Wednesday, December 25, 2019
What Everybody Dislikes About Civil Liberties Essay Topics and Why
What Everybody Dislikes About Civil Liberties Essay Topics and Why In political science, in addition, it studies the financial rise and development in regions of employment, income, budget and expenditures and the creation of public goods and solutions. While the international financial crisis might represent a changing tide for certain video surveillance providers, it is good for the industry on the balance. The absolute most modest innovations have a tendency to enhance the high quality and cost of the use of CCTV technology. Our site is also encrypted to guarantee extra security. The Upside to Civil Liberties Essay Topics Liberty as a social value is a somewhat recent idea that has emerged over the duration of the previous few decades. This is because the American population is distinguished by a huge diversity of people from all around the world because of extensive migration. Since that time, the society that we are living in today has developed and become far more mat ure. Although this appears to be a logical thing, this right to be left alone'', many men and women argue that this isn't always something that ought to be allowed. The Foolproof Civil Liberties Essay Topics Strategy They would need to collect each of their efforts to cover the subject from all probable angles and find fresh solutions for the issue. However, evidence implies that the relationship isn't necessary. I want to offer four observations. While political science stipulates the similar area of interest regarding the systematic study of government and state. The Civil Liberties Essay Topics Cover Up Take a look at our top absolutely free essays on disaster management that will help you write your own essay. As a result of limited resources, OPCL isn't going to be able to react to complaints which do not provide sufficiently comprehensive information. Professional writers in the several fields that have a wealth of experience in academia write all your papers. Theref ore, many students and employees decide to obtain cheap essay rather than writing it themselves. Characteristics of Civil Liberties Essay Topics It's possible to report any incidents to the local law enforcement office. Supreme Court decisions may also alter the way Congress enacts civil rights legislation. In the event the application is denied, a complete investigation and hearing will be run. Nobody has ever known as the structure of American government simple! The essay isn't the simplest task to master. To get started writing your assignment you would want to encounter an interesting and promising topic. You need to focus on one specific matter. You'll also focus on a single issue linked to the right. My main worry for the future isn't that my kid is somehow defective'. These rights enable you to become whomever you would like without fear or reproach. After a marriage is over and you've got custody of your kids, you will definitely have the responsibility for ma king the vital choices regarding your children's upbringing together with education. Such language was normalised to the extent that it is extremely tough to persuade anyone that there can be any actual harm within it. Civil liberties constitute a significant part of the laws and regulations of any nation. States may also pass their very own civil rights laws along with municipalities such as cities and counties. Actually, the legacy of the initial ten amendments are perhaps the most important innovation made by america for the remainder of the world. Pick one particular thing about the U.S. Constitution including its amendments which you think ought to be changed. Get the Scoop on Civil Liberties Essay Topics Before You're Too Late It's possible to lose your gain access to rights or they are sometimes limited. Marriage isn't required, nor are there any requirements concerning the gender or number of people you've got sex with. Freedom of speech is, naturally, important. See FindLaw's Civil Rights Basics section to find out more about the related idea of civil rights. There are many men and women in the country who enjoy serving and possess the capacity to achieve that. It was a type of emergency and you were able to handle everything in a professional way. Generally, it takes as much as two hours of time to comb through dozens of sites until you discover something exciting to write about. The easiest way for individuals to take note of public safety is to find assistance from workers. Civil Liberties Essay Topics - What Is It? On the other hand, the public needs to be more aware now than otherwise since they are confronted with lots of danger from assorted corners and is critical to be mindful of what steps to take for protection in the case of an attack. Public safety is an increasing concern on account of the dangers that currently pose to individuals and society. Complex financial times call for greater security spending. Civil liber ties are not the same as civil rights, although the distinction is sometimes hard to grasp. But it's not necessarily necessary for other people to surrender their freedoms. And don't forget, too cheap doesn't always mean good! The necessitated the occurrence of courts and judges. Discuss what can be done in order to make sure that equality prevails. To the contrary, I also have witnessed fearless approaches of human beings in order to keep stability in civilization. These folks belong to distinct cultures and ethnic backgrounds and practice a wide range of religions. To begin with, my connotation of liberty is extremely much like that of the most important denotation of the expression liberty. In Western political philosophy, it's been argued that a state has to be established to guard humans from one another. Freedom, by comparison, should remain as a very important component of societies that could guarantee the well-being for people who enact it. Additional liberty and democracy won't always coexist peaceably. The civil liberty of freedom of speech particularly has become the specific focus of the essay and it has been proven through various examples that among others, it is by far the most important civil liberty.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
`` Word Is Out `` By Nancy Adair And Casey Adair - 1528 Words
LGBT history has changed the way society works in the United States and has had an impact around the world. The homosexual community came as an impact to the world during the early 1900’s. They were considered different; odd, ill, and weak, but little did we know the effects it would have in today’s society and politics. The war, queer, and AIDs movements seem to relatively impact members of the gay and lesbian community the most. In an series of interviews in â€Å"Word is Out†conducted by Nancy Adair and Casey Adair, the reader is introduced into the lives of Pam, Rusty, and Pat; lesbian women living within their true identity during the mid-1900’s. Their stories consist of broken family relationships, marriage failure, and gender roles. To help one understand the dynamics of their relationships and lives, John D’Emilo talks about the effects of war and how it structures and damages the gay community and their opportunity for equality. Elizabeth Davis speaks about the Lesbian experience in public spaces that exposes many to find their character by associating with those that fit best to their community in â€Å"Lesbian Bar Culture in the 1930’s and 1940’s†. The LGBT community for centuries has won the spotlight in the news and many articles published in well know newspapers, but what many never get to hear or see are the struggle that many homosexuals face. Both gays and lesbians in the United States have received backlash because of their race, gender, and social class. TheShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesxi Questions for Review 192 Experiential Exercise Biases in Decision Making 193 Ethical Dilemma Do Unethical Decisions Come from Bad Character? 193 Case Incident 1 Computerized Decision Making 194 Case Incident 2 Predictions That Didn’t Quite Pan Out 195 7 Motivation Concepts 201 Defining Motivation 202 Early Theories of Motivation 203 Hierarchy of Needs Theory 203 †¢ Theory X and Theory Y 205 †¢ Two-Factor Theory 205 †¢ McClelland’s Theory of Needs 207 Contemporary Theories of Motivation
Monday, December 9, 2019
Dimensions and Antecedents of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour
Question: Give the literature review dimensions and antecedents of organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB)? Answer: Introduction Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) is a field of study gave to perceiving, clarifying, and inevitably adding to the attitude and practices of individuals (group and people) inside associations. Organizational behaviour is taking into account logical information and connected practice (Judson, 2011). McShane and Travaglione (2007), characterized organizational behaviour as the investigation of what individuals think, feel and do in and around the associations. This study is carried out by taking a methodical methodology when seeing the connections in the middle of representatives and administration or association. It has a tendency to study people, groups or the association in general and its qualities and attempt to impact them and shape them as far as authoritative settings. The organization behaviour study aides both the associations and individuals to enhance relationships, working towards the basic objectives of the organization. Dimensions of OCB According to Dennis Organ, father of OCB (Organizational Citizenship Behaviour) have decorated that there are five separate dimensions of OCB that helps the associations to enhance its effectiveness (Wang, Hinrichs, Prieto, Howell, 2013): Altruism Conscientiousness Civic Virtue Courtesy Sportsmanship Altruism It perceives the conduct composed at specific individuals. Right when individual have specific issue; charitable people go the extra mile in helping them. The diverse class of OCB is summed up suitability, which is more unimaginative great confidence: doing things right and fitting for their own specific reason rather than for any specific single person. Conscientiousness This shows apathetic behaviour consistence with principles portraying a fair worker, it states authorities go past insignificant essentials of their specific undertakings Civic Virtue It is all about staying mindful of matters that impact the relationship like interest in decision making, going to social events, participation in the political presence of the affiliation practices and possessed with affiliation practices that can help to upgrade affiliation and take a segment in organization of affiliation. Courtesy It imply such exercises like advising with others before decision have been taken, issuing recommendation to other individual, pass on data furthermore giving improvement notices or we can say that in affiliation adjusting others about change which reason impact on their work. Sportsmanship It is conduct of fixing off unimportant grievances and swearing off complaining about irrelevant matters. Frequently people think extraordinary sportsman is a person who does not whimper for loaded face by others. In any case make sure when different people are not taking after his proposition and willing to surrender his/her individual excitement for the wellbeing of work assembling and don't take it single person. Antecedents of OCB Diversity in External and Internal Environment Diversity represents an important attribute of the current environment of business. Globalization has made it crucial for all the organizations to adequately deal with a different labour force in such a way, to the point that it enhances the performance of the organization (Daskin, Saydam and Arasli, 2013). Tesco, a global retailer, having operations in around 14 nations, have loads of different work force. Tesco has a Diversity Advisory Group which gathers semi-annually to screen and guarantee that Tesco's workforce at each stage mirrors the creation of populace at each minute in time. To diminish discrimination against the debilitated individuals, Tesco was the first association to secure focuses for the enlistment of incapacitated individuals; this is the reason Tesco was given a symbol of two-tick by Remploy. The diversity strategy of is vital to the way it approaches training and development and recruitment and selection is reflected all through the goals of the business. Apart from internal diversity, Tesco has also linked its diversity culture externally by collaborating with four key networks (, 2015): ABC Network: Its point is to settle on Tesco the head honcho of decision for African, Black British and Caribbean associates Asian Network: serves to raise the profile of professions at Tesco to groups of Asian people. Women Network: expanding the women profile in the business and supporting them to add to their career Out at Tesco: This group speaks to those with diverse sexual introductions. It has more than 1,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals Human Behavior and Differences in Employees The OB theories are concerned with comprehension the behaviour of individuals at work. It incorporates values of organization, motivation for the employees and personality of the employees. Personality alludes to a few qualities, qualities abilities and skills of people alongside certain other attributes like preparing and disposition. It implies particular examples of conduct of a single person in a characterized circumstance (Ashraf, n.d.). The personality of an employee or a candidate applying for TESCO is tested using Situational Judgement Test (SJT), Verbal Reasoning Test, Numerical Reasoning Test and Abstract/Inductive Reasoning Test (JobTestPrep - Psychometric Test Preparation, 2015). Additionally, Options program of Tesco also helps the employees to develop their personality. This personality development program serves to deliver enduring capabilities. This implies employees get to be more positive, gainful and significant to the association in the long haul. Enrolling new pe rsonnel is more extravagant than retaining existing personnel, so for Tesco, retaining personnel is amazingly vital. This further helps to increase the motivational level of the employees. Tesco follows various theories of motivation for instance; the system of rewards at Tesco is aligned with the Taylors motivational theory. Tesco supports their staffs through money support and also offers good environment. Tesco offers key employment training to offer help staffs 'achieve the extraordinary'. The association likewise takes after vocation exchange yearly with every workers; the association in like manner anxieties the progression of the whole individual and has executed a game plan of 360 degree feedback (, 2015). This shows that the organization values play a vital role in organizational citizenship behaviour. For Tesco, the employees, community matters most, the organization treats them, as the people want and also creates lots of job opportunities encoura ging and helping customers and colleagues to face the challenges (Tesco plc, 2015). Making Decisions and Problem Solving Compelling vital business choices unite the right assets for the right markets at the ideal time. Timing is essential. The nature of an organization's choice making helps it pick up favourable element over contenders. Business choices must mirror aims of an association, for example, to amplify returns for its shareholders. They ought to likewise identify with its objectives for example, to be the business pioneer in its field. This methodology applies paying little heed to the span of the business. Tesco respects