discretion of the management. )Your place of posting will be at our _________________situated at _______________-_____. However, you are liable to be transferred to any of our sites/factory/office at the discretion of the management. 4. During the period of your employment, you shall not secure or try to secure any other post and undertake any course of study or work on part time basis without the pronouncement or the Management in writing.You will also not hold any office of profit out side the company or engage yourself in any other business deal or business either part time, or full time, whether for profit or gain, or on honorary basis or otherwise, engage in an insurance agency or commission agency etc. without the prior written permission of the management. 5. Your hours of attention shall be regulated to suit the duties entrusted to you from time to time, subject to the statutory provisions. 6.You shall be governed by the rules and regulations of the company in force from time to time, that may be applicable to you. 7. In the moment of your confirmation in writing, in addition to the terms and conditions mentioned in this letter, except para (1) a)You will be liable to be retired on your reaching the age of 58 years or earlier if found medically unfit. The organization shall have the right to have you medically examined as and when considered necessary by a registered medical practitioner or by the Companys medical officer. )The employment will be liable t o be terminated on either by giving one months basic salary in lieu thereof. However, no notice would be necessary to be given by the organisation if in their opinion you are found guilty of any gross misconduct as generally understood in employment, particularly disobedience, insubordination, insolence and acts subversive of discipline, ordinary negligence of duties, distrust, dishonesty or embezzlement, illegal strike, universal late attendance, absence, go-slow etc. . In case any misconduct is alleged against you, you are liable to be suspended forthwith without any salary or allowance, pending such inquiry, if in an inquiry you are exonerated of the charges, you will be entitled to full salary as if you were on duty. In the event you are found guilty of the charges levelled, irrespective of the penalty imposed, you shall not be entitled to any compensation for the period of suspension. 9.The above mentioned terms and conditions of services shall prevail so long as the same are not either modified or they will also be subject to such other and further rules and regulations which may be notified by us by putting a notice in writing on the notice board put inside the premises. 10. Your date of joining the services in the organization is ______________ 11. This letter is being offered to you in duplicate. In case the terms and conditions expressly enumerated above are acceptable to you, please sign the duplicate reduplicate of this letter in token of your having read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions mentioned above. 2. Please note that the court of legal power shall be at New Delhi. We welcome you to our organisation and wish you a successful career with us. Yours sincerely, For HCL InfosystemsLimited, classic SIGNATORY ACCEPTANCE I have clear understood the terms and conditions mentioned in this letter of appointment and I hereby accept the same. NAMESIGNATURE DATE 2) naming letter spoken communication for asst. Manager to manager i s given in the following format. FOR ASSISTANAT MANAGER TO MANAGER Dear Mr. Date..APPOINTMENT LETTER With reference to the offer letter no. _________________ dated________________, we are pleased to appoint you in our organisation on the following terms and conditions- 1)Designation Your position in the company will be 2)Date of Joining Your date of joining the services in the organization is 3)Probation Period Ordinarily your period of probation will be Six months from the date of joining. Management may extends the probation period depending upon your performance.On successful completion of probation, you will be issued a confirmation letter. During the probation period, your services are liable to be terminated without assigning any specific reason, whatsoever without giving any notice. After confirmation the notice period will be one month or one months basic salary on either side. 4)Salary Details Your Basic Salary will be Rs. . /- p. m. (Rupees only) In addition you will be entitled to House Rent Allowance of Rs. /- p. m. Rupees only) You will entitled to reimbursement of Local change of location Expenses upto a maximum limit of Rs. /- p. m. (Rupees . only) You shall also be entitled to benefits like ESI/Medical Reimbursement, LTC, Bonus Exgratia, Gratuity & PF as per rules of the company. 5)Place of Posting However, you would be liable to be transferred/posted at any of the existing or proposed locations of the company or its sister/associates companies at the sole discretion of the management. )The company normally does not countenance employees to engage in any other business or work, either directly on their own account or indirectly and you will be expected not to do so without prior consent of the management in writing. 7)You will be governed by the rules and regulations of the company as applicable in force, amended or altered from time to time during the course of your employment. 8)You will automatically retire from the services of the Comp any on attaining the age of 58 years. You may be retired earlier if found medically unfit.Please sign the duplicate copy of this letter signifying your acceptance and issuing it to us. We welcome you to our organisation and wish you a successful career with us. With best wishes, Yours sincerely, For HCL InfosystemsLimited, AUTHORISED SIGNATORY I agree to accept employment on the terms and conditions mentioned above and agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of the company. NAME SIGNATURE DATE 3)Appointment letter language for sr. manager and above is given in the following format. FOR SR.MANAGER AND ABOVE Dear Mr.
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