its staff to join in a study of staff fulfilment named "Viewpoint" which accommodates them the opportunity to express their viewpoints on all aspects of their occupation. The outcomes from the study help Tesco confirm it is advancing the right things to its staff to keep them induced. Communication Communication aids hierarchical individuals to finish both individual and authoritative objectives, execute and react to hierarchical change, coordinate authoritative exercises and participate in basically organizations pertinent behaviour. Organizational viability is connected to interchanges. Major issues emerge when breakdowns happen and a significant inquiry for supervisors is whether they will convey well or inadequately (Keyton et al., 2013). At Tesco, face to face discussions with the supervisors are held in a formal manner. This helps the workers to comprehend their shortcomings and enhance them. Further a daily meeting is held with the colleagues by the line supervisors to keep the group redesigned with the most recent occupation data and worth recompenses. This worth recompenses gives the representatives an approach to praise their accomplishments. Managing Intergroup Dynamics Group plays a vital role in every organization. It is very important to manage these teams effectively. This is since as the way of assignments did by associations gets to be progressively intricate, the customary arrangement of a manager dealing with a few people is getting to be progressively hard to keep up. Thus, associations are making more noteworthy utilization of gatherings in different routes: to settle on choices as a council, to expand quality through quality circles, by making a team to create and produce another item etc. Therefore, effective teamwork has helped Tesco to improve the job satisfaction level, enhanced the experiences and opinions and improved the productivity. This teamwork also helps the organization to reduce conflict. Working in a team helps in building up a sound answer for a contention through open correspondence, regard for one another and making fulfilling options. For Instance, in 2014, Tesco had received the Award for Excellence in Learning and Dev elopment (LD) where 94% of the employees believed that there exists more collaboration and effective teamwork (Scullin, 2014). Organization Structure Organizational structure is the gathering of individuals to finish work. It makes connections among a business' directors and specialists, issuing them power to complete obligations. The structure of an organization also plays a vital role in OB, it includes employee skills and attitudes, size, product and services offered location and managerial staff (Carapiet and Harris, 2007). The organization structure involves five primary goals: decentralization and centralization of organization, span of control, managerial hierarchy, departmentalization and division of labour. All these five factors give shape to an organization. For instance, Tesco follows decentralized structure of organization. This structure is effectual because it also makes easier for the store manager to take decision. They do not have to take confirmation from the top head managers. This organizational structure also gives a clear picture of who is the in-charge of which department. This helps the organization to gro w rapidly. Organization Culture Organization culture is the plans and imparted learning grew by specific individuals for reacting, communicating, seeing, deciphering to the social substances (Silverthorne, 2004). Tesco's hierarchical society is to offer ideal condition to all the workers in the association, empowering cooperation for powerful collaboration, taking after differing culture in the association, learning based environment and fulfilling the customers with better administration and items. This type of organizational structure helps employees to synergistically build up the association in a superior manner (Bellot, 2011). The workplace of Tesco is encompassed with excellent society that shapes the methods and employment relationship in the association. Thusly, it is helping the association to fathom the issues because of outer components furthermore inner incorporation by building up an imparted example Conclusion This literature review has closely looked at dimensions of the organizational citizenship behaviour of individuals in Tesco who have a tendency to embrace, for example, counterproductive practices, authoritative citizenship, and the reasons why individuals receive those practices, and how to impact or shape negative practices in a manner that meets organizational targets. It is observed that organizational citizenship behaviour is connected to many factors like organization culture, organization structure, intergroup dynamics, communication, human behaviour, diversity and problem solving through effective decisions. These factors help the organization to behave effectively, and stay away from such negative work practices. References Ashraf, T. (n.d.). ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR. [online], pp.156-158. Available at: [Accessed 21 Mar. 2015]. Bellot, J. (2011). Defining and Assessing Organizational Culture. Nursing Forum, 46(1), pp.29-37., (2015). Development - How training and development supports business growth - Tesco | Tesco case studies, videos, social media and information | Business Case Studies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Mar. 2015]., (2015). Engaging with diverse groups - Using diversity and inclusion to provide better service - Tesco | Tesco case studies, videos, social media and information | Business Case Studies. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Mar. 2015]. Carapiet, S. and Harris, H. (2007). Role of self-organisation in facilitating adaptive organisation: a proposed index for the ability to self-organise. Production Planning Control, 18(6), pp.466-474. Daskin, M., Saydam, S. and Arasli, H. (2013). The Critical Antecedents to Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Empirical Evidences from North Cyprus Service Industry. jmr, 5(2). JobTestPrep - Psychometric Test Preparation, (2015). Tesco Psychometric Tests: Numerical, Verbal, Logical Reasoning and SJT Test Practice. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Mar. 2015]. Judson, A. (2011). Changing behavior in organizations. 5th ed. Cambridge, Mass., USA: B. Blackwell. Keyton, J., Caputo, J., Ford, E., Fu, R., Leibowitz, S., Liu, T., Polasik, S., Ghosh, P. and Wu, C. (2013). Investigating Verbal Workplace Communication Behaviors. International Journal of Business Communication, 50(2), pp.152-169. McShane S, Travaglione T, 2007, Organisational Behaviour, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Australia ptd ltd, NSW, Australia, Alisa Brackley du Bois Scullin, C. (2014). Personnel Today Awards 2014 winners: Tesco leads the way for LD at larger employers - Personnel Today. [online] Personnel Today. Available at: [Accessed 21 Mar. 2015]. Silverthorne, C. (2004). The impact of organizational culture and person organization fit on organizational commitment and job satisfaction in Taiwan. Leadership Org Development J, 25(7), pp.592-599. Tesco plc, (2015). Tesco plc. [online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Mar. 2015]. Wang, L., Hinrichs, K., Prieto, L. and Howell, J. (2015). Five dimensions of organizational citizenship behavior: Comparing antecedents and levels of engagement in China and the US. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(1), pp.115-147.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The red room Essay Example
The red room Paper This intensifies their brutality and hardens their image to the reader. Also, H.G. Wells goes into no discussion about their lives, this way he keeps them very impersonal, even in human at the same time. Another main similarity is that the two pieces are both written by two very accomplished authors. H. G Wells past accomplishments are well known, The Time Machine (1895) The War Of The Worlds (1898) both imparticular. These also reflect his passionate interest in science. His passion for science first began as he intended to become a science teacher after he had obtained a degree. Sadly, illness prevented this, so he incorporates science (fiction) into some of his novels. This novel is based on horror; very inconsistent to his futuristic novels mentioned above. The genre, horror, is still well liked today by millions and Wellss The Red Room is a prime example of this genre. Until the end, the short story is very different to his previous scientific novels, when the reader is led to question the belief in an evil presence; this ties in with Wellss scientific, practical approach to life. George Orwell has a lot in his life to reflect in his novels, this is partly why he was so successful. In 1936 he fought against the fascist forces in the Spanish Civil War, as he was a firm believer in socialism. Orwell has had a first hand view of war and its negatives, so when it comes to descriptive writing, he makes full use of his experience of hardship. He came out of the war badly injured. He wrote the descriptive novel 1984 in 1948 after what he had seen and heard from the Second World War, this was his main influence. The book was written as a contemporary warning to mankind and if they did not fight against dictatorships this is what may lie in the future, where absolute power is unchallenged. We will write a custom essay sample on The red room specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The red room specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The red room specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer While there a far less important differences between the two stories then similarities, there are still some easily identifiable differences between the two authors writing. Firstly, Winston is not alone in the room 101, with a guard and mainly the imposing OBrien acting in the scene. Whereas in the red room the narrator was the single person who entered. The difference between the two is that in the Red Room, a different category of fear is introduced, with the narrator being the only person it makes for an exasperating being alone type of horror, not knowing what is lurking. So in the Room 101, there are people, this makes a fear where the victim does not know how or when something will inflict upon him, but he knows it will. The twist of the fear is also a large difference; in The Red Room the fear is of something in the mind. The minds pressure believes it to be something supernatural, when really fear itself was defeating it, and this was the real twist in the story that fear can break down a persons mind. The Room 101s fear is that of something real, a natural fear that cannot be overcome despite what he may try (rats in Winstons case). Therefore again pushing his mind to all fearful conclusions. The Red Room was set in the present, yet 1984 is set in the future. This difference may imply that the authors adopt different writing preferences. Wells may like to write stories of fiction at present. Orwell has chosen his to give a warning, therefore it has to be written in the future. The times that these were written (The Red Room before 1900, 1984 20th century) indicates that the tension filled style chosen for the stories has lasted, and has been interpreted in different ways as the time has past. The final noticeable difference is that they are different types of story, the Room 101 is an extract form the novel 1984, whereas The Red Room is a complete short story. The difference is that the short story holds a complete story showing all aspects of fear and tension from beginning to end. So in this story the author concentrates on one particular type of fear because it is a shorter story. The extract shows different types of fear that can be expanded on, as the novel is far bigger. Therefore the focus is on the intensity of the fear- Winstons intolerance and hatred of rats. The two texts are incredibly tension filled reading. They are fun yet comprehensible, which makes for a diversity of writing. I particularly enjoyed the 1984 extract. The reason for this is as I read it, it felt as though I could easily imagine Winstons position and how he felt. To know your worst fear is about to be inflicted upon you yet you cannot do anything about it except listen to the remorseless OBrien drag on the remaining minutes of your life by explaining your fate in a cold manner. It seemed to me that OBrien had a very important role that helped the fear and tension become more intense and realistic. It is not a surprise as Orwell has had many successes, with his popular and respected style of writing. Whilst I enjoyed 1984 more, I still appreciate the impressive story, The Red Room by H. G Wells. He too showed that his style of writing is very intricate, as I enjoyed the story from beginning to end. Elements such as nameless people, long narrow darkened corridors etc. all make up for a sinister setting that is pleasant to read.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Write a Great History Term Paper
How to Write a Great History Term Paper History is mainly a subject that deals with the events that happened in the past. There are so many books in the library that give different versions of certain events that took place. Some of the times the teachers in the schools decide that since covering the whole syllabus as they teach per topic is quite time consuming and a lot of time is wasted leading to then not completing their syllabus, they give the students research papers to do. They go do the researches get the different versions that they will then they discuss in their classes with the teachers and this will enable them to learn the right approach to a certain topic. The teachers also at the end of the term give the students History papers to do. Some of the students fail but not because they do not know the answers but because they can not put their words together. This is the reason as to why in the Melody Academy the History teacher has to teach all the students how to write a good History term paper so that the students can be able to compete with the other schools. In his class the teacher teaches that the students should do their research carefully. They should be able to ask themselves more questions about the topic that they are covering and even if the event happened in the past they should be able to answer those questions. This way by the time they get to the real question they will be able to know what the argument is about and how they are going to base it as well as the materials that they will use in order to show their argument. This preparation enables the students to gather all the required information. After this the students should then write their argument. They should not just write short stories or narratives, they should base their arguments according to the questions that they asked themselves and the questions that they gave. Even if they know less about the topic that they are discussing, they should give all the information that they know. In every argument, the students should ensure that they support their arguments with evidences. They should give examples to show how sure they are in what they are telling the people who will read their articles. They should put all their points in order such that the teacher will see where his main point is, his argument as well as the evidence that he has to support his points. Another thing, the students should take positions in whatever they write. They should be able to write what they think. This way they will be able to even convince the people who read their articles. Do you professional help with writing a History term paper online? Dont waste your time and contact now!
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Aim of a Psychology Case Study and 3 Steps to Effectively Reach It
The Aim of a Psychology Case Study and 3 Steps to Effectively Reach It The Aim of a Psychology Case Study and 3 Steps to Effectively Reach It Case studies are a type of written assessment used in a range of disciplines that you might be studying at college or university. In this article, we are going to be taking a look at the format required for a case study if you are studying Psychology. What is a Psychology Case Study? In the context of the study of psychology, a case study is an in-depth investigation of a single person, a group of people, a specific event, or a defined community. It is a way of bringing together data from a range of different sources and methods. It’s a form of research most closely associated with Sigmund Freud. The data that you might seek to include in your psychology case study is an observation of the subject’s daily routine, unstructured interviews with the subject, review of diaries or personal documents as well as the review of more formal documents such as medical files or clinical notes. Most of the data that you will be reviewing and presenting in your case study will be qualitative data. You would most likely supplement this qualitative data with numerical data that you have also collected. When you are analyzing the data that you are presenting in your case study, you will be applying one of the accepted psychology theories. These include a grounded theory, interpretative phenomenological analysis, or text interpretation such as thematic coding. Step 1: Observation If you are applying the case study approach to a subject in your psychology studies, often you will be required to observe the subject, or to try and reconstruct the case history of the subject that you are studying. This is described as the idiographic approach. Step 2: Data Data that you may want to include in your case study could include the subjects medical records, employer reports, school reports, or psychological test results. This phase of the process will generally include an interview with the subject and other people relevant to the experience of the subject, such as the subject’s friends, parents, employer, work colleagues, or other relevant people. Step 3: Interpretation The researcher needs to be competent enough to be able to understand what their observation and data collection is telling them. The case study format is designed to enable the researcher to interpret all of the available information so that they can provide insights and assessment regarding the subject of the study. Psychological case studies are an effective way to present available data and provide vivid insight into your chosen subject. However, case studies are not perfect they are only dealing with the specific subject, so it is not a given interpretation or insights of the case study can be applied to any other subjects or in a wider context. Also, the strength of the psychological case study is in the competence and interpretative abilities of the researcher. This is a subjective analysis of qualitative data and information, so different researchers will most likely reach different conclusions depending on the interpretation they make. Even Freud was criticised for producing case studies in which it seemed that the available information had been distorted to suit the behavioral theories that he was wanting to present.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Conflict or Consensus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Conflict or Consensus - Essay Example he criminal code of justice, and the legal system in particular was meant to serve as a weapon that would enable everyone to do their duties in a rightful manner such that it would result in mutual prosperity. However, history is evidence to the fact that the society has not adhered it and has instead used it to lever advantage in their favor. This has been the case with people belonging to the powerful and the elite, who have bent the criminal code so that most of their illegal deeds went unnoticed. The conflict model of criminal justice, says that the organizations of a criminal justice system must work competitively as opposed to working in a cooperative manner. Issues such as fame, wealth and success have forced the criminal justice system to a conflict with itself. The conflict model has therefore suggested that there is no true legal system and that an adversarial approach has prevented legal instruments from communicating with each other. The supporters of the Conflict model argue that the conflict model is the reality of criminal justice. The conflict model, as pointed out by Jerome Skolnick says that powerful elements such as the police and lawyers appear to do their job, rather than doing their job in reality. Powerful people like the police and the wealthy have coerced innocent people into accepting that they have committed crimes such as theft or rape. In several cases, the wealthy have twisted the legal system by covering tracks of wrongdoings such as financial wrongdoings, eliminating competitors, implicating innocent people etc. they have grown a clout of loyal and corrupt police officials, lawyers and other legal entities, who, in reality, work for such powerful people rather than the state. The consensus model, opposes the conflict model by professing the argument that the constituents of a criminal justice system, work cooperatively and not competitively. It further goes on to says that organization of criminal law must and should work in
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Short answers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Short answers - Research Paper Example This is illustrated by Phillips curve where as unemployment falls, inflation increases. The government should step in to solve unemployment problems according to Keynes. This is done through Central bank that ensures that there is more money in circulation (Froyen, 1995). The classical would advocate that the Federal Government supply money so as to match the rate of unemployment growth. If the two do not match, then there will be excess supply, which could be as a result of increased price of labour. In addition, the government should restrain from applying any stabilization measures (Tucker, 2011). Despite being expensive, the procedures employed by the United State drug and food administration are essential. This is to ensure that they are quality and fit for human consumption. The government can however, subsidize the prices so as to reduce their prices and be able to manage inflation (Harris, 2006). On the other hand, the government should not eliminate such requirements on hot dog content since it is not a basic need. A combination of fiscal and monetary policy should be employed in the current U.S. economy. Some of the fiscal policies include; government purchases and transfer payments. On the other hand, monetary policies such as Open Market Operation among others could be employed (Tucker,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Brief View of Buddhism on Different Perspectives Essay Example for Free
Brief View of Buddhism on Different Perspectives Essay Buddhism in China was not first welcomed. People had different opinions on Buddhism. To analyze the responses to the spread of Buddhism in china by who expresses to the audience, why some people believe Buddhism is better for the country, and why some believe Buddhism is bad for China. Depending on what time period they lived in, changed the opinion of those who expressed their opinion to the audience. (Document 2) Zhi Dun is a Chinese Scholar, author, and a high official. During circa 350 C.E Northern China was invaded by Central Asian Steppe Nomads. There is war between the Asian Steppe Nomads and Zhi Dun believes that if you believe in Buddhism and have the right intentions, you can reach nirvana. (Document 3) This document is written by an Anonymous Chinese Scholar that expresses his opinion to the people of China. This is during circa 500 C.E., which was during the time of instability and disunity. He wrote this document anonymously because he was fearful of what other people think. They might not agree with his idea. (Document 6) The emperor response is toward the people of china. This is during 845 C.E, which is after the imperial structure is restored and he is saying that they don’t need Buddhism. Although some people agree with Confucianism, people think Buddhism helped China. (Document 1) In this document, it talks about the four Noble Truths. It shows how everyone suffers and the only way to get rid of suffering is to get rid of your desires. This was the first sermon preached by the Buddha in India during the fifth century. This document was written to persuade those to become Buddhists and follow the teachings. (Document 2), this document explains how if you have the right intentions, then you will reach Nirvana. This helps relief the people of china. (Document 5), Zong Mi, a Buddhist scholar said that Buddhism helped China. He said that the Buddha taught many teachings and in result, it encouraged the perfection of good deeds. Although Buddhism might seem good for China, other people believe that it ruined the country. Usually the higher classes thought Confucianism was better. This is because the lower classes are to respect the higher class. Han Yu is a Confucian Scholar and official of the Tang imperial court. This is during the 819 C.E. he says Buddhism didn’t even originate from China. He also says that Buddhism has nothing to do with the country and the culture. (Document 6), this is during 815 C.E. This is the time period after the instability and disunity of china. China is restored and they have an imperial rule, Tang Emperor Wa. His attitude towards Buddhism is furious. Since China is restored, he believes in Confucianism and Legalism, so there is no need for Buddhism. He even explains that Buddhism is selfish. All they do is eat and meditate, not helping the country by working. To analyze the responses to the spread of Buddhism by observing those who expressed their opinion to the people of China. It differed depending on what time period they lived in. it depended if they lived in the time of instability and disunity or when china was restored. Others believe that Buddhism helped China. They believe that it helped China during the time of instability and disunity. During this period of time, there was an invasion against the Asian steppe nomads in circa 350 C.E. Buddhism helped comfort those that were going to war by saying that they can reach nirvana. Even though Buddhism helped China, higher officials and Confucius believe that it ruined the country. This is because during 845 C.E. they had an emperor. They didn’t need Buddhism anymore because they had an emperor and china is unified by one leader again. A missing voice that is needed in the document section is a person that does not express their opinion to the public, like a private voice such as a person putting something down in a diary. The second voice that is needed is the common people’s opinion in China. This will show which philosophy they are rooting for during a period of time. The third voice should be a historian’s view during their period of time, so it shows how he interprets it.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
How Mary Shelley Presents the Monster in Frankenstein Essay -- Mary Sh
How Mary Shelley Presents the Monster in Frankenstein Throughout my essay, I am going to explain and show the ways and techniques that Mary Shelley uses to present the monster through the novel. I will also describe how wee feel about the monster at various stages in the novel, and how our views and understanding of him may have changed. I will begin with a brief introduction to Mary Shelley herself, and how she was brought up, as I think this has had a big influence on her writing in 'Frankenstein'. Mary Shelley was brought up by her father since the age of around just ten days old. Her mother died just shortly after giving birth to Mary. I believe Mary Shelley blamed herself for her mothers death, and writing 'Frankenstein' was her way of letting out and incorporating her misery and hate through the characters in the book. I think that she is referring to herself as the monster because he only had a father, and although I think Mary's father did love her, she was still missing something and I think she felt like she wanted to be loved. The novel is set in Geneva, Switzerland which is a very desolate and isolated country. This gives the feel of loneliness and makes the novel slightly more frightening knowing it is set in a lonely, mountainous area in the middle of nowhere. Mary Shelley tells us the story of how Victor Frankenstein became interested in natural philosophy, electricity, chemistry and mathematics. Frankenstein left for Germany, to attend university. There, his interest in natural philosophy quickly became an obsession. He was particularly fascinated with the human body and the concept of life. After four years of fanatic studying, not keeping in contact with his family, he was able to ... ...n's friend and dislikes the monster for murdering Frankenstein's wife and brother, he also pity's him because he has not been brought up to learn right or wrong, so he thinks that its not his fault. The use of three points of view is very effective because it really helps you to decide your own point of view for yourself. To conclude my essay, I think that Mary Shelley has been very clever in her use of emotive language especially. I think she really shows us how the monster is feeling at all time during the novel, and this shows us his true character. I think our views change of him throughout the novel, but we will always have the slight sense of feeling sorry for him more than anything, even though he does murder. It was never his fault that he was hated and rejected and I think that's why we have such a strong feeling of understanding towards him.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How Andrea Jung Became Successful
Her parents are both Chinese immigrants that moved their children with the dream of providing them with a better education. Both her parents are very educated people and they set high standards for Jung and expected her to work hard for what she wanted and to achieve as much as possible without losing sight of her heritage and values. She has always stated that she was not a very good student growing up, but her parents would offer something in return for her earning straight As. Every time she wanted something she knew she would have to study really hard to get It and It's because of this that she credits her parents with furthering her resolve and ambition. 1 While In high school she got Involved In extra-curricular activities, specially the student body, she served as class secretary and then president. After high school, Jung attended Princeton university and earned a BAA degree in English Literature. She decided to take a break from school and hoped to attend law school afterwar ds, but she enjoyed her Job so much that she decided that perhaps that was her calling. Jung attended a college career fair and she was hired by Bloodiness's for a management-training program. She had at first figured the experience would come in helpful once she started working on her law degree, but she realized that she really enjoyed working In retail. Her parents TLD agree with her decision of working In the retail business and they saw her choice of career as a waste of a good college education. Jung made a smart move along the way and chose a mentor. Having a mentor was good for Jung as she was very successful and had become the company's first female vice president.Jung knew she could learn a lot from her and she did. Jung learned that men didn't see women executives as strong but weak beings and found that the majority of women in the workplace didn't support other women and it was a tough environment. â€Å"Some people just wait for someone to take them under their wing,à ¢â‚¬ he said. â€Å"Vie always advised that they shouldn't wait. They should find someone's wings to grab onto. â€Å"3 Jung made it a point to become successful and she worked hard at It and didn't let any misconceptions or put downs get In her way or set her back. Jung had other Jobs and as she moved she worked her way up the chain. Junk's outgoing personality was helpful and she made friends and networked with many then she went on to work at Newman Marcus as the executive vice president in charge of merchandising. L She learned a lot along the way, especially the importance off good self image. If she wanted to be successful she had to look successful and she knew how important it was to have a good image. She really enjoyed her work but she was also hungry for a challenge and she found it when she started working as a consultant for Avon.The company's executives really liked Jung ideas as a consultant so they decided to hire her as president of product marketing group for U . S. Operations. L The company found themselves needing a CEO and Jung and three other women thought that they had a good chance of getting picked as they had all worked for the company for quite some time. Unfortunately Avon decided to hire someone from the outside and this was a disappointment because this was a man whom they saw as having no experience in the industry.Not long after though, Mr†¦ Perrine, the current CEO, resigned and opened the door for Jung to step right in. She became Van's ninth president and CEO. 2 Avon has gone through many changes since Jung came onboard, the products have definitely become more updated and they now target a wide variety of customers. You can see anything from dresses, shoes, purses, items targeting children, and of course beauty products. They have products targeting women of all ages and the prices easily beat prices on high stores. One thing that has attracted me to Avon lately is the different campaigns that support important cause s. Breast Cancer is one of them, Jung grandmother died of breast cancer at the age of 63. 2 This was a deep loss for Jung, who recalled, â€Å"It was the early Seventies, and the C-word was forbidden in our house. She didn't want us around her in case it was contagious. There was fear about the subject†(London Times, June 29, 2002). 2 The other cause is called, â€Å"Empower Women Campaign†, this s an important cause because it fights to end violence against women.Jung has worked hard to get to where she is. She was brought up with good family values and has always made sure her family was not affected by the numerous meetings and business trips she has had to attend. Her family is very important and she has said that she has missed some of her children's events, but not the important ones. L Jung was featured in the October 2010 issue of Fortune Magazine and was ranked number 5 among the â€Å"50 Most Powerful Women. †She is a great woman and someone I can ce rtainly say I have learned a lot from.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
The Different Methods and Styles of Leadership
In a seminal and much-cited article on the subject of lead-ership, Lewin, Lippitt, and White (1939) coined the term demo-cratic-style leadership to refer to a method of managing that involved give and take between leaders, or managers, and the people whose jobs they were guiding. Later identified with group leadership, democratic leadership was valorized vis-a-vis auto-cratic leadership on one side and laissez-faire leadership on the other. One may readily infer the bias in favor of democratic leadership style from the mere naming of the other style terms. The autocratic style of leadership has been linked to the so-called scientific management methods envisioned by Frederick Taylor, who in the early part of the 20th century was influen-tial in devising a strategy of workplace behavior meant to elim-inate uncertainty and chaos in the workplace. The problem was that managers tended to leave employees out of the policy-imple-mentation equation. Supposedly, scientific management would eliminate the adversary relationship between labor and manage-ment. Instead, â€Å"science, the impartial arbiter, would decide†(Kanigel, 1996, p. 45). Yet â€Å"science†inevitably meant top-down, hierarchical management practices: â€Å"Taylor's experts and engineers did the thinking, while you were consigned to mindless doing†(Kanigel, 1996, p. 51). Laissez-faire leadership, as the term implies, fully em-powers the group members. The actual leader recedes, but the group is responsible for its decisions. One trouble with that style is that the leader also withdraws as a resource, unless the group specifically asks for help, and intragroup rivalries and compe-tition can develop that can limit group effectiveness (Lewin, Lippitt, & White, 1939). There may be no shared vision about the group's objective. One may also infer the potential for the tyranny of the majority, a term attributed to Tocque-ville in his 1839 book Democracy in America. That idea also sur-faces in democratic-style management, but a leader changes the anarchic process by guiding the group away from internal power plays and toward unified group objectives. After World War II, influential management philosophy shifted toward ideas of democratic-style leadership with the work of W. Edwards Deming, whose famous Fourteen Points of man-agement included calls for management, not labor, to assume re-sponsibility for quality and for managers to act as leaders who clearly articulated work objectives and supported labor in im-plementing them (Walton, 1986). Yet Deming's management ideas were more wide-ranging than leadership per se, and the style associated with group dynamics is the focus of this research. Democratic-style leadership is consistent with management theory that views workers, or members of the leader's group, as resources rather than as drains or something to be coped with or otherwise got over. Even where some hierarchical struc-tures are in place, communication processes are meant to travel up, down, and laterally within an organization, and management practice diffuses decision-making events â€Å"throughout the organization. Even important decisions involve input from employees at all levels†(Hamiton & Parker, 2001, p. 58). The democratizing influence of such practice implies that communication will be interactive, not simply a matter of transmission of messages (commands) from managers to employees. The implication, too, is that such communication must take place in an environment of openness, honesty, and shared confi-dence (Hamilton & Parker, 2001, p. 58), which tends to yield cooperation and productivity. Because enterprise activity is necessarily collaborative, communication effectiveness is of paramount concern. Openness for leaders involves disclosure (sharing) of information with subordinates plus the reception or feedback from them. The authors of the best-selling One Minute Manager valorize simple, direct, and honest explanation of what is expected by management of workers, together with regular follow-up and evaluation of performance, and a commitment on the part of management to both people and results (Blanchard & Johnson, 1981, p. 8). That is, the more a manager facilitates subordinates' work (p. 19), the more likely the workers as members of the leader's group are to be productive and to produce high-quality work. Leadership that focuses on facilitating rather than defining the details or methods of the work of employees starts with making clear â€Å"what our responsibilities are and what we are being held accountable for†(p. 27). Realism about goals feeds realistic work habits and attention to achievement of those goals. As leaders, managers must both permit and enable disclosure and/or feedback by group members in an environment of psycholo-gical safety (Hamilton & Parker, 2001), which is also a hallmark of democratic systems. Equally, managers must be alert to non-verbal as well as verbal cues that may supply information about a group's performance and attitude. Hamilton and Parker give the (nonverbal) example of the prestige attached to corner offices as having the potential to affect the quality of workplace morale. Time management, too, sends messages about the kind of equality associated with democracy: Being late for meetings may stigmatize employees (Hamilton & Parker, 2001, p. 160) but send the message that some people (for example, managers) who are late when others (for example, secretaries) are on time are en-titled to be so. To be effective, democratic styles of leader-ship lead by example, with leaders asking nothing of subordi-nates that they are not equipped to do themselves.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The African Roots of African American Religious Culture as Described by W.E.B. DuBois
The African Roots of African American Religious Culture as Described by W.E.B. DuBois Free Online Research Papers The roots of African American religious culture extend between Africa and the United States through the Trans-Atlantic slave trade that occurred during the sixteenth through nineteenth centuries. Religion was a reaction to the harsh conditions of slavery and an escape from the abuses of human trade. African American religious culture was an amalgamation of African and American customs, which blended in the most pragmatic fashion to accommodate the spiritual needs of the transplanted Africans. After the thirteenth amendment abolished slavery in 1865, African Americans continued with their religious practices and blacks were no longer property, but actual citizens. Being the pragmatic and dynamic force that it is, religion changed and served new purposes for African Americans. W.E.B. DuBois addressed the changes in his book The Souls of Black Folk. In it, he maintained that blacks operated on two separate levels of consciousness or a double consciousness as Africans and Americans. The Oxford English Dictionary defines this as â€Å"a condition which has been described as a double personality, showing in some measure two separate and independent trains of thought and two independent mental capabilities in the same individual†(Double consciousness). I posit tha t only way to deal with this dual state of being is through a religious identity and not through intellectual, social, or academic classifications. This research will identify DuBois’s call for a new religion to accommodate the African American state of being after Emancipation. Scholar Charles Long defies a definition for religion and determines that it is best described as a way to determine ones’ location in the world (Long 7). DuBois asserted that the sense of location was irrevocably disrupted by destroying the prospect of free human labor. Indirectly, this forced former oppressors to acknowledge blacks as a new class of people, and not property. The lack of location left slaves in a crisis of identity. People who were once considered property now had agency. Determining one’s â€Å"ultimate significance†was precarious in the midst of the economic and social upheaval. By the time DuBois wrote his essay about four decades later, former slaves continued to struggle economically and socially as policies in the South aimed against the very humanity of blacks. Changes prompted by Reconstruction left very little stability for the ex-slaves, because â€Å"Daily the Negro is coming more and more to look upon law and justice, not as protecting safeguards, but as sources of humiliation and oppression. The laws are made by men who have little interest in him; they are executed by men who have absolutely no motive for treating the black people with courtesy or consideration†(DuBois 198). Without political or financial stability, the state of the black union was precariously hanging on the opinions of bigoted Southerners who wanted to keep blacks oppressed. Nearly two millennia earlier, the Apostle Paul faced a similar predicament in reference to converting peoples whose entire state of mind had to change to accommodate a shifting world. In the Book of Acts Paul addresses a group of syncretic Greeks, who worshipped idols. Paul gave a speech about God’s presence in the Greek’s lives and the reality of creation, saying, â€Å"For in him we live and move and have our being†(Acts 17:28). Paul admonished the Greeks to rely on his god rather than the various idols that they worshipped. The god that Paul describes is a constant force that remains unchanged from creation up until the present. DuBois posed a similar argument in The Souls of Black Folk, saying â€Å"(African Americans) must perpetually discuss ‘The Negro Problem,’-must live, move, and have their being in it, and interpret all else in its light or darkness. With this come, too, peculiar problems of their inner life†¦All this must mean a time of intense ethical ferment, of religious heart-searching and intellectual unrest†(221). DuBois admonishes African Americans to acknowledge the constant in much the same way that Paul urged the Greeks in his speech to find â€Å"real†religion devoid of idols. DuBois points out a major factor in African American religious culture by recognizing the constant of split consciousness between their inherent beliefs and the European American consciousness of the ones around them. Accommodating change meant dealing with the constant of double consciousness and dealing with it. With this in mind, what does African American religious culture look like? How does it feel? How do we know when we have encountered it? A more definitive answer lies in material culture, such as arts and music. In â€Å"The Criteria of Negro Art,†which was written twenty-three years after Souls, DuBois calls on artists to define themselves and break from the constraints of Eurocentric notions of African inferiority. In some ways the ex-slaves were as if they had never left Africa in the eyes of the of their captors and oppressors. The newly emancipated nation of people would never be real Americans in the eyes of the European Americans who once enslaved them. African American religious culture is a response to the question â€Å"who am I?†Geographically displaced artists demonstrated answers to African American cultural and religious practices and embodied questions and answers in their artistic practices. Dubois’s â€Å"Criteria of Negro Art†influenced the Harlem Renaissance and such artists as Langston Hughes and Jacob Lawrence (DuBois). This period is crucial because it marks a shift when African American artists began to use double consciousness to expand on both African and American roots. Michael D. Harris pointed to a model that acknowledges the double consciousness that DuBois and his generation found so problematic (Harris 45). Harris notes further that artists, like Lawrence, made visits to Africa in order to bridge their understanding of the â€Å"African side†of their consciousness (Harris 45). Rather than advocating a rift and jettisoning the African for the American, artists then and now expand their knowledge of both sides of their consciousness. They learned canonical European practices and African practices that enriched their art in ways that created a solution to the â€Å"Negro problem.†The African roots of African American religious culture began in a hellacious state of existence. It was defined by tragedy and loss created by a slave trade that refused to acknowledge Africans as human beings. Their culture was denigrated and they were despised. DuBois in his impassioned essays urged African Americans to deny European deceptions of religion and false selfhood. The fact that DuBois places the term â€Å"Negro problem†in quotes, indicates his oxymoronic style of saying something in an ironic way by using two words to contradict each other. DuBois never considered himself a problem. Out of all of the issues of racism that existed for African Americans, DuBois notes it as a source of inspiration rather than a hindrance saying: â€Å"Such is the true and stirring stuff of which Romance is born and from this stuff come the stirrings of men who are beginning to remember that this kind of material is theirs: and this vital life of their own kind is beckoning them on†(DuBois). He never saw the state of the African American religious culture as a problem but rather a series of solutions. The Harlem Renaissance revealed solutions and they continue to unfold even now as African American artists respond to a dual consciousness by incorporating religious experiences of then and now, here and there. Bibliography Double consciousness. The Oxford English Dictionary (1989). DuBois, William Edward Burghardt. Criteria of Negro Art. The Crisis 32 (1926): 290-297. - . The Souls of Black Folk. New York: Penguin Books, 1995. Farrington, Lisa E. Creating Their Own Image: The History of African-American Women Artists. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. - . Reinventing Herself: The Black Female Nude. Womens Art Journal 24.2 (2003-2004): 15-23. Harris, Michael D. From Double Consciousness to Double Vision: The Africentric Artist. African Arts 27.2 (1994): 44-53, 94-95. Lemons, Gary L. Womanism in the Name of the Father W.E.B. DuBois and the Problematics of Race, Patriarchy, and Art. Phylon 49.3 (2001): 185-202. Long, Charles H. Religion, Discourse, and Hermeneutics: New Approaches in the Study of Religion. (n.d.): 1-26. - . Significations. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1986. Owen-Workman, Michelle A. and Stephen Bennett Phillips. Readers, Advisors, and Storefront Churches: Renee Stout a Mid-Career Retrospective. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2002. Pinder, Kymberly N. Our Father, God; Our Brother; or Are We Bastard Kin?: Images of Christ in African American Painting. African American Review 31.2 (1997): 223. Prothero, Stephen. Black Moses. Prothero, Stephen. American Jesus: How the Son of God Became a National Icon. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Girooux, 2003. 200-228. Stott, Annette. Transformative Triptychs in Multicultural America. Art Journal 57.1 (1998): 55-63. Thompson, Robert Farris. Flash of the Spirit. New York: Vintage Books, 1983. - . Illuminating Spirits: Astonishment and Powere at the National Museum of African Art. African Arts 26.4 (1993): 60-69. Research Papers on The African Roots of African American Religious Culture as Described by W.E.B. DuBois†19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoBringing Democracy to AfricaHip-Hop is ArtCapital PunishmentCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionWhere Wild and West MeetRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andQuebec and CanadaPETSTEL analysis of India
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Conjugate Traverser (to Cross) in French
How to Conjugate Traverser (to Cross) in French The French verb traverser means to cross, as in to traverse something. That makes it a little easier to remember, though youll also need to know how to conjugate the verb. A short lesson will introduce you to the basic conjugations so you can use it in French to say things like I crossed or were crossing. The Basic Conjugations of Traverser French students who have studied other verbs will recognize the conjugation patterns used for traverser. Thats because this is a regular -er verb, meaning it follows the most common pattern found in the French language. If you have studied words like penser (to think) or porter (to carry), the infinitive endings used here will look familiar. The most common conjugations are the imperative mood for the present, future, and imperfect past tenses. Using the chart, locate the correct conjugation by matching the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense for the subject. This will tell you which ending is added to the verb stem of travers-. For example, I am crossing is je traverse and we crossed is nous traversions Present Future Imperfect je traverse traverserai traversais tu traverses traverseras traversais il traverse traversera traversait nous traversons traverserons traversions vous traversez traverserez traversiez ils traversent traverseront traversaient The Present Participle of Traverser Adding an -ant ending to the stem of traverser gives you the present participle of traversant. Traverser in the Compound Past Tense The passà © composà ©Ã‚ is a compound past tense that is often used in French and you might find it easier than the imperfect. Thats because you only need to conjugate the auxiliary verb avoir into the present tense to match the subject, then attach the past participle traversà ©. The construction is rather easy. For example, I crossed is jai traversà ©Ã‚ and we crossed is nous avons traversà ©. Even though avoir is in the present tense, the past participle takes over the job of explaining that the action has already taken place. More Simple Conjugations of Traverser There are a number of other conjugations of traverser and each has a different purpose, but were going to stick with the essentials for this lesson. As you expand your vocabulary, you might want to imply that the action of crossing may or may not happen. In that case, youll use the subjunctive. If, however, the crossing wont happen unless something else does, you can use the conditional. On rare occasions, you might encounter the passà © simple or imperfect subjunctive. While theyre not essential additions to your French vocabulary, they are good to know. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je traverse traverserais traversai traversasse tu traverses traverserais traversas traversasses il traverse traverserait traversa traverst nous traversions traverserions traversmes traversassions vous traversiez traverseriez traverstes traversassiez ils traversent traverseraient traversrent traversassent Lets suppose that you need to tell someone to Cross! in an emergency or some other situation that requires a quick, short command. In these instances, you can turn to the imperative form of traverser. When using it, skip the subject pronoun and simply say, Traverse ! Imperative (tu) traverse (nous) traversons (vous) traversez
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Kangxi Emperor and the Jesuit Mission in China Essay
The Kangxi Emperor and the Jesuit Mission in China - Essay Example I helmed a treaty to insure peace between our peoples. We Chinese are masters of war but are first and foremost lords of peace and order. All things in the cosmos have an order and working. War is like a heavy stone hammer: Sometimes necessary to fix a major problem, but it usually does more damage and is only wielded by clumsy fools. I view my providence over China as a sculptor with a fine chisel: There is perfection underneath the stone; all I had to do was bring it out. What do you think of the West? It would be impolitic to say too much, even for an Emperor. The Russians are like their beloved bears: Sometimes foolish, but more often cunning. I hope that, in the future, our great peoples will cooperate more than bicker. I much liked your Jehovah's Witnesses and your Christians, but unfortunately, they ended up making trouble. Your technology is amazing. You have taken our knowledge, true, but you have advanced it. But ultimately, I believe it will all come back to China. We do n ot take anything, technology or empire, lightly: We let it stand the test of time. Maybe you will release demons you are not ready for. What would you advise for future rulers? Be frugal. In times of prosperity, your frugality secures the loyalty of merchants, nobles and important people within your empire. I personally grew the empire's wealth by three-fold. In times of austerity and hardship, your frugality allows you to be a model to your people. Confucius taught us that good behavior is caused by good models: A good father is a good model for his sons and daughters, a good emperor is a good model for his people. I once said, â€Å"Don't have too much sex when you are young...For example, I only have 300 women in my palace.†Leaders have done many unwise things for sex. Never forget the cultural. Preserving the words of sages, philosophers, mathematicians and astronomers can be ten times more important than your greatest military conquests. Your Romans fought many battles that no one will remember, but all will remember their language and technological advancement. My friend K'ang-shi. I believe honestly that your record, though not free from blemishes (and no one, not even the Jade Emperor, is free of tarnish), will be one of greatness. China was a powerful empire, and yet you did not commit it to overreach. You secured Taiwan but did not assault Korea or Japan. When the Three Feudatories Revolt began, you wisely pursued the long path rather than the short one, granting ordinary people clemency and staying away from the battlefield much as you yearned to fight. You drove back Russia but secured peace. You also acted to make China a leader. You secured a truce in Vietnam. You brought great honor to China. Perhaps you acted too quickly as regards the Christians, however. I know how it tormented you, being forced to ban these people you liked. But I think you took the short view here. The Western Pope may have condemned our rites, but that was no reaso n to sink to his level. When the Buddhists came to China, they pursued One Way, Three Paths with our Taoists and Confucians. This would have been the wiser course of action. Yet what is perhaps the most impressive about you is that you were a model Emperor.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Conflict in management,negotiation between management and union, case Assignment
Conflict in management,negotiation between management and union, case study - Assignment Example The management’s decisions to change the grading structures whereby demarcating the duties completely and then amalgamating them into a single and ‘all purpose grade’ system would not be effective after a certain point of time. Also providing the necessary training to the workers to adopt the new skills would become ineffective after a point of time. This is because adopting the new skills would necessarily be resisted by the workers as they would have gained competence in the skills they were working over the years. The availability of a generous fund for Mirenda Corporation can be regarded as a positive factor for the organization. This can be used as a tool for convincing employees about the plans of expanding operations, availing of new equipments and training employees on new skills. Also the change programs that the management was seeking to adopt would be affected by the fact whether their previously adopted changes were successful. Moreover, the higher pro ductivity from each individual worker against the salaries they were offering would be accepted only on the condition whether the previous promises were fulfilled. For example, if it is seen that the management had failed to keep their previously made promises then they would not have strong position to bargain with the union. In the Miranda Corporation, the management’s decision to not concede with the claim for compensation for past productivity was not appreciated by the union. In this regard it can be said that the management would hold a weak position if it failed to meet the unsettled claims. One of the strengths that the management had was the support of the supervisors. This could be used as a positive force while bargaining with the union. The supervisors were found to be an aged group and had little satisfaction with the workings of the unions. In fact they considered the union representatives as being opportunistic and worked in a way which was neither fair nor mea nt to bring about long term benefits to the workers or the company. Thus the management could utilize this opportunity and cater to the key interests of the members. According to the case of the Ford Company and the United Auto Workers (UAW), the negotiation between the management and the unions was primarily based on the thought of crystallizing the interests of the members. The management’s strength laid in the fact that it meant to protect the retiree benefits, ensure investments and jobs, and tried to secure greater voice of the workers in the business. So it can be said that trying to meet the interests of the workers by listening to their problems and needs would act as strength while negotiating with them. It is through serving their interests would the management be successful in earning their participation in driving through the company’s plans for the plant (Anonymous, n.d., p.3). One of the greatest threats which have been observed is the position of Spainâ €™s branch. It is believed that if the management did not incorporate radical changes in its work structures, practices, procedures and
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Rabbi Kushner Postulates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Rabbi Kushner Postulates - Essay Example According to Kushner, it can essentially therefore be perceived to be rather impossible for one to be able to effectively answer this question as attempts to try and answer it generally result in the asking of more complex questions that cause people to start doubt in God or have wavering faith (WTVI 1985). Rabbi Kushner postulates that we are probably not asking the right question as we tend to mostly concentrate on asking the question of why. Why tends to more frequently dwell on the past as opposed to trying to establish a way forward. No matter how pious one might happen to be, it is not possible to change the past and we should instead concentrate on the future. In line with this, Rabbi Kushner theorizes that the answer to a question does not necessarily have to be a response, but it can instead be in the form of an explanation. Perhaps, the answer to the question on why bad things sometimes tend to happen to good people is that there is no solution to this answer as we live in an imperfect world. Question 2: There are three key terms that Rabbi Kushner postulates as being of critical importance if one is to be able to adequately discuss the problems relating to the everyday reality of human suffering and grief and the God of the Jewish revelation. The first term is that there is a common assumption that God happens to be all powerful and absolutely nothing can ever be impossible for him to do. We think of God as being in charge of every single aspect of creation and controls everything that happens to us. The second term that Rabbi Kushner puts forth is that God’s nature is exceedingly just, kind and fair and He always gives us more than we happen to actually deserve while forever giving us the benefit of doubt by providing us with a second chance. The third term is seen to be personated by the assumption that Job was a good man since he was seen to be initially respected, healthy and extremely wealthy (Job, 614-644; WTVI 1985). It is evidently not possible for all of these three to be mutually compatible in the event that one attempts to use them in attempting to explain an encounter with a grave misfortune. This is because of the human tendency to try and shift the blame to a given individual thus disputing the third term that the individual is a good person. The other two terms can be viewed as being of a sacrilegious nature as trying to dispute them goes against all the tenets governing religion as we currently know it. Question 3: Rabbi Kushner has a unique perspective in his understanding of miracles in that he does not believe in the big miracles such as miraculously dividing the entire red sea into two or even stopping the sun at high noon. Rather, he thinks of these as being special effects. Instead, although he does believe in miracles, he chooses to believe in the small miracles such as weak people all of a sudden gaining strong characters that help them deal with situations that they would not have been able to ef fectively cope with before the change, when timid people change and portray extremely brave personalities and when the selfish change their nature and become generous. Rabbi Kushner points out that to effect such changes in people, it is imperative for one to be God as these cannot simply be achieved by camera effects as commonly happens in movies. God is the only person that can bring about exceptional qualities in individuals, qualities that these individuals did not previously happen to possess (WTVI 1985). Rabbi Kushner has
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Effect of Demand on Supply on Coffee and Sugar Prices
Effect of Demand on Supply on Coffee and Sugar Prices Table of Contents (jump to) Introduction Economic Concepts Article Analysis Title: Coffee shortage may arise due to drought, climate change, rising demand, analysts say Conclusions Reference Introduction Microeconomics deals with economic decisions at micro level. It looks at the behaviour of the individual, people and companies within the economy. Being based on the idea of the market economy in which the consumer demand is the main driver for the prices and production levels of goods and services. It is basically inclined to explain how the interested parties choose in using limited resources being made available to them. It also focuses on the drivers of making decisions and the ways in which such decisions of them affect the demand and supply of specific goods and services. For the following article also I have choosen the effect of demand on supply on prices of two commodities as coffee and sugar. Economic Concepts The study of demand and supply on price due to the climate changes, where the prices increase due to the shortage of commodities or products and supply is short and where the demand is high is being discussed in the article. Article Analysis Title: Coffee shortage may arise due to drought, climate change, rising demand, analysts say Source: The Washington Post, February 21, 2014 When we discuss about the microeconomics we mean the study of economic behaviour of individual units of economy and not aggregate economy. It is basically concerned with the individual economic choices, the effect of changes in these factors on individual decision makers, how choices are coordinated of them and how demand and prices are determined. It so deals with the economic decisions made at low or micro level. The effect of demand and supply on a product of economy is updated while going through the article updated on February 21, 2014 which is explaining how Coffee shortage has arise and its impact on demand. The article thus explains that by the time of year in February, the delicate Arabica coffee plants which are in mountains of Brazil, where from most of the coffee comes, are about to mature by this time. The fragrant flowers appear followed by cherry like fruit, which each of them containing two seeds as Arabica Coffee beans, which are most popular in the world. But coffee shortage aroused due to the worst drought occurred last month in Brazil coffee belt region, thereby destroying the crop yields and causing the price of coffee to shoot up with a percentage of more than 50 this year. Drought being historic and more than 140 cities in Brazil was forced to ration water, whereby according to some newspapers drought was so devastating that some neighborhoods of Brazil were receiving water every three days only. But according to Jack Scoville (a future market analyst) now the retail price of coffee has been stable. But their could be chances for the rise in price of Arabica beans then this year consumers would notice an increase in the prices of their coffee. Therefore this is a case of demand increase and supply shortage whereby putting an impact on the prices by increasing them. The resultant of such a drought was the rise in price per pound of coffee which was meant for delivery due in March had reached the highest point around $1.72 in 14 months. There could be global coffee deficit were assumed before drought had to arise. Therefore for the first time in three years the global market of coffee would face shortage. So the predictions for the session 2014-15 were that the coffee supplies would be lowered by 5 million bags. But according to the last years data there was so much coffee that Arabica coffee futures has fell down by 25% and according to experts the price of coffee would rose for long time period just because of people in developing markets like Brazil, China and India are acquiring a taste for coffee. Higher prices and more competition will be seen due to high quality of coffee according to a coffee buyer and sustainability manger as Kim Elena Ionescu. The developing world made coffee and the developed world had drunk it. But now the scenario has changed and the developing countries are also consuming coffee alongwith making it. More people are involved in drinking better coffee according to what is mentioned in the article. Therefore demand will continue to make a shortage in supply. But there are considerable concerns that the climate change will also hamper the supply of coffee as it had happened in Brazil due to drought. This climate change in Brazil brought drastic changes in the price of coffee with the increase in its demand and shortage in supply as people preferred coffee over tea as many don’t like tea and prefer to have coffee in morning everyday. The taste of coffee has so long lasting effect that it makes the individual addicted to coffee have coffee even at high prices. To explain the above statement concerning the increase in price,the above graph mentions that with the increase in demand of coffee the demand curve shifted to the right and the quantity demanded increased from Q1 to Q2 and price increased from P1 to P2. The Brazilian company has various thoughts on such a situation when it happened to be the worst drought as it would put the company in risk for their supply chain of Arabica coffee bean as mentioned in the article by the head of sustainability, Starbucks in 2011. As this company is the worlds renowned Company for selling coffee with high quality and variety which attracts the customers to have coffee from Starbucks store only. To explain the above statement, the above graph thus shows how coffee prices are increasing from P1 to P2 and the demand curve is shifting to right due to increasing demand of coffee, but the supply curve shifts to left showing that there is shortage of coffee. According to the article it is mentioned correctly that many people like sugar in their coffee and for them as Brazil along with being the maker of coffee is the world’s largest producer of sugar, due to such conditions of drought is forced to take action as to disrupt plans for harvesting sugar cane. So the future prices of sugar tend to be at a rise and are at high level from the past two months due to the effect of climate change. Therefore the article has made it clear the after effects of climate change as drought on the production of coffee beans and as well on production of sugar cane. This had made the worse situation for the economy as supply chain has also being effected and due to the shortage in supply and increase in demand of coffee and sugar as well had made the prices of sugar and coffee to rise. This article thus made me to realize a situation where people would suffer due to the high costs and it may affect their purchasing power as well. As people would tend to earn in such a economy as they were earning earlier but in crises situation their income would also be affected as the company would not be able to pay much but in such a situation people who have to purchase emergency goods as coffee to satisfy their needs will purchase it at high cost no matter their income allows to purchase at high prices and sugar which is the more necessary commodity is also to be purchased by them at high cost. These sorts of purchases will affect their purchasing power to purchase other commodities which are less essential but yet in their need criteria to be left out as such. This decision is taken in a microeconomic environment. Therefore the country involved in producing the Arabica beans for the production of coffee is forced to think in future aspects of the increase in price of coffee to affect its supply chain as well, to come to a optimal solution to get rid of this problem in such a situation. As more and more people are inclined towards having coffee and one who is habitual to having coffee cannot be without it as coffee is also included in a drink which creates addiction for the individuals who are in regular use of coffee. Conclusions The article has a clear analysis of the increase in price of commodity due to the increase in demand but decrease in supply. As there is shortage of supplying the coffee due to the climatic changes so the prices of the coffee are at hike and the demand is also at hike accordingly. Therefore the article is showing a clear picture of the microeconomic situation and the study of economic theory as well. The economic theory so suggests the demand and supply are the main constraints for a product or commodity and are sometimes opposite in curve and sometimes run parallel by keeping any one constraint as demand or supply as constant with changes in price. Reference Yang, J., (2014), Coffee shortage may arise due to drought, climate change, rising demand, analysts say, [Article], Available: [Accessed 7 May 2014]
Friday, October 25, 2019
History of the Apollo Program Essay -- space shuttle program apollo mi
We choose to go to the moon... "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon, and returning him, safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more important in the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult of expensive to accomplish."(John F. Kennedy - "Special Joint Session of Congress", May 25th, 1961) With just a few words John F. Kennedy launched one of the largest endeavors that America has ever embarked upon. The address given to congress in May of 1961 put America in a race against Russia to see who could make it to the moon first. This was the start of the space program in America. From it came the Mercury Project with the goal to put the first man into space. The Mercury project launched 26, rockets of which only six were manned flights. The Mercury program put the first American into space on February 20, 1962. John H. Glenn, Jr. was the first American into space. He was the first man to orbit the earth. A claim that Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space (April 12, 1961),can't make. The Russians did circle the earth in space but not in orbit. When John Glenn took off in the Mercury-Atlas 6 rocket, named Friendship 7, he made history. It was less then one year after the challenge of John F. Kennedy to place a man on the moon. The flight lasted for only 04 hours, 55 minutes and 23 seconds. Still in that short time John Glenn went around earth three times, and became an American hero. The Mercury project was finished with the launch of the Mercury-Atlas 9 rocket, named Faith 7, launched May 15,1963. Faith 7 held only one passenger, L. Gordon Cooper, Jr.. He spent 34 hours, 19 minutes, ... ...and right now final record. They also gathered 234 pounds (110.4kg) of material form the moon. There was also the performance of the trans-Earth EVA that was done by Ronald Evans it lasted 01 hour, 06 minutes. With the splash down of the Apollo XVII module our days on the moon ended. The last time that a man walked on the moon I was not born. There has not been a flight to the moon for over 30 years. I personally feel that this is a true tragedy. I have seen it written that if the Apollo program had continued to receive funding as it had in the early 70’s we would have a base on the moon. If so we would have unmanned lunar Modules to bring supplies to the moon. These may be dreams but as someone that has grown up in the space age I feel that we could achieve these dreams if we really wanted to. I hope that some day, before I am to old, we return to the moon.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mother’s Day
In most countries, Mother's Day is a recent observance derived from the holiday as it has evolved in America. When it was adopted by other countries and cultures, it was given different meanings, associated to different events (religious, historical or legendary), and celebrated in a different date or dates. Some countries already had existing celebrations honoring motherhood, and their celebrations have adopted several external characteristics from the US holiday, like giving carnations and other presents to your own mother. The extent of the celebrations varies greatly. In some countries, it is potentially offensive to one's mother not to mark Mother's Day. In others, it is a little-known festival celebrated mainly by immigrants, or covered by the media as a taste of foreign culture (compare the celebrations of Diwali in the UK and the United States). n the Roman-Catholic Church, the holiday is strongly associated with reverencing the Virgin Mary. [25] In many catholic homes, families have a special shrine devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In many Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, a special prayer service is held in honor of the Theotokos Virgin Mary. In Hindu tradition it is called â€Å"Mata Tirtha Aunshi†or â€Å"Mother Pilgrimage fortnight†, and it is celebrated in countries with Hindu population, especially in Nepal. It is celebrated on the new moon day in the month of Baisakh i. e. April/May. This holiday is based in Hindu religion and it pre-dates the creation of the Western-inspired holiday by at least a few centuries. [citation needed] Some Islamic scholars have published fatwas against dedicating a single day to honor mothers, which detracts from honoring them year round as ordered by the Quran. Mother’s Day In most countries, Mother's Day is a recent observance derived from the holiday as it has evolved in America. When it was adopted by other countries and cultures, it was given different meanings, associated to different events (religious, historical or legendary), and celebrated in a different date or dates. Some countries already had existing celebrations honoring motherhood, and their celebrations have adopted several external characteristics from the US holiday, like giving carnations and other presents to your own mother. The extent of the celebrations varies greatly. In some countries, it is potentially offensive to one's mother not to mark Mother's Day. In others, it is a little-known festival celebrated mainly by immigrants, or covered by the media as a taste of foreign culture (compare the celebrations of Diwali in the UK and the United States). n the Roman-Catholic Church, the holiday is strongly associated with reverencing the Virgin Mary. [25] In many catholic homes, families have a special shrine devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In many Eastern Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, a special prayer service is held in honor of the Theotokos Virgin Mary. In Hindu tradition it is called â€Å"Mata Tirtha Aunshi†or â€Å"Mother Pilgrimage fortnight†, and it is celebrated in countries with Hindu population, especially in Nepal. It is celebrated on the new moon day in the month of Baisakh i. e. April/May. This holiday is based in Hindu religion and it pre-dates the creation of the Western-inspired holiday by at least a few centuries. [citation needed] Some Islamic scholars have published fatwas against dedicating a single day to honor mothers, which detracts from honoring them year round as ordered by the Quran.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Comparative Religion
Judea, Islam, Hindu – these are just a few of the various religions practiced all over the world, and with these religions, come their Gods, such as Allah, who is practiced by those with Islamic belief, and Brahman, who is known by a variety of names and forms by Hindus around the globe. Each religion has their own unique practices, their own unique beliefs, but with these differences comes similarities. Those who follow the faiths of either Islamic or Hindu religions have conflicting ideas, but still, both religions have similar aspects, such as the fact that both religions are monotheistic, not to mention the practice of charity and pilgrimage to God. Though with diverse names, both Islamic and Hindu religions worship one true God, making them both monotheistic, meaning that their religions only believe in one deity. The Qur’an, which is the holy book of Islam, asserts the existence of a single and absolute God that transcends the world. Though often mistaken as a polytheistic religion, Hinduism too believes in a one true God, but believes that He comes in a variety of shapes and forms. And it is here, that the two religions diverse. Islamic followers believe in an all mighty being known as Allah, unlike the Hindus, who worship Maya, Shakti and the sorts, all of whom are different extensions of the one true God. One could see as to why Hinduism is often mistaken as a polytheistic religion. But in truth, both are monotheistic. To become closer with God – this is the ultimate goal in life when it comes to both the Islamic and Hindu religions. The difference between the two lies as to how they become closer to God. Islam’s believe that their one purpose in life is to worship God, Islam literally meaning submission, specifically to God; the Islamic are expected to worship and adore him. The Hindu’s too belief that one’s goal in life is too become as close with God as possible through the acts of positive karma, in which one is reincarnated over and over again until a follower is one with God. To be one with God is the goal for followers of both religions. To become closer with God, followers of both religions are expected to associate themselves with acts of charities and good deeds. With the Hindus, this is similar to positive karma, in which they believe that when one does a positive act, something good will happen in return, and vice versa. Those of the Islamic faith though, strongly follow the Five Pillars, in which the basis of Islamic religion is worshipped upon; Confession, Prayer, Fasting, Charity, and Pilgrimage. Both Islam’s and Hindus alike commit themselves to charity. Hindu and Islam are practiced by millions of people around the world, in all four corners of the globe. As noted earlier, both religions are monotheistic, meaning that they worship none but one true God. Islam’s and Hindu’s alike wish for pilgrimage with their God, and followers of both religions must commit themselves to charity. But in the end, despite their differences, Hindu and Islamic religions do have their similarities.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Evaluating Professional Development Training in School
Evaluating Professional Development Training in School According to P, Black and D, William, evaluation refers to a sequence of interrelated actions that have a definite purpose.1 Since education instructors are involved in several multifaceted issues, they should be assessed as professionals.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Evaluating Professional Development Training in School specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The standards of evaluating them should be developed by all the stakeholders of the school institution and their evaluation should be based on the extent to which they resolve professional issues proficiently. Since teachers are the main subjects of training, professional development has a direct impact on them. H, McMillan argues that, the main objective of professional development for teachers and other school staff involves its crucial task in the improvement of the learning process 2. For this reason, the school administrators ought to put great emphasis on t he results of professional growth on profession performance, organizational efficiency and the achievement of learners. All the professional development endeavors should always be subjected to an appropriately designed evaluation plan in analyzing their efficiency. The intricacy of changes in education necessitates that the plan is based on the use of ethnographic research. This should be done over a long period of time so as to evaluate and assess the connection between individual changes and the systematic transformation in education. Effective professional development enables the acquisition of new knowledge and expertise. P, Black and D, William asserts that, in one way or another, theres a support structure that follows teachers and other staff within the school institution school in their place of work which provides continued training or some kind of system enabling teachers/staff to continue solving problems in their working environment. 3 As a matter of fact, ineffective ev aluation systems within the school institution are exceedingly hectic, of little significance, and an obstacle to the staff drive. According to P, Black and D, William, such unproductive assessment systems are more expensive as compared to efficient ones.4Advertising Looking for report on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is because; they do not improve the performance of teachers as well as other school staff and thus rob off the learners’ achievements. For this reason, evaluation for professional development should be done in the most effective manner, failure to which it can become meaningless or intensify apprehension between teachers or school staff with their administrators and increase negative competition amongst them. In other words, ineffective evaluation methods can lead to communication breakdown within the stakeholders of a school institution as it may lead to unnecessary barriers, a nd destroy an otherwise excellent working rapport amongst the school professionals. Consequently, the need for efficient evaluation policies within a school should not be underestimated. It is the responsibility of all stakeholders in the education process to be accountable. Thus Professional development programs should be evaluated in order to determine their value in schools, to the instructors as well as the learners. For the efficiency of all professional development attempts, evaluation should be an ongoing process that is introduced in the early stages of program planning and should persist even after the completion of every development program. The stakeholders in the education sector are involved in selecting the evaluators who are given the task of evaluating all the programs. The purpose of evaluation enables the evaluators to come up with the research questions used during the evaluation process. The research questions should be formulated with the help of several stakeho lders in the development program. After determining the purpose of the evaluation, the evaluators should then plan the evaluation procedure with regards to the intended results of the school upgrading efforts. The reason for an evaluation and the usage of the evaluation outcomes are dictated by what is being evaluated. H, McMillan asserts that, in order to ensure an effective professional development program, the evaluators should ask those questions that are directed on bringing out the significance of the program in attaining development. 5 The evaluation of a professional development program has got two main objectives.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Evaluating Professional Development Training in School specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The first one is to enhance the program’s quality or transform a professional development program which is known as formative evaluation, and the second one involves comi ng up with the program’s general efficiency also known as summative evaluation. In a professional development program, formative evaluation is usually done in intervals. Here, the stakeholders are asked to give their remarks, which permit the evaluators to effectively amend the program’s quality. This form of evaluation ascertains that all the professional development programs meet the expectations and requirements of all the stakeholders. This involves a meaningful endeavor which may entail some classroom activities. On the other hand, summative evaluation is employed at the end of the whole program. Bruner, S affirms that, more often than not, the research is done at three main points; educator practices, organizational transformations and learners results 6. At the initial level of summative evaluation, the educators’ changes that result from participating in the professional development program are assessed. Here, the members are asked to point out the neces sary changes according to what they think, what they believe, and their school/classroom activities. They are supposed to describe their individual professional development and assess if the program meets their individual as well as professional objectives. S, Bruner suggests that this can be done through the use of observations, interviews, questionnaires and other self-evaluation instruments.7 The second stage of summative evaluation is where the school organization changes are assessed. According to research, organizational environment directly impacts on both initial and continued use of improvement strategies. In other words, professional development actions will influence student results in case the organizational environment presents continued support for the efforts. Positive organizational adjustments lead to successful professional development. Constructive transformation within a school institution can be achieved through the use of observations, interviews, analysis of d ocuments as well as questionnaires. To determine this form of change, evaluators should look for improved teamwork and an enhanced relationship between administrators and the instructors and the overall changes within the school environment.Advertising Looking for report on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The third phase of summative evaluation involves establishing the influence of the professional development practices on learning. This is mostly because the majority of school-upgrading attempts are projected to influence the learners’ success. Thus, evaluation is obliged to determine the efficiency of professional development with regards to students’ achievement. C, Calfee and V, Masuda affirm that, by getting comments on the instruction outcomes, teachers as well as other staff within the school institution are able to have sufficient proof on the validity of their actions on learning. 8 Teachers should employ the new practices in case they notice some positive outcomes in the learners. This notwithstanding, measurement of the effectiveness of a program should not be limited to the learners points in standardized tests. The evaluators should also consider how much the students are responsible for their individual learning and if they employ thorough research in the ir studies. Professional development assessment should also include nonacademic goals such as curbing student brutality. According to H, McMillan in this case, the pointer of efficiency should embrace valid forms of evaluation procedures such as determining the rate of dropping out of school and changes in the degree of damage to the school. 9 In general, evaluation of a professional development program is usually restricted to the stakeholders’ initial response to the content and significance as well as the efficiency of the facilitator. The most important factor of an evaluation process is the long-term influence brought by the professional development program. A follow-up evaluation should also be carried out after the instructors have implemented the necessary changes. This facilitates to assess changes within the instructional practice, in the professional environment and students’ success. C, Calfee and V, Masuda argues that, in order to reinforce the adjustments made by the stakeholders of the evaluation process, follow-up sessions and support actions should be programmed as part of the assessment course.10 In conclusion, even though professional development programs are meant to influence the students’ achievement, they characteristically have an impact on all the other participants who include; administrators, school heads counselors, as well as other staff. For it to be thorough, an evaluation program should draw its findings from all the above sources as well as from the evaluators. A comprehensive approach, which uses diverse information from multiple sources, should be embraced. Both quantitative and qualitative facts should be included in this course to provide suitable information. Precisely, this information should comprise facts based on the results from participants, organization, and learners. Moreover, the assessment outcomes should be presented in a way that is easily understood by all the participants involved in the professional development course. Comprehensible communication of the program’s outcomes should ensure that the findings are used to direct school improvement efforts and consequent professional development actions which include teacher training. Footnotes P, Black, D, Wiliam, Raising standards through classroom assessment, Phi Delta Kappan, 1998. H, McMillan, Essential assessment concepts for teachers and administrators, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Publishing Company, 2001. P, Black, D, William, pp140. P, Black, D, William, pp 146. H, McMillan, pp 26. S, Bruner, The process of education, NY: Vintage Books, 1960. S, Bruner, pp 77. C, Calfee, V, Masuda, Classroom assessment as inquiry, In G. D. Phye (Ed.) Handbook of classroom assessment, NY: Academic Press 1997. H, McMillan pp 46. C, Calfee, V, Masuda pp 36. Reference List Black, P, William, D, Raising standards through classroom assessment, Phi Delta Kappan, 1998, 139-148. Bruner, S, The process of education, NY: Vintag e Books, 1960. Calfee, C, Masuda, V, Classroom assessment as inquiry, In G. D. Phye (Ed.) Handbook of classroom assessment, NY: Academic Press 1997. McMillan, H, Essential assessment concepts for teachers and administrators, Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Publishing Company, 2001.
